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Jayc's New 3ft tank


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Too easy, just there's plenty of DIY videos on FaceTube, they are pretty simple. Also, AOA has a very effective one that's pretty cheap & just connects to your canister or hang on filter. :D

I love the LEDs for the background, should have got the ones you can change colour so you can change to orange & have it look like an amazing sunset! :thumbsu:

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Too easy, just there's plenty of DIY videos on FaceTube, they are pretty simple. Also, AOA has a very effective one that's pretty cheap & just connects to your canister or hang on filter. :D

I love the LEDs for the background, should have got the ones you can change colour so you can change to orange & have it look like an amazing sunset! :thumbsu:

thanks mate, i'll check the tube for dyi skimmers.


And I did get the multicolour LEDs. That last photo is a purple colour, while the earlier ones were white. You can also see the colour changer controller on the table  :thumbsu:


i'll show another colour, when i post a DYI of the background.

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thanks mate, i'll check the tube for dyi skimmers.


And I did get the multicolour LEDs. That last photo is a purple colour, while the earlier ones were white. You can also see the colour changer controller on the table  :thumbsu:


i'll show another colour, when i post a DYI of the background.

Hahaha, so it is, I was so distracted by the stunning scape & I wasn't looking at the table, lol. :lol:

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Creating your own DIY background.

It's a combination of LED lights, and painted cardboard.


Start with cardboard sheets, I purchased it from art supply shops or they can also be found in most $2 shops in the art supply section.

You can choose white cardboard, but I chose sky blue, to simulate the sky.


The cardboard, is trimmed to the sized of the tank. Join several pieces together if needed.


It's then as simple as painting, or rather blotting white paint onto the blue cardboard.

I used white watercolour blotted onto the cardboard for the cloud effect. I find watercolour gave the best cloud like effects.

You'll notice it's not perfect, and it doesn't have to be perfect. That's the beauty of it.




The next is the lighting.

It's just a simple LED strip of light placed at the back of the tank.



It's your preference in the type of LEDs you get, and how many strips you use. I used 5050 LEDs, and double strips for that extra brightness.




Now, it's just a matter of placing your cardboard at the back of the tank like so...



Notice, the LED lights are in between the board and tank.




Here's what it looks like with different coloured effects.



Please excuse my DIY surface skimmer in these next shots. Yes, it ruins the look, but be assured, it's only temporary while the tank is cycling.


After a bush fire...




Tropical waters ...




A simple white sheet of cardboard is also very effective.

Here is an example of a plain white background with the LED lights, on a small section of the tank. I need to show you a better pic of the full tank with a white background and lights.





If you find the cardboard too thin and does not sit up straight, you can always glue it to a thick piece of board.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Told you it was simple. But then again the simple things are always the best.

Edited by jayc
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  • HOF Member

Awesome JayC love the effect. Your tank looks great well done!

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That is very simple and VERY affective man it looks mint :)

Edited by Ronskitz
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*looks whoops my bad haha but i cant edit my post something to do with my parameters are incorrect?

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Most awesome shrimp tank ever, I can't wait to try the led background.

Are the led from eBay?

Cheers mick

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Yes these LEDs are from Ebay. Your choice really.

I got myself a 5m roll, and some LED strip joiners (4pin male) and just connect them up where ever I need it.


I believe Aldi were selling LED lights as well for $49, last week. You might be lucky and still find them for sale.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just discovered the most amazing thing ever.


I transferred over a tile of peacock moss from my planted fish tank into this new tank.

With the idea of previewing what it would look like with plants and to help with the cycling.


That was 1 week ago.


Just 15 minutes ago, I discovered 1 baby fish in the new tank!!!   :animated_fish_swimming:

It's a Killiefish - fundulopanchax gardneri n'sukka, from my main fishtank.

Must have come across on the moss as an egg, and just hatched recently.


What a survivor. 


It gets to stay for a while until it's big enough to be move. It's earned it.


Guess the tank is cycled. 

Edited by jayc
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Wow dude, tough little bugger, definitely earned the luxury of the big tank to itself for a while, lol. :thumbsu:

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I love seeing threads like this. I am now feeling inspired. :jig:



 But the husband will probably say no to another tank in the house :thumbsd:


(he wisely doesn't look at all the tanks in the room under the garage. )

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Haha, I know what you mean. It's taken me many years of convincing and persistent pestering to get the okay for this tank.

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I was wrong!


Found another two killie fry!!

So that's at least 3 that I can see.  :animated_fish_swimming:  :animated_fish_swimming:  :animated_fish_swimming:

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  • 2 months later...

Looks awesome.


Do you have any new pics?

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No significant changes yet. 

I'm trying to find a central piece that will be the focal point of the tank.

But of course, that's a difficult task, what with the limited time I have. 


That and I discovered another 2 killie fish fry in the tank !!!

That makes at least 4 now, that have some how hitched a ride on some plants from my existing planted fish tank.


And I have dozens of choc cherry shrimplets in the tank.


All severely limiting what I can do with scaping.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

@buck@opqfrt, @Disciple

Well, the update is that I am tearing down the tank for an update and re-scape.

I'm going to go down the Keep It Shrimply Simple (K.I.S.S.) route this time around.

I'm in the process of catching all the shrimp out, and will drain the tank this weekend to give it a good cleaning.

Substrate is going to be replaced with Cal Labs Black Earth premium.

I have also decided to build myself a new modern tank cabinet.

Edited by jayc
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Thanks for the update @jayc

Good luck with the new scape and modern cabinet.

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    • sdlTBfanUK
      I have just done the planned weekly maintenance and 10% water change and everything 'seems' to be going very well, I saw 12 blue and 9 panda shrimps so am very happy about that as there are always some hiding (and they are small) so there must be more than that at this point. Early days yet (especially with the off parameters) with the blues only been in the tank for a week and the pandas for 2 weeks. Not seen any dead ones yet and the shrimp seem happy enough and beautiful colour and pattern, all small so must be young! Parameters were TDS 159, GH 7-8, KH 1-2, PH 7 yesterday so still a bit off the usual ideal! Hopefully these figures come down slowly in time, I used pure RO water for the water change so Tds should drop 10. I will get a different PH test kit with a narrower range/increments as the one I have measures in .5 increments over a wide range which is probably a bit much. I bought these shrimp because the sellers parameters (PH 6.8) were the closest to mine so hopefully it will work out long term. I changed my zerowater filter as well, as the old one was measuring TDS 6 so passed its best. I will definitely overnight drip acclimate shrimp in the future, not that I plan any more in the forseeable future. I will add/edit photo when available, hopefully later today.
    • sdlTBfanUK
      All done now, I drip acclimated 11 blue bolts and 6 blue steel overnight and they are now in the tank so now is just wait and see if this works. 28 shrimps have now been put in and I have yet to SEE a dead one so fingers crossed! A couple of pictures of some below; I don't plan on buying any more shrimp so plan this to be a blue shrimp tank, though if it doesn't work out I have seen some female bettas I would like, but hopefully the shrimps will work out. The water parameters are still the same as before, so a bit off! I need to sort out what foods and shrimp stuff I have in the drawers and cupboard tomorrow as it's been a while, hopefully I find a shrimp lolly so I can give them one/part of those tomorrow, and it may bring as many of the shrimps out as possible.  Fingers crossed everyone...........  
    • NoGi
    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
    • NoGi
      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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