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  1. Last week
  2. sdlTBfanUK

    Finally set up the 30L Shrimp Tank

    I have just done the planned weekly maintenance and 10% water change and everything 'seems' to be going very well, I saw 12 blue and 9 panda shrimps so am very happy about that as there are always some hiding (and they are small) so there must be more than that at this point. Early days yet (especially with the off parameters) with the blues only been in the tank for a week and the pandas for 2 weeks. Not seen any dead ones yet and the shrimp seem happy enough and beautiful colour and pattern, all small so must be young! Parameters were TDS 159, GH 7-8, KH 1-2, PH 7 yesterday so still a bit off the usual ideal! Hopefully these figures come down slowly in time, I used pure RO water for the water change so Tds should drop 10. I will get a different PH test kit with a narrower range/increments as the one I have measures in .5 increments over a wide range which is probably a bit much. I bought these shrimp because the sellers parameters (PH 6.8) were the closest to mine so hopefully it will work out long term. I changed my zerowater filter as well, as the old one was measuring TDS 6 so passed its best. I will definitely overnight drip acclimate shrimp in the future, not that I plan any more in the forseeable future. I will add/edit photo when available, hopefully later today.
  3. Earlier
  4. NoGi

    Hall of Fame members

    Thanks team. This was my final design and print. No more shrimp being sucked up into the 407 now.
  5. beanbag

    Shrimp molting before eggs are hatched

    That shrimp itself survived the molt just fine, but left about half dozen eggs still in the shell. I haven't measured KH in a really long time, but assume it is zero since I don't have any rocks besides a few small pieces of lava rock. Maybe you have unwanted rocks in your tank? My tank is the "long" style which I really like because I have a HMF on one end, and a pump outlet spout that shoots water all the way to the other end. I have no idea how many shimp it can support because I don't really understand waste management in a tank. Shrimp poop eventually turns into mulm, but then what?
  6. sdlTBfanUK


    As at time of this post the SL Aqua is available from this UK website, https://gbeeshrimp.co.uk/product/z1/
  7. sdlTBfanUK

    Hydra & Planaria shrimp safe removal.

    Just in case someone may be looking for the SL Aqua it is available from this UK website at time of this post, https://gbeeshrimp.co.uk/product/z1/
  8. Alright, I've done a bit more research on gentian violet's cancer-causing potential but I haven't yet done research on malachite green's to compare. But from reading the California propositon 65 document about GV (North Americans incl. some Canadians will recognize this as the law that causes some products they buy to be labelled with "known to the state of California to cause cancer", including the exact product I bought) it seems that the risk of cancer is related to internal use, either injection or ingestion. Speaking of ingestion, I think GV bans mainly relate to its use in treating fish/shrimp/etc. which are intended for human consumption, because of the above. And in countries where GV isn't banned for this purpose, it does seem to get used on various species of shrimp without causing any issue for the shrimp themselves (at least enough so for shrimp farming purposes). See the following: In February, the FDA Began Rejecting Imported Shrimp for Gentian Violet and Chloramphenicol (2022 article by Southern Shrimp Alliance) FDA Starts New Calendar Year by Refusing Antibiotic-Contaminated Shrimp from Three BAP-Certified Indian Processors and Adding a BAP-Certified Vietnamese Processor to Import Alert (2024 article by Southern Shrimp Alliance) Southern Shrimp Alliance and some other organizations have tons of other articles in this vein, but I'd be here for a while and would end up writing an absolutely massive post if I were to link every instance I found of articles mentioning shrimp shipments with gentian violet and/or leucogentian violet registering as contaminants. That being said, I know shrimp farmed for consumption and dwarf shrimp are often somewhat distantly related (in fact, the one time a shrimp's species name is listed that I can see, it's the prawn sp. Macrobrachium rosenbergii, who at best occupies the same infraorder as Neocaridina davidi but nothing nearer), but this at least gives a slightly better way of guessing whether it will be safe for aquarium dwarf shrimp or not than my bladder snail anecdote from the OP.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58BrDSEY8KE
  10. beanbag

    Good video by Chris Lukhaup!

    One interesting thing he mentioned was "Bacteria pressure", which I guess just means number of bacteria around. Yet I see all these other videos from shrimpkeepers bragging about how much bacteria their filtering system holds. Also interesting is no mention of using anti-biotics to treat bacterial infection. I think that has fallen out of favor recently.
  11. I believe these to be very rare in Australia so you may even consider making it a longer term plan and produce your own by starting with the best CRS you can get as that is where the pure lines started! Depends how patient and interested in the project you are, but would save money as well? If I recall correctly it takes from 8 generations of selective breeding? They sell them at micro aquatic shop but do not ship to Western Australia, but that means they are available in Australia. https://microaquaticshop.com.au/products/pure-red-line-grade-ss-shrimp Good luck and just maybe smeone on here may point you in the right direction or be able to supply you with some.
  12. Yes it’s super accurate to position where I want now and stay there- I am satisfied. All the fish and shrimpers are doing excellent! Coming up on 4 years running!
  13. Update to say that after a few gravel vacs, front wall scrub, moss / floating plant trim, that the condition seems to have improved. My current theory is that it is due to waste / debris management, where "stuff" like that brown mulm accumulates in the substrate and behind the HMF filters. Maybe some tanks can somehow deal with it, but mine can't. Also another experienced shrimper suggested that maybe those "shell bugs" don't just live on the shrimps but also in this debris. Maybe this is the reason some tanks fail due to "old tank syndrome" where all they need is a good gravel vac? Also, I am guessing that plant trim helps too because now more of the nutrients and light go into growing algae instead of more plants? Well anyway for this tank I will try weekly water change and monthly gravel vac / plant trim. For my next tank, I'm thinking of something like an under-gravel system where this mulm can fall down and I vac it out.
  14. jayc

    Help with PRL Genetics

    If that is the offspring, then the parents are unlikely to be PRL. I tend to agree with you. There are very few PRLs in Australia. And any that claim to be needs to show proof. PRL genes have to start as PRL. CRS that breed true after x generations doesn't turn it into a PRL. Neither can a Taiwan bee shrimp turn into a PRL despite how ever many generations. I've never seen a PRL with that sort of red colour. I have on Red Wines and Red Shadows - Taiwan bee shrimps. So somewhere down the line one of your shrimp might have been mixed with Taiwan bees and is no longer PRL. It just tanks one shrimp to mess up the genes of a whole colony.
  15. sdlTBfanUK

    Identify illness

    Thanks for taking the time to do the update and photo. Very pleased to hear it is now going so well. Different plants have different requirements so you need to check they will thrive/survive with the setup, light requirement/co2 etc or just get more of what you have, there are various Anubias if you want some variety. The number of shrimp shouldn't affect what plants do well! Maybe just get one plant at 6 month intervals and have another go, things change in time and you don't need many in a small tank, and the ones you already have will grow over time as well. Good to hear you got rid of the scuds, I did the same, manual removal when I had them, but I caught it quite quickly and only had substrate in the tank!
  16. sdlTBfanUK

    Bottled bacteria?

    Those are good clear photos and pretty shrimp. I am not very up to date with the newer patterns but those don't fully look like a pattern I recognise. The first one could be a low grade boa and the metallic colour is fantastic and the second photo I don't really know what you would say that is, but they are great and it is much nicer to have a variety rather than a tank full of all looking the same, unless you are doing some form of breeding programme for a specific grade or competition etc.
  17. Subtlefly

    72 litre 90 F shallow build

    Science fish has the water results 25/11/23 PH 7.4 Ammonia 0.0 Nitrite 0.0 Nitrate 10 ppm Hardness 70 Carb Hardness 3 Thanks all and have a great day
  18. Those are some great shrimp and the tank look awesome! The tiger shrimp are between neocaridina and caridina when it come to ease and toughness. They should be fine in the neocaridina tank until you are ready to transfer them to their new home. You may need to drip acclimate them when transferring them if the water parameters of the 2 tanks are different and I would just transfer a couple to start just to check as it hasn't been running for long. Also make sure you have finished with the additives/chemicals (especially ammonia) you are using before adding any shrimps, apart from bacter ae which is ok as I use regularly anyway and the tank is set up and running as it will be regularly, light time etc.. Being a small tank anyway you don't want to risk throwing the balance out by adding too many shrimps in one go at the very start. You may want to decide on one or other of the filters as you don't need 2 and are making extra work for yourself, but if you decide to remove 1, leave the sponge in the tank for a few weeks for the bacteria balance not to crash etc. From the way you have set it up the tank probably is cycled but there won't be much for the shrimp to graze on yet (another good reason to just do a couple for now). Be very cautious about using plant fertilizers, I know you don't have soil substrate, but I would try NO ferts from the start as the shrimp waste etc will be a source of fert. If you later find you do need fertilizer then be VERY cautious and use as little as you can get away with, but I suspect you snouldn't need any when you have the tank with enough shrimps in it. Aside from that you don't want the plants to grow quickly anyway in a small aquarium as that just makes a lot more work and disturbance. When dosing bacter ae (or any powder, inc food) I use a wood matchstick or similar, dip that quickly half a cm or cm in the water, then put it into the bacter ae, shake excess off and then swirl the matchstick in the tank, this way you don't get too much in the tank and it gets spread around more, and is just the easiest way all round. I would add 2 or 3 shrimps and if all goes ok for a week then transfer the remainder? Maybe do a 50%+ water change first because of all the stuff you have been using to get everything started? Good luck and i'll keep my fingers crossed!
  19. jayc

    Tiny bugs inside shrimp molt shell

    @beanbag, Anything that is likely shrimp safe is probably not going to harm these "Shell bugs" either. Have you tried anything that is not safe for shrimps, but in super low doses? That might kill the shell bugs but not the shrimp. Here are some meds, USE WITH CAUTION and only in a hospital tank for experimentation of this specific case, namely, to find something that will kill "Shell Bugs". Trichlorfon/Dylox is useful for treatment of: Hydra, Lernia (Anchor Worms), Parasitic Copepods, Monodigenetic and Digenetic Flukes, Fish Lice (Argulus), Leeches. Malachite Green - has some use in controlling protozoan parasites. Might work in this case too. Formalin - targets similar parasites like MG above. Often used in combination with MG. Copper sulfate products - like Cupramine. For treatment of freshwater and marine ich (Cryptocaryon), Oodinium, external parasites, fungus, shimmy, and even algae (especially in ponds). Kordon's Fish Therapy Bath - use of citrus oils (oils include citrus, neem, and lavender oils) to treat termites, fleas, etc. Lavender Oil also has repellent abilities. Neem oil is reported to be effective as an insecticide as well as some anti-inflammation properties, anti-fungal and limited anti-bacterial. A lot of meds target bacterial symptoms, so I have avoided listing them above. Good luck, and remember - Don't treat the main tank with this. Only use these meds in a hospital tank.
  20. Everything is going well so far. Tank was scrubbed down with hydrogen peroxide 3% and then rinse throughly with a house . Filters were left in tap water for several hours Tank is currently cycling since the 1st . I'm shower all 3 ammonia/Nitrites and Nitrates which is confusing as its only been cycling a week and a bit . I'm looking tonget wome galaxy fishbones this time as I have seen them in person and are really interesting . Same parameters as caridina and there is a breeder near me .
  21. jayc

    Cycling a new tank

    How many hours is your light on for? 6 hours is probably enough especially if you say you have an upgraded light. KH can drop, as my fellow Moderator has said, from plant substrates. But KH can also drop as a natural process of plant utilising bicarbonates as it's carbon source.
  22. sdlTBfanUK

    PH for CRS

    Welcome to the forum, I hoe you find all the information you want and enjoy your time on here! Ph 6.2 for CRS is perfect. When you get the shrimp you should acclimate them slowly, using a drip method is usual/advised.
  23. It does take a lot of dedication to raise the baby betta . I do think the Betta eat the baby shrimp although I watch my boy and the shrimp are too fast for him. maybe it’s his very long fins. I notice he takes his time to zero in on the mosquito larvae plus the shrimp in his tank are a bit skittish - in my other tanks the shrimp won’t even get out of my way when I’m cleaning their tank but the neos flee the minute I start cleaning- I only get their feeding dish out to to clean left over food or to clean their filters -the caridinas seem much quieter in general. 🙂
  24. sdlTBfanUK

    Help! What happened to my shrimp?

    Welcome to the forum and hopefully you will enjoy your time here! The KH (1) is way too low if these are red cherry shrimp so it may have been a molt issue, I see GH is 8. The second picture does look like the shrimp is swollen and trying to burst out of its shell. How many shrimp have you got? How many have died? How long have you had them? Are those 2 photos of the same shrimp? As much information you can give will be helpful! In the meantime you may want to go through the below thread;
  25. Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time on here! I have bought shrimp off ebay in the past and they do usually add a couple as they expect a few to die from the transport ordeal. Sexing them is quite difficult until they are sexually mature, so it will depend upon how old they are? Hopefully the female with eggs is carrying fertilised eggs as that will boost your colony soon. The second picture with the lovely colour is probably a female (I think the second shell looks round). There is a bit too much reflection on the glass to even give the first picture any reliable 'guess', but it could be a male if it is of adult size, I can't see a 'saddle' or the circular shell on the side either, but that may be due to the reflection! Try watching this video as it may help you decide, IF the shrimp are old enough, as younger shrimp look the same so you cannot tell. Cherry (neocaridina) shrimp reach maturity at around 3-4 months so you shouldn't have to wait very long if they are too young to tell at the moment? Hopefully the egg laden female will have shrimplets soon, the eggs start very yellow (yolk, with a black dot if you can see it will be the eye) and should turn grey as the yolk is used up and that is usually how you can tell whether the shrimplets will hatch soon?
  26. sdlTBfanUK

    gh/tds question

    GH6 would be 107.4 and the GH only shows as complete numbers, etc so it isn't going to be that accurate that you are likely to get both numbers dead on. There may also be something, limestone or other etc that is releasing some GH? What have you got in the tank? This seems quite likely as 23/7/23 you had GH6 in the tank so it looks like it has risen? If you can mix the water to tds 95-100, GH5 as you mentioned before and do 50% water change slowly (dripper) and carefully that should bring the figures to GH6 and tds 100ish in theory. That will get the numbers closer to perfect and aligned and should help.
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