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  1. Green shrimp I looked at one of my green Neocaridina under the microscope, and I'm trying to determine if all green shrimp are like this... or just mine. Any insight from other green or jade shrimp keepers?
  2. Hi everyone, I have been having a slow die off of my CRS over the last few of months. I am fairly new to this so I am not sure how to deal with this. Tank: 28L Substrate: Fluval shrimp stratum (buffered to ~6.5) Current GH: 5 KH: 0 Temperature: 22 C Ammonia, nitrates, nitrites: ~0 ppm Bit of background: I started with 12 juvenile shrimp that I bought off a breeder in February this year. I started off using tap water (treated) with no problems. I got my first two berried females at the beginning of May. To this point I had had no deaths. At the beginning of June I had a couple (2) of deaths that I am still not sure the cause of. GH was low (2) at this time as I hadn't been testing for it, so that may have been the cause. Following those deaths I got some shrimp specific gh booster (saltyshrimp mineral GH+) and things seemed to recover. Berried females' eggs hatched at the beginning of June. One female became berried again in July. Now the tank was a bit overgrown at this stage so it was hard to keep tabs on the shrimp. I didn't notice any more deaths until a recent move. Before moving the tank I removed a lot of the overgrown plants. Once getting it to the new place I only saw 6 shrimp (2 females, 4 male) so it seems there were a few lost between June and August. There was one small shrimp in there as well (seems the only baby who survived). Since the move there was one death shortly after getting the tank set up. I chalked this one up to stress from the move. I haven't seen the baby shrimp since the second or so day after the move so I suspect that it has died as well. More recently I had a female die (at least I think it asa female). See the first picture below. I noticed one day that she was behaving strangely. My shrimp haven't gone up to ride the floating frogbit since the first month I had them but a few days ago I noticed one up there. I went and had a look and she was just standing there. I also noticed that she seemed to be missing her long antennae. I snapped the below photo and went to work. When I got home, she was still there in the exact same spot. A few hours later, she was on the ground lying on her side. I poked at her and it was clear she was almost dead. Once I was sure she was dead, I removed her immediately. I did a test of the water and all parameters were good except pH which was high (around 7.2). Seems my buffered substrate had run out of buffering capacity due to the use of high PH tap water. I added some fresh substrate and did a water change with RO water and the pH is back to 6.5. Water change was done over the course of the day 1 litre at a time to avoid rapid swings in parameters. My berried female was still doing well and her eggs hatched two days ago. She was active and seemed healthy the next day. Today I noticed her in the corner tipped over and not moving much. I snapped the below photo. I know the colour of the internal organs are meant to be a sign of bacterial infection, but I don't know what to really look for in a CRS. The colour in the second photo below looks odd to me. All limbs and antennae intact. EDIT: Just checked and the shrimp is dead. Anything I can do to try to determine the cause before I dispose of it? I am just at a loss at this stage. I feel like a bad shrimp keeper and I don't know what else to do. Does this look/sound like a bacterial infection to you? What can I do to fix this? Thanks for your help and let me know if you need any more info!
  3. So who's interested? I've started to do some backend stuff for this if we can get it off the ground.
  4. Hey hey hey, Hows things everyone? Ive been getting right back into shrimp in a major way now, Had a few days spare so I got around to re-sealing an old tank I had laying around and building a quick stand for it. This is being setup as a shrimp/ low tech planted mostly somewhere for all my anubias to live I have some rather large varieties now, just some lava rock as the main hardscape, then course white sand, lots of ferns etc. standard aquaone heater, and the filter I'm running is an aquaone 1050 series ii. It's quite new I got it on the cheap ages ago and it's sat there lol. The tank was already drilled through the bottom panel from an older project, so I decided to run a closed plumbing system which seems to have stopped the notorious dead spots you sometimes get in tanks bigger then 4ft. And it's working great with only a relatively small filter. Probably Going to end up being for my chameleons and or something else. Loving life right now, even though I didn't sleep and it's water change day today haha peace ✌️
  5. Hey everyone how's things? So I was on and off with shrimp the last 6 months or so while I was doing other things and getting into nano softwater fish, building tanks and saving money, now I've got a bit more free time again I just bought a ton of new tanks, equipment and shrimp in the last few months, it's all coming together now. This is what my lounge room/fish room looks like ATM lol
  6. Shrimpness

    Shrimp issue

    What is on my shrimp and how do I need to take care of this. Salt dipped them both 2 days in a row and I still see them on the shrimp. Looks like trees and they are located on left of shrimp.
  7. Hi all, haven't really been on for awhile due to life's challenges that get thrown our way from time to time but have thought I would jump on and ask for some suggestions on the following. My Mum has a bright red Betta that she adores and it's currently in a 12g that I use to keep all my shrimp in, well the Betta took care of them all and I'm in the process of making it back into a shrimp only tank with just Anubias on driftwood and Moss, so I am after some suggestions for an all in one nano set up for a Betta, I've looked on eBay and haven't found anything I really like or should I say trust that won't break as some look quite cheap and would like to buy her something decent that will do the job well, checked out the Fluval Chi but think the lighting is quite poor though, so think that's out of the question also. Anyway, if anyone could give me some suggestions it would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  8. McMerwe Farms

    Great YouTube Channel

    Hi Guys! Hope you don't see this as spam, as I am only interested in growing the hobby. Please check out my YouTube Channel and tell me what you think. I only started recently, but hopefully you guys can learn something as I have learned allot while making them. (PLEASE give me feedback on what you think?)
  9. So, I am wanting to breed my Cherry Shrimp, and I have everything down packed apart from one thing, do they really need a light? So when doing research I usually read, but I decided to watch a video on breeding cherry shrimp, I had everything correct (apart from a heater, debatable), but it said you need a light, this is a problem, because I am planing on keeping Java Moss in the tank, but Java Moss doesn't like full light 24/7, so, the guy said that male shrimp need the light to see and identify the female shrimp to be able to breed, is this true? Any info will help a lot! Thanks!
  10. Marine Life Drew

    CRS Potential issue (Help needed)

    So I recently looked at my tank and saw that one of my Crystal Red Shrimp has a weird deformity on her head. All of the other shrimp have been doing fine. I'm worried it may be the water parameters at my college in Florida. I don't know what kind Ph, Kh, or hardness I'm getting right now. I did recently see a new red crystal baby so some of them must be doing decent enough. Any ideas?
  11. Zebra

    Accu drip review

    Hello, So I've been buying a few different products lately to get everything running 100% One of which is the marine accudrip, and I have to say I'm very pleased with this product. I got sick of trying to jerry rig something every water change or top off, and cause I only really keep shrimp or they're my main focus I thought why not? Easy operation from a wheel that rolls up and down governing the water flow. Well displayed drip to monitor flow. RRP $20 - bit much but happy to pay it for what this product achieves as far as convienience goes. Only downfall is I would have liked a bit more length on the hard tubing with the "U" shape so it reaches the bottom of your bucket, but a small prices of standard airline fit over it fine- easy fix. I think anyone with anything even slightly sensitive or hardcore into this hobby would love this product and it gets a full 5 stars from me- only downfall really is the price. enjoy.
  12. Hello, So I've been buying a few different products lately to get everything running 100% One of which is the marine accudrip, and I have to say I'm very pleased with this product. I got sick of trying to jerry rig something every water change or top off, and cause I only really keep shrimp or they're my main focus I thought why not? Easy operation from a wheel that rolls up and down governing the water flow. Well displayed drip to monitor flow. RRP $20 - bit much but happy to pay it for what this product achieves as far as convienience goes. Only downfall is I would have liked a bit more length on the hard tubing with the "U" shape so it reaches the bottom of your bucket, but a small prices of standard airline fit over it fine- easy fix. I think anyone with anything even slightly sensitive or hardcore into this hobby would love this product and it gets a full 5 stars from me- only downfall really is the price. enjoy. View full article
  13. Hello, My name is Andrzej and I'm from Poland. If something is against the rules, please let me know. I will like to show you my tanks. A few of my aquariums :) Ok some information: Aquariums as you can see is 15 7 is 30x30x50 - the rest is different but mostly 35-45L Filtration Sponge: e-jet 104 or 103 and some u-jet 3 + several biological: such: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWhr-uCYX6Y Pumps have three: 2x Sera 550R and 1x Hailea ACO 9620 And now some of my shrimp: Thank You. I will try to put some new foto and film every few days. If you have any questions, ask. https://www.youtube.com/user/szopen2004
  14. Hope everyone is having a nice start to the new year. Now my otos have settled in nice and the initial brown filamentous algae and bit of staghorn I had has cleared up, I'm wondering what type of shrimp to put in this tank as it's set up as a large breeder with the shrimp safe sump I deseigned. I always like the idea of natives, They have to serve their purpose (eat algae and dead plant matter) and they must be quite nice and "desired" To start I thought chamealeons, they are just a hugely under rated cool as native shrimp. I know they aren't native haha I reaally want Sulaswesi shrimp in there, but I think the otos won't appreciate the higher kh/ph needed for Sulas unless I'm wrong? It needs to be a nice little Eco system cause in my head like 300L or so with this large tank should be enough for shrimp and small otos to just think they're chillin in a river somewhere. Hopefully the otos get comfortable enough that they breed, tricky keeping a low tds with the high tech planted tank. I lost a few to start but from what I've heard this is just common luck with the way they are caught and handled in the industry. Still sucks. The rest are loving life, Any thoughts? Cheers
  15. Hi everyone, I was wondering what fish is safe to keep in the same tank with shrimp. I have a fish tank with tetras and a red tail shark. Lately the shark has been chasing the tetras a lot and they keep staying at the top, to avoid getting closer to the shark. Do you think it is ok to move the tetras in the shrimp tank? Attached is a photo of them, the are 1 inch each. Thanks, Dimos
  16. This is a bit of a condensed version of several articles and videos below. Just wondering if there may be any additional info that may be beneficial on this journey. I have two berried females, the first one which already hatched out a handful of zoes? (didn't find hundreds of babies... only what could maybe be counted on one hand... only fish are kuhli loaches) Grabbed them last night and transferred to saltwater, this morning the female is already berried again. (can't seem to find a molt, so a little surprised there...) Second should be hatching in about two weeks, and hopefully there will be more. ~5 weeks from berried to hatch Do not need to be fed while in freshwater (at least the first 3-4 days?) Transfer to saltwater within 8 days of hatching (no acclimation required) Zoes are attracted to light Salinity between 30 and 35 ppt (1.022 to 1.026 sg) Air stone with reduced flow Temperature 68° F to 84° F? Diet Diatoms? Phytoplankton Tetraselmis Dunalliela Salina Nannochloropsis Rotifers? (zooplankton) Isochrysis sp. Tahaitian? Liquizell Golden Pearls (5-50 Microns - larger may work) Spirulina Powder (mixed with water) Mosura Shrimpton Light on for 16-24 hrs a day Morph into adults around 3-6 weeks of age Acclimate morphed babies (post larvae form) to fresh water within a few days over a period of 3 days, changing 50% of saltwater to fresh once a day - 4th day, move to freshwater Side Note: Adults survive salinity up to 17-18 ppt (for hatching in brackish water) - Adults cannot survive full concentration of marine water, eggs will not hatch in saltwater Resources; https://gabhar.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/breeding-amano/ http://aquariuminfo.org/amanoshrimp.html http://caridina.japonica.online.fr/English/Elevage.htm http://www.caridinajaponica.de/zuchtbericht.htm (German) http://www.shrimpnow.com/content.php/129-Amano-Yamato-Shrimp-Breeding (English version of above article) http://www.shrimpnow.com/content.php/288-Caridina-Japonica-breeding Video;
  17. Here is a video of my little shrimp room. Still work in progress, i have added 3 more tanks since then, fingers crossed i will have 2 full racks up and running by the end of the year.... Hope you enjoy
  18. Anyone into keeping the freshwater prawns such as Macrobrachium or marine ones?
  19. Gday SKFers Iv got a GB female that hatched her shrimplets 2 days ago and i can see them everywhere and she was hiding while hatching then today i see a fresh moult and when i see her she is half berried (compared to the first lot of eggs) so just wanted to get your opinion on whether its a problem with them not hatching or whether she has berried up literally the next day or if this is this even possible? Cheers guys any advice is appreciated
  20. I am on holiday at the moment and snuck a net, holding tank and air pump in. :) I would love to catch some rifles as I have wanted some for ages. Does anyone here know where I can find a great shrimp catching Creek or river?
  21. i want to mail some live shrimps such as blue dreams from other country, but i found some website said even having shrimps arent legal in australia, becasue australia not allowed crustaceans, because they thought it was bugs or something... below there is a link from news about illegal import shrimps to australia in 2011: http://www.news.com.au/national/taiwanese-student-jailed-for-illegally-importing-crystal-red-shrimps/story-e6frfkp9-1225996059710 is this true?
  22. Taylor

    Shrimp Deaths

    Hi All I have got an established cherry shrimp tank with 4 assassin snails, it has four air driven sponge filters and is well planted with big bits of moss and bog wood. I bought the colony about a year and half ago and all has been well lots of young. In the last month I have lost about 20 shrimp, 3 to 4 a night! I have kept up my normal 10% water change every other week no change. so today I went to 2 different aquatic centres that stock shrimp and got them to do water a test for me. Both tests came back perfect, no reason for deaths at all! what is going on? Any help would be very apriciated, the only conclusion I have come to is too much interbreeding, as I haven't added any new shrimp for a wile. Taylor
  23. Hey all I am new to the shrimp thing and am a bit confused by a few things. But first a bit about what I have and want to achieve. I am looking at keeping Crystal Reds and Blacks and as my confidence increases trying for a few different types like Hulks and Blue Bolts and maybe a selective breeding program. I have a cycled rack with 5 tanks ( 4 x 3ft and 1 x 5ft) a common sump (3ft with normal media and a 10000 l/h pump with return so pressure isn't through the roof) and sponge filters for each of the 5 tanks. It has a 300w heater but I am thinking of adding a second 200w just in case of a problem. Will this be ok for the above shrimp or stop the sump and just use the sponges? And now for my newbie questions and things I would like clarified. - Pinto's are a hybrid shrimp of tigers and bees bred for specific patterns or is there something more complicated happening? - Can you have mishlings and end up with a few different bee type shrimp after breeding. ie 2 x mishlings bred and offspring could be KK or Hulk or Panda (or any others) depending on genes? - Can you ever breed true bees from mishlings? - When doing water changes do you gravel vac the substrate or just top up water? - I was planning to have the tanks bare with mosses and plants in pots to help with cleaning will this be ok? - I am using rain water it has a 6.8 PH, 0 KH and I don't have a test kit for TDS and GH is it necessary to have these tests and will I need something to buffer the water and keep the PH lower like ADA soil? - (I have read if KH and PH are low you cannot have a high TDS????) - Can you get Crystal Blues, Greens or Oranges and what is the difference between Pandas and Crystal Black is it just a slight colour difference? Please forgive any obviously silly questions as I have searched a lot on the net and confused myself with different information. I am also wanting to minimise any deaths so have not bought any shrimp yet until I am satisfied I know enough and can achieve what I would like to. Any extra advise would be appreciated thanks for the help and if you need any more information about my setup or anything let me know sorry again if anything seems obvious. Cheers :)
  24. HelloUnderwaterWorld

    Unknown Shrimp??

    Hi, and thanks in advance for helping! Very much appreciated. Anyways, about three weeks ago I purchased this shrimp from my LFS. At the time, I guess the employee (and I) thought it was a ghost shrimp. Over the past few weeks I have realized that it's definitely not a ghost shrimp. Can anyone help me identify this shrimp?
  25. Hey there, and thanks for helping. I have a 1.5 gallon that currently has 1 ghost shrimp, 1 cherry shrimp and a solitary male guppy. The guppy leaves the shrimp alone, and the shrimp get along fine. I was wondering how many shrimp I could keep in this tank? It is filled with plants and rocks (water wisteria and 3 Marimo algae balls). The shrimp seem to enjoy it, as they swim around and clean the plants. I do water changes about every two days, not becuase my levels are high, but because I enjoy it. The tank has a filter and air pump. pH is constantly 7.8 and Tempurature is always about 70.
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