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My racks and shrimp collection


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Alvin' date=' u, and ur shrimp are my new inspiration :)

this was an epic read!! im new to this forum and just stumbled upon this thread and havnt really talked to my gf since! :p (needless to say she's not overly impressed, at me that is... not ur shrimp.. she loves ur shrimp... i showed her ur shrimp to justify why i spend sooo much time reading and looking at shrimp) :p im sure there are many who know this situation well.

u definately set the bar for what i have seen as possible. ur shrimp belong in shrimp porno mags for all to gaze and drool over. many a sticky pages im sure! ;)

those macro shots ur friend took look like the shrimp on my poster or the packaging of top end shrimp products.. simply stunning work!! u must be so proud. if i can acheive a tenth of what u have acheived i'd be stoked!

i dont envy ur power bill tho :p it must be a whopper!! not to mention the soil and media requirements... but i love the attitude.. 'go hard or go home!!'... the 'all in' approach... the 'balls n all' strategy. whatever u want to call it.. i love ur work! keep it up! ;)



Oh my.. Thanks bro shrimptan for your compliments.. Really flattering...

In shrimp keeping, it's patience to breed perfect what you have.. And of cause for me, I had the advantage of getting good quality/grade breeding pieces after breeding for awhile to enhance the current colony..

In Singapore, we have to use chiller to cool the water of our tanks, but because of the amount of tanks I am having, running an air-condition unit is more worthwhile...

Guess I am just deeply poisoned by these beautiful little fellas... And somehow 'heavily invested' in set up and shrimps.. Haha...

Thanks again bro shrimptan... I will try update soon...

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Update after a long while..

Tidy up my tank, clear up as much brown diatoms as I can in the KK tank..


Trying not to do too much in the tank or stir up the substrate.. Shrimps are all doing well.. So if nothing is wrong, don't mess around.. Haha...

Feeding time...


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As always dude' date=' looks awesome, your pics are always amazing :encouragement:[/quote']

Thanks bro squiggle, your encouragement always motivates me to work harder for better improvements..


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Thanks for the continued pics Alvin.... Very motivational....are those Mosura KK or BB in the background ?

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All good dude, thanks for the awesome pics, it pics like you that encourage me to get my new rack up & running as fast as possible :victorious:

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Thanks for the continued pics Alvin.... Very motivational....are those Mosura KK or BB in the background ?
Thanks bro BlueBolts..Those are KK Mosura.. In this tank total of 3 juveniles and 2 shrimplets at the moment.. Lucky breed out.. Haha.. More work to be done..
All good dude' date=' thanks for the awesome pics, it pics like you that encourage me to get my new rack up & running as fast as possible :victorious:[/quote']Go go go!!! All the best for your upcoming rack!!! But remember, patience works wonders in shrimp keeping.. Lots of tweaking and understanding of their needs and requirements..
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Totally agree dude, I want it all built yesterday but I want to take my time & get it perfect, thanks :encouragement:

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There has been many shifting and selective breeding going on from my CRS flowerhead tank..

Initially I placed them in only one tank but right now they are given 3 tanks to shift around.. From breeding tank, juvenile tank and mix tank...

Here are the photo from the juvenile tank.. They are growing well... Percentage of mosura and flowerhead offspring is getting higher..


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Awesome work dude, stunning looking shrimp. That's one big mamma on the left, are you sure you not feeding the whole cows? Lol :encouragement:

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Awesome work dude' date=' stunning looking shrimp. That's one big mamma on the left, are you sure you not feeding the whole cows? Lol :encouragement:[/quote']

Haha.. I have shifted that fat mama into a 'mating tank'... Right now there are 10 fat mama with 3 nice looking studs for selective breeding in there..

If they feed on cows, I won't want to keep them anymore.. Expenses too high! Hahaha.. Kidding!!

Thanks bro squiggle.. You never fails to brighten up my post... :)

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All good dude, your pics always make me smile too :encouragement:

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Sweet selective breeding project Alvin, really great work!

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Sweet selective breeding project Alvin' date=' really great work![/quote']

Thanks mate.. A lot more work to be done.. CRS flowerhead is not that tough as its just mass breed and breed.. It's the Pure Line (red/black) which is time consuming.. Lots of picking and selecting.. Choosing only the right one.. :(

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Do you have a pinto program ? Any results ?
Actually I am doing a breeding program for pinto.. But because I didn't start from CRS + Tiger shrimp' date=' so I never post about it and wait till I have some results from them..I was given 2 pairs of Tibee to play around by an overseas friend.. Till now, only manage to have 1 which looks like it..post-70-13990986155_thumb.jpg
*droool* pintos are coooooool :encouragement:
They look really nice... Haha..


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I was given 2 pairs of Tibee to play around by an overseas friend.. Till now' date=' only manage to have 1 which looks like it..


You must have some very nice friends...SKF members are a generous bunch as well...

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it just keeps getting better and better!! :)

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Thanks guys.. I will try to take that shrimp when it is in better visibility.. It's always hiding (keep thinking its a goner.. Touchwood!)

Here are the others which are Tibee only..





Hope you guys had a great weekend..





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Thanks for the pics dude, that's a great shot of the big mamma, well done dude!:encouragement: Had a great weekend, hope you did too :victorious:

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It has been a trend to keep some fancy pattern shrimps.. Well, I can't resist the temptation and tried a pair of them sometime beginning of the year.. But results only been 1 'nice' juvenile until earlier this week.. Let's hope that these little babies don't let me down...


There are still more of these little fellas around in the tank, 2 of them has stripes like the photo, a couple has 2-3 stripes across the back.. Now just have to wait and be patience about what 'they' grow up to be..

Guess patience is the key to this hobby..

Happy shrimping everyone and have a great weekend...

(Wishing all Mothers a Happy Mother's Day this Sunday too.. - including my mum, my wife, and my female mama shrimps!)

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    • jayc
      Is he new? Or did you always have greens?
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Very nice shrimp and great photography!
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Thanks, day 2 in the tank and the shrimp seem fine (not done roll call yet today), I saw 9 (got 11) yesterday and no dead bodies  so I 'assume' the other 2 were hiding somewhere. I drip acclimated them over night so they had a longer acclimate and hopefully that helped, but it is early days yet, however so far so good. I am looking forward to getting blue bolts at the end of the week but I doubt they will be as pretty as yours, but at this point I will be happy enough as long as they survive. That will be the lot this time so I am calling this tank 'bruiser tank' as it will only be mixed 'black and blue' shrimps!  I don't have any rocks this time just some small pieces of lava rock. The tests I did yesterday show KH is 0-1 (you can't test for 0 obviously) and PH was 7 on the drop test but the disc meter thing in the tank shows yellow so should be below 7 (the nearest match I think is 6.6) but all the test kits show in stages, and it can be difficult to tell when they are just different shades of the same colour. The seller of the shrimps said his tanks were PH 6.8 so we are at least closely matched. GH should go down slowly with the regular water changes/maintenance etc so hopefully the shrimp can handle it being a little high temporarily, seller had GH 5-6 (I assume 6 drops) and mine is just on 7. I am pleased with the sparser/simpler tank and the fact I can just glance over and see it when I am in my usual seat is great. I have a stick on thermometer so shouldn't have a similar disaster to before and have the heater set cooler at 21 this time, though in summer the tank will go above that most of the time. Hope everything is fine with yours!
    • beanbag
      Good luck.  I hope the Ph / KH issue is under control.  If not... Maybe use peat? Edit:  looking at a previous picture - maybe you should just remove those rocks for now
    • NoGi
      My lil emerald green. It's a lot harder taking macro shots with 15mm glass tanks.
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