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  1. Hello everyone! I am going to place my order through http://www.shrimpfever.com/shop/category/shrimp/livestock-shrimp/caridina-shrimp-only/ shrimp fever today, and I wanted to get some feed back from you all about what I should get in order to eventually accomplish my goals! My main goal is to create a TiBee that is much more resilient than a regular CRS, and try and open keeping caridina shrimp up to the east coast of canada. Locally the only bred shrimp you can get are cherries, and occasionally blue velvet's. I want to cross these shrimp to make a more robust easier to keep caridina shrimp that is still striking to look at ! Tigers are larger making them a better choice for many aquarists who complain shrimp are too small to see. The white/red is always the most striking in a planted tank IMHO Here is the stock I want to order today to start with! 6 black TiBee shrimp, 6A/A+ CRS 4S/S+ CRS 8 Tigers and possibly 2 golden/snow white shrimp Alternatively if you think this would be better I can just get CRS and Tigers (in greater number as they are actually the cheapest!) The tibees are the more expensive of the lots, and the black tibees might not help me that much anyway. ( Just wanted to diversify the genes. I could also get 1 tangerine tiger or something) Going the other way I would likely get about: 15A/A+ CRS, 5S/S+ CRS 10 regular tigers Please let me know what you would order to get shrimp like the ones I am picturing eventually! My tank parameters are currently ph 6.8-6.9 and 75f. Do I need to adjust them? If so what is the best way to drop the PH? My tap water is about 7.2 so Ideally I could get them acclimated to higher ph, but if not I am willing to do RO/DI. ideally I want to make something looking like this:
  2. Hey guys, i have quite a few shrimp. And just looking to find out what commercially available foods are the best to use. As it seems a lot of people don't seem to like them all. Also how often are people feeding their shrimp? Thanks
  3. LaxLogic

    Blue mystery Rili Macro

    Dug out my real camera and extension tubes to get you some pictures of those random rili shrimp I am using to test the waters for my Caridina on the way! Some day I will get myself a real macro lens :( Messing with tubes, tripods, remote shutters, and needing to tweak the exposure after is just not worth it! What do you think the parentage of these shrimp was? or what even are they haha.
  4. LaxLogic

    Help IDing this shrimp!

    Hello everyone! I am new to the fourm, and returning to the hobby! I recently setup a new tank and believe it is cycled but wanted to be sure, before I put in my more expensive shrimp order so I got three of these guys to try and see how they would fair. I paid about 3 dollars each for them. The pet-store is clueless and said they are pinokio shrimp but that couldn't be farther from the truth. It is some kind of Neo, but I can't tell what exactly. My guess is perhaps a cherry got busy with a blue velvet of some kind. Otherwise this is actually a very low grade carbon rili. You be the judge!
  5. newbreed

    Tissue Culture Planting

    A bit of a late night planting frenzy!! The new tanks needed some colour so decided to get out some tissue culture plants and do some work! For the four 30cm cubes I used the following: 2 x Cups of Monte Carlo 1 x Cup of Crypt lutea 1 x Cup of Crypt lucens 1 x Cup of Bacopa monnieri 2 x Cups of Bacopa carolininia 1 x Cup of Alternanthera reineckii mini 2 x Cups of Rotala colorata 2 x Cups of Green Pennywort Full list of available plants and details can be found here: http://newbreedaquatics.com.au/planted-tanks/plants These tanks will be used for guppy strains (maybe shrimp later on!) and I want them heavily planted. Below are just some step by step images of how to use your tissue culture plants, for those of you who haven't used them before. Step 1. Select the plants you wish to use. Determine layout based on plant growth habits and how you want it to look. Step 2. Break the hermetic seal by opening the lid of your plants. Some may take a bit more work than others. Step 3. Remove all excess gel from plant roots. I used a bucket of tank water and swished them about vigorously. Some plants will come away from the gel easily, some need some more effort. Step 4. Separate your plants into planting group sizes. I prefer to plant smaller amounts per lot, spreading them over a larger area. At this stage, I also trim the roots of any plants that have really long roots. It makes them easier to plant in. Step 5. Using fine tooth tweezers (bent) hold plants by roots and push into soil until covered. Step 6. You may need to push some soil back onto roots for a neater finish. Step 7. Repeat steps 2-6 until all planting is done. Below are the four cubes. All tanks have same filtration, heaters and Shirakura Red Bee Sand substrate. The shirakura is a shrimp substrate, not a plant substrate, I wanted to test how these plants will fair in a shrimp friendly environment. Only the lights are different, so will be interesting to see how they develop. Hope this has been helpful!! ??
  6. layfishies


    Hi all,I'm relatively recent to fish and shrimp keeping. I'm a freshwater ecologist in my day job, but only got around to keeping the fish and shrimp In the last 12 months.And now I've got 4 tanks and I'm wondering if my wife will notice if I add another!I've got a 215L Aquaone 980 heavily planted (DIY CO2) community tank in our living area (pearl gourami, kribensis, ottos, hengeli raspboras, Cardinal tetras and Cory sterbai).I kitted out the walls of our garage a few years back with about 10m of floor to ceiling storage racks to keep things tidy. Only now it's being converted to a fish den. In the garage I've got 2x 2ft tanks and a 40L quarantine tank.One of the 2ft tanks is heavily planted with DIY CO2 and 22W LEDS. It's got RCS in it at the moment and some Neon Tetras. The other 2ft tank is being prepared for CRS.And finally the 40L quarantine tank currently has 5 native long arm shrimp in it (Macrobrachium australiense). But they are absolute assassins (the victims so far include 4 neon tetras, 2 barbs, and one black widow tetra) and are about to be sold off to a good home. CheersPaul
  7. OzShrimp

    Anubias Shrimp Tank

    Got my new Anubias plants today and got another 10 on the way, brought more then i need lol :S Heres a couple of photos baring in mind its not scaped and wont be until i move house in 5months or so as i dont want to have to move wet lava rock.
  8. thai3


    Hi all. I am new to this hobby and have been keeping cherries and crs for a few months now. Each species have their own tank, from 20L to 35L. They are breeding well so far and I am going to move them into 55L tanks. The new tanks were added with RO and old aquarium water, which read TDS of 120-150ppm, minimally planted, 240-litre rated sponge filter, black earth premium substrate, temperature maintain about 24-26 degree Celcius. Tank cycle was surprisingly quick with another matured external filter, almost no ammonia till date, I am guessing BEP doesn't leach ammonia like other subtrates. On day 3 after setting up, I put one feeder goldfish in each tank to ensure the water is right. After another 3 days, TDS now reads 230ppm, other parameters stay the same. The goldfish were fed only once with 2-3 pellets. I do add liquid CO2 every other day. I am trying to keep the TDS down to 150ppm for cars, they never breed for me anywhere above 180ppm. My questions are, Why TDS rose by almost 100ppm within 3 days? In terms of breeding, would cherries do fine in 200-250ppm? Managing the parameters is easy in smaller tanks but I am not ready to move them until I can manage the new tanks parameters.
  9. As promised I have a couple of photos of my shrimp to post :) I have had the Yellow Cherry Shrimp for about a week or so now, and have two berried females which is awesome. I picked up the snow white / golden bees on Wednesday, so they have not quite settled in yet but are still showing solid colour which I am happy about :) There is a few that are mostly white, but there is also a few that have a good bit of gold in them so they are a mixed bunch. But the colour is solid and most have white legs, and a couple have a hint of blue on their faces so I have solid hopes for breeding these guys more and more to get some nice white shrimp in the future :) My YCS range from juvies to adults and I have a total of 12. The golden bees/snow whites are all juvies at approx 10mm in length and I have a total of 16. So can't wait for these guys to grow up :) Here are a couple of photos (No full YCS shot just yet :( ): Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed the shots :)
  10. i have recently had the pleasure of meeting some lovely people both in person and on line who are quite new to shrimp keeping - although some have been keeping shrimp for sometime. I am both disturbed and amazed at the general lack of knowledge of basic shrimp keeping. Things like how to drip acclimatise shrimp. Doing water changes, what temperature to keep shrimp at, what substrates to use . Just the basic minimum knowledge is so lacking and once they realise they can ask me these types of questions I end up spending a lot of time with them answering their questions. I know the information is out there but perhaps it's lost in amongst all the more specific information that is harder to understand. I wonder if there is a time we could set aside here on SKF where we can answer realtime questions. Where people are able to come online and ask these questions while a couple of members are available to answer them. I understand these questions can always be asked but sometimes it can take hours or even days before someone answers. If we set aside a specific day and time that general knowledge questions can be asked and then the answer discussed and explained perhaps this would help the newer members to get answers right when they want them. We can all learn from each other's experience and discuss what works for us and what doesn't. I guess it would be like chat but on the open forum for anyone to join in. As I mentioned once people realise they can ask me basic questions I get bombarded with them. I don't mind and like to share what works for me but there must still be lots of new comers who just can't get their questions answered in an easy way to understand. Simple things like our abbreviations still confuse them and we are all guilty of talking a mile a minute using the abbreviations which just confuses the new comers more. Anyway food for thought going back to basics for very beginners may be useful - that's the sort of information a lot of people are looking for
  11. Hi all shrimp freaks, I have been convinced by Disciple to start a shrimp rack build journal.....so, here goes!!!   I was an 'ol salty for a few years, but money put the mockers on that...after a hiatus I decided to resurrect my old 900mm cube and turn it into a planted tank......I love moss, so I decided to begin some propagation of a few types, whilst on my search for moss, I came across shrimp...BANG!!!!!!......I was hooked, dunno why, just am.....I bought a small tank with some Rillis of Gumtree, now its on for young and old....so, my thinking....   Basic design:   3 tiers of 900mm x 450 x 350 tanks with 2 Divs - a total of 9 tanks.....well!!!.... more is good right??? housed on a shelf rack I built for a clients shop some years ago..!!! A sump with matrix, noodles and some filter mat. each breed bay will have a sponge filter which I have modified to turn some K1 style media(H1 or something, from Aquotix). lighting - not sure, probably some 5w cool white flood lights!! I am pretty handy, being a trade,  but do have some heavy financial constraints from the 'social secretary' so, I'm having to experiment alternative products, buying overseas and eBay, so let me know where you find the margins please boys.......     I would welcome some feed back, so, let me know your thoughts on the set up      The Twisted Fishy....  
  12. So the other day i scored some dexion pallet racking for cheap cheap. So now all my tanks in my house are being moved into my garage. It will be a long and slow process as i'm also planning a wedding and just got a new fulltime job and still working 2 casual jobs. The racking is 45cm deep and almost 3 meters long. My plan is to have a 4ft tank and my normal 2 2ft tanks on the bottom shelf then the top shelf i will have 4 2ftx18inchx18inch tanks. Hoping to get at least 2 divided but still deciding on what to do. At the moment i only have Cherries but yellow, red, red rillis and blues. I'm not dipping my toes in CRS just yet as much as i want to the garage will just get too hot in summer in Canberra. With lighting my top 4 tanks will have the Up aqua pro led Z hanging from the roof. So all up it shall cost me a bit but i will do it slowly. So this is the shelving unit Any advice at all for planning and figuring out what i need would be a real help.
  13. Does anyone know how quickly or slowly Riffle shrimp actually grow? I think it was around 2 years ago (maybe 3) that I went to Cairns and got to collect some riffle shrimp. Since then I have purchased riffle shrimp and all have been large full grown females. But my dilmeia is I still am finding small riffles in the tank. Surely they cant still be the original small riffles wild caught in Cairns, that for some reason just arent growing. The only other option I can come up with is that by some miracle the riffles are breeding in the tank. Highly unlikely I know but stranger things have happened in peoples tanks. The tank is a 4ft around 200L with lots of structure and plants, filtered by a 800L/hr HOB. I rarely actually do any plant maintence on the tank and everything is pretty much let go, hence the constant suprise of new baby corys emerging. It was only because I removed the current falling apart java fern tree and remade it with new timber that I rediscovered that I still have plenty of small approx 1-2cm riffle shrimp hiding out in the tank. Other tank inhabitants include Threadfin rainbows, Pygmy rainbows, otocinclus, Borneo Suckers and chameleon shrimp. I was also pleasantly suprised by how many chameleons where in the tank and showing lots of various patterns and colours. So do I have particularly slow growing riffle shrimp? Are they gradually breeding? Or is there some other alternative I cant think of happening.
  14. I LOVE natures natural Christmas lights, well that's what they remind me of with their bright flashing backsides and twinkling away light lime green fairy lights. If you haven't guessed I am talking about Fireflies. I adore seeing fireflies and get a real kick out of watching them actually flying and flashing,(they are surprisingly fast little flyers too) and thankfully we are now back into firefly season, so I have been able to go to a couple of local places I know where these living gems can be found. My sister used to tell me that there where fireflies in Ross Creek at Yeppoon, but that's a little far away for a quick Friday evening field trip. I know for a fact that they can be found along the Fitzroy river, but alas almost all the places you can get to are either to well lit by houses and street lights or just inaccessible. So instead one of the best places we have found that is not too far to travel is Mt Archer. Because Mt Archer is a Tourist lookout it has lights up there and now after cyclone Marcia has a lot more glow lighting it up from the city below. BUT fireflies can still be found there and if you go a short way from the lights and just stand still watching in the shadows you will see the fireflies flashing, provided you also stay out of any strong winds. So without further ado, here's some photos of the result of my night time field trip.
  15. Hi All, Have prepared a small write up regarding the requirement of trace elements for shrimps. Ulli Bauer have helped me a lot in finalizing it. Please go through the document once you have time. If any one have any valid points to add please let me know, I will add it into the document and acknowledgment will be given to you. https://shrimpytrade.wordpress.com/2015/12/10/shrimps-their-trace-elements-requirement/
  16. Hello guys, I want to build a shopping list for a nano cube shrimp tank and I kindly ask you to give me some feedback. So here it is: Tank: Aquael Shrimp Set Smart 30, Substrate: Shirakura Plants: Eleocharis parvula, Taxiphyllum barbieri, Echinodorus bleheri Also someone sugested a substrate filter. Can you help me fill the list with all the required stuff that I need. This is my first tank. Thanks in advance!
  17. I posted this in another forum topic (it was a little off track) so I thought this is worth a discussion in itself. An example, I have a 60L TB tank that runs at approximately 150TDS. If I was to take out 10-15% (9 litres) of water and change this with RO water how much salty shrimp should I use with the new RO water to maintain 150TDS in the tank. Reason I ask this is I have heard people mix salty shrimp to a TDS of 150 in the new RO water of say 9 litres and when dripping it back in they get a huge swing in TDS readings. This would obviously lead to a much higher TDS when the water change has been added and severely stress the shrimp? Do we have a guideline for how much salty shrimp you should add in to meet current tank TDS?
  18. So here is a video of what is happening i was watching them for about 20 mins and they kept going, id say over 30 mins as i didnt see the start of it, could be alot longer. Edit - 2 hours later some still going nuts lol. they are just swimming around going nuts, is this there mating dance or something? anyway after 20 mins i saw them starting to attack one, my guess is that it was a female, i saw her molt while 3 shrimp were attacking her, after that they kept picking on her abit, she looked exhausted... she kept swimming to the top of the tank and then falling back down, upside down, she did this couple of times and shrimp attacked her alittle so i though, id make them stop, so i gave them food, this seemed to help, i also decided to catch her and put her in a net at the top of the tank with a rock, so she cant get picked on, ill see if she has removed by tomorrow, im giver her a 50/50 chance of being alive. now one more thing, i can force them to do this dance, i found out when i decide to clean my filter, just having the water stop moving they start going crazy as well, here is a video of that, it is 30 mins long but just skip along and you will see but as soon as the pump goes on they kinda stop and go back to normal, so i guess its about different from the first one, since thats been going for 2 hours now... at the 15 min mark they start going crazy :P
  19. Im keen on trying tabs rather than the liquid forms of plant ferts and want to know if anyone has had success with a particular one/brand in shrimp specific tanks? From what i can gather the doses are about the same for example with flourish but i have no idea if its better or worse for the shrimp? And if i go the tabs or stick versions how much copper is too much? All fertilisers seem to have a very tiny amount like 0.001% but it would be less accurate in tab form due to the fixed size of the tab etc http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/FlourishTabs.html Any info would be great
  20. How to farm the shrimps in industrial ponds? Welcome to my page: http://www.vietlinhjsc.com
  21. The pump flow jets into the corner of the tank and bounces the flow back out across the semi-circle of pebbles which provide "hang-on" spots for the shrimp. Not surprisingly this was set up to also give maximum viewing potential for me :D Feeding (infrequently) a mix of Sera micron powder, brine shrimp nauplii, and milk paramecium that I culture as fry food (I strain out the big ones on 50µm mesh). I also drop bits of mulberry leaf into the tank every now and then. I've found reproduction to be very seasonal. In the 18 months I've had them this is only the second time I've had berried females - last time was last summer.
  22. Had a search on here, no mentioned previously, so I thought I'd post this as it may interest some. Has anyone heard of these before? http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/indeX.aspX?base=1114 They look interesting, I'm aware they're under the threatened species act but I feel a breeding program between hobbyist's could only mean good things for the species? pygmy_mt_shrimp.pdf
  23. As the title says "totally devastated" ! Over the last few days most of my shrimp have died. Now I know what it feels like and it sucks From excitement to them arriving my first ever shrimp , several becoming berried , spotting a couple of shrimplets to then seeing them dieing off I have been doing water changes of around 10 to 20 % every week. I use tap water and let it age and then add prime, superchlor, and quick atart I use an inert sand as the substate ,cholla ,and plenty of moss in the tank , no fish. I feed them Boss aquaria Shrimp Crack every 3 days Originally starting with about 25 blue gene red rillis that Disciple was so kind to send me and now about 8 are left PH is about 7 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Sorry Disciple for not looking after them , I feel pretty bad Any idea guys to what I have or not done right?
  24. Im wanting to set up my first shrimp specific tanks and need some advise and recommendations I only want to keep cherry shrimp but a fair few different colour varieties so want either a large divided tank or multiple nano tanks and ideally id like to run sponge filters all off one air pump So here are my questions: 1. Is individual nano tanks or large divided tank better? 2. If large divided- is glass or mesh better for actual dividers? 3. Whats the best options for heating for both nano and circulation of heat in a divided tank? 4. Do i need shrimp specific substrate for cherry shrimp? My tap PH is 7.8 and RCS seem fine with that in my community tank 5. Will separate sponge filters for each divided section/tank be enough filtration and oxygen or will i need something better? 6. What sort of air pump capacity will i need if im using gang valves to split? Do i go by total litres of all volume or even more than that? 7. Whats the smallest tank size i can go for a small colony- not looking to mass bread and dont have much space. 8. What are the better plants (specifically moss & small ferns etc) for low light? Id really appreciate some advice and specific product ideas if you have anything you recommend because i want to do this right and im going to take the time for due diligence- ive attached photos of some ideas i like so far
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