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new rack


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With all the time I'm spending at home lately, My wife is sick of hearing about shrimp and tanks

So i thought I would share my ideas with people that will appreciate them lol.

I'm getting a rack built that is 1100mm long,540mm wide and three tier.

Top teir will be the 40x40x40cm planted cube with cbs and yellows, and a 2x15x18 divided in half with mishlings and pumpkin one side, crs and black cherry the other side. The planted tank won't be on the system.

Second teir is 3x18x1 divided in four.

Section 1, red rili and snow white rilli

Section 2, select bred red cherry and?

Section 3, no stock yet but want carbon rilli and Tibee

Section 4, no stock yet but want tigers and a different cherry

The bottom teir will be a sump that runs through Dacron and sponge onto bioballs in dry section with Scoria on the bottom, which will flow into.a section of k1, then a 25cm cull tank with sponge stopper and the last section will be for the 1200lph pump and heater.

If all goes to plan the rack and sump will be done this weekend, planted tank will go on top.

Any suggestions or freebies to fill the tank accepted lol.

I will also have a four foot tank in the garage running a ghetto sump for culls, but I will start a new thread for that tank.

Cheers mick

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With all the time I'm spending at home lately' date=' My wife is sick of hearing about shrimp and tanksSo i thought I would share my ideas with people that will appreciate them lol.[/quote']LOL, ahahah, made me laugh out loud. Sounds just like my wife. She is sick of me asking for more tanks as well.Good idea. You can dose CO2 and ferts without worrying about the shrimps.
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I know the c02 and ferts won't hurt the shrimp I just don't want to pull it apart to redo the soil and get it drilled.

Cheers mick

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Sounds awesome Mick!! Can't wait to see pics of it all setup!

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All I'm allowed to do now is take pics, so their will be plenty of building and setting up.

Cheers mick

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Awesome stuff dude, can't wait to see this all come together! :encouragement:

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Awesome stuff dude' date=' can't wait to see this all come together! :encouragement:[/quote']

Hopefully I will have you over next week to drop off the tank, soil and bee max.

Then only a few days and it will be ready. Already have sponge filters cycling in other tanks and with using water from the tanks it should be cycled in 3-4 days.

Cheers mick

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Too easy dude, should have the tank done in the next few days, then just have to let it set. :encouragement:

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Stand got built today using 90x35mgp10 structural pine, liquid nails and screwed.

It should hold up lol DSC_0144_zpsaq31xwbi.jpg

Sump is 2.5x1x18 cleaned and ready to goDSC_0146_zpseneubjee.jpg

It will have dacron on top of a drip tray then bio balls then ultra course sponge and finally through 9ltrs of matrix. It has room for a bag of zoelite and a bag of macropore if i feel I need to add it later, but I think it will be fine.

Cheers mick

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Tanks finished dude, just gotta get a bulkhead to use as a template for the holes! :encouragement:

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Looking a little bit AWESOME!!

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Not running what have you been doing lol hope you have it up and running soon.Think you may need the space.

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Update time. The rack has some tanks on it, nothing plumbed as yet but I needed the room lol.

The planted tank is staying and the 2ft on the middle will go next to it, the two little tanks will be fighting fish tanks again and I have a divided tank for the middle which will give me four tanks there.

I will update my shrimp pic thread as well for a look at the inhabitants.

Cheers mick DSC_0013_zpsfwavbh3o.jpg

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Brilliant mate! Coming together nicely.

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    • beanbag
      Good luck.  I hope the Ph / KH issue is under control.  If not... Maybe use peat? Edit:  looking at a previous picture - maybe you should just remove those rocks for now
    • NoGi
      My lil emerald green. It's a lot harder taking macro shots with 15mm glass tanks.
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Here is a photo of the floating plant (Azolla). Looks great! I am probably tempting fate by even mentioning this but the first shrimp arrived yesterday and went into the tank today, fingers crossed.............. Pandas and shadow Pandas, I ordered blue bolts and shadow pandas so I may be getting the blue bolts next week free as it was the sellers (ebay) error, but at this stage it is one day at a time - will these survive even. Keep your fingers crossed for me please! I have to say I am enjoying seeing them in the tank even though black isn't the easiest to see in my tank as the background is black? The parameters are a bit off, GH 7 the main one thats off, but hopefully the 24 hours slow drip will have paid off and the parameters of the sellers tanks were generally close to mine, hence I got them from them for that reason. I guess it will be a 'black and blue' tank as there is no-one selling red ones at the moment, but blue bolts are my favourite and as long as they survive, well thats a bonus on the last attempt anyway so I'll take that as a win! Maybe sometime further down the line I may get back to what I had before??? Not rushing anything this time.
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Time for another update! The PH this morning is 6 and KH 0-1 (you can't measure zero obviously). I plan to check everything tomorrow and then a water change on satuday. At the moment the TDS is 190 which should drop to 170 after a water change and then 150ish after the following/next weeks water change. Last time I checked GH it was 6, but again I will do ALL the tests tomorrow. I had to resort to using a PH/KH- product (AQUACID) to get to where these parameters are now but as the water I use has PH6, GH0 and KH0 I assume/hope I won't need to use that from here on, but will see if the parameters stay stable for the next week and have a PH alert disc in the tank which should indicate any significant change. I don't like using these sort of products as a general rule and wouldn't if there were any shrimps in situ and that product has raised the TDS at about .5TDS per drop. I may well order some blue bolts towards the end of next week (the road to the house will be closed for a month from 3rd June so it is next week or wait another 6 weeks) and see how that goes. I plan to drip acclimate them overnight this time so as to not rush that as it shouldn't get cold indoors overnight anyway this time of year. This all depends on the tank parameters staying stable for the next week (aside from the mentioned TDS adjustments with the water changes), though the GH  may drop a tiny bit with using just RO to reduce the TDS but that is fine, and even could be a bonus. I did manage to find some nice floating plant that I had before (good old ebay), and will try and get a photo of that at some point to attach, Azolla red I think it is called? Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed for now but all appears to be going well at this point! Snails seem to be doing well at least.   
    • beanbag
      That shrimp itself survived the molt just fine, but left about half dozen eggs still in the shell. I haven't measured KH in a really long time, but assume it is zero since I don't have any rocks besides a few small pieces of lava rock.  Maybe you have unwanted rocks in your tank?  My tank is the "long" style which I really like because I have a HMF on one end, and a pump outlet spout that shoots water all the way to the other end.  I have no idea how many shimp it can support because I don't really understand waste management in a tank.  Shrimp poop eventually turns into mulm, but then what?
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