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MRguppy tank photos


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here is the update of my tank are know if you can notice but my soil have some red and white rock in it could that by the reason why my tank has to much ammonia and it did not cycle ?





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Looks very cool dude! :encouragement: I have the same small amounts of other coloured substrate & I don't think it caused the slow cycle as mine cycled quite fast. I have a feeling mine cycled so fast because I used Bee Max under my substrate. :victorious:

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hey squiggle what am thinking to do is go to bunnings and buy a aquapro pond canister it should do the same thing i will just put some matrix in it and pridigy and some ceramic bio balls

other then that are know what to do

and am seriously thinking in buying 2 separate tanks and thats it with internal filter divided

and see what happen but am running out of ideas.

what about if i take the gold fish out ?

can i put beemax now? will that help with the benabachi balls? to take the ammonia and all the rest?

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The goldfish are definitely creating a large amount of waste & it will take ages for the cycle to catch up with the waste being produced. Adding bee max & Benibachi balls will help but it will still take time. :victorious:

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I'd suggest taking the goldfish out(they produce a lot of ammonia) and getting some fast growing floating plant (like hornwort). Then try to ignore the tank for a couple of weeks.

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