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New tanks


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hi all, decided to make a journal post to keep everything in the one place and update as needed, finally went out today and got a nice stand for our new breeding tanks, ducked into the local Clark rubber and got some foam for the underside of the tanks and came home to start setting things up. Still undecided as to what stock these will have but most likely either CRS/CBS for starters then hopefully some mishlings and high end TB's after we've learnt enough! Our new RO machine is getting put to the limit today and tested so it'll be awhile before we show full tank pics;

We're using Mr Aquarium shrimp substrate, read a fair bit about it and seems to be a good product, will be keeping these tanks quite simple with sponge filters and just generic heaters (Not that we'll need them at this time of year)




More pics to come as we finish filling and get everything else soughted out


P.S: Think it's safe to say my brother inlaw and i have got a serious case of MTS, will be getting another pair of 2 foot tanks to replace my single 4 footer (scratched and old) thats currently in the dining room with my breeding cherries in it.

Will hopefully use the old 4 footer as a bit of a mixed cherry breeding set up later on.

All in time though




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All full and cycling away, need to throw some heaters in and then the wait begins, Ph is settled already at around 6.4 which we're happy with. The hang on will obviously not be there in the future as it's just being used for some good bacteria :)

Nice and clear:



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  • HOF Member

Looks great, now the wait but shouldn't be too long . Will look awesome once the shrimp go in:D

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Cheers guys! thinking at this stage about having CRS in one and CBS in the other as not to keen on washing colours out etc, would love to try and get some nice bright whites and reds. Got 2 more custom tanks being made at the moment to sit on my 4 foot stand in the dining room that will most likely be Mischling tanks down the track

Can't wait :)

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The tanks are looking great!! New shrimp soon!!!

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