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My DIY shrimp tank


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Hi guys well here i am starting to get my tank ready for shrimps just build it today and is fully sealed 1 or 2 more days and i will test it with water and see what happens, just got couple questions for you guys and see what do you recomend.

here is the diy tank









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So what are the ciggies and lighter used for? Is it to add that special scent needed for successful breeding? (relieves stress for the shrimp)

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XD yeah just gives that special moment LOL.

did it with LOve :P

now as a filter i dpont have another canister the only thing i got is this

am sorry guys if am not able to put any link of any website please mod or dean remove if necessary and sorry again

can anyone tell me what are the things and brands that i need to set up my tank

i have heater, airpump, and that filter

can u guys direct me where to go or if anyone have them ?


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Thought so...Anyways good luck, looking as if it is nicely done, my only concern is ain't it a bit too small? You will need to make a few more then!

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You'll definitely need more of them, lol. First thing you are definitely going to need to do is decide what shrimp you're going to keep, then we can help you with the stuff you'll need to fill the tank :victorious:

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everyone is telling me to do cherrys now and when i get use to it upgrade and go to the next lvl

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everyone is telling me to do cherrys now and when i get use to it upgrade and go to the next lvl

That's correct mate, as many of us did, follow the steps of Cherry, Crystal, Tiger/taiwan bees, do not rush as that will only cost you lost dollars (like me). Read and research as much as you can, gain the knowledge/experience and you will be a shrimp master before you know it!

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Cherries a good starting point for sure. Great work on the tank.

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What water are you going to use? RO, rain or tap water? Cherries are the best shrimp to start with & any substrate wi work, but if your planning on getting something like crystals next you'd probably be better off getting Benibachi black from Dean at Boss Aquaria so you won't have to change later on


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RO? whats that?

am going to use tap water but i will filter it 2 times

witch benabiche bag should i get?

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Most people get normal & cover it with powder. RO water means it's filtered using a Reverse Osmosis filter, it takes everything out of the water, then you remineralise the water back to the correct TDS(Total Dissolved Solids) or EC(Electronic Conductivity) with SaltyShrimp minerals, also from Dean :encouragement:


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i have no idea guys what do you mean but if you can tell me steps by steps and what to put in the tank i do it and i want to know if the filter i have will be good i i need a hang filter or do i need to buy a canister?

i just sold my red glow red tetras and glass cat fish just need fancy tail guppys out and the black window neons and thats it the 3,5 ft tank will be free, if anyone know of some one who want fancy tail guppys please give me a shout as for the bigger tank i have canister and i can use 1 canister for both divisions

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Most people just use a couple of air powered sponge filters, a canister or a hang on filter will work very well too but you'll have to get something for the inlet so you don't suck any shrimplets up. I suggest you get a TDS pen soon as it's a very important parameter when keeping shrimp, they are pretty cheap on fleabay. They measure how much dissolved minerals etc are in the water, EC pretty much does the same thing. Benibachi soil is the best for shrimp, it buffs the water to a low PH, you'll only want a thin layer compared to the harder to keep shrimp, probably about 3-5cm. :encouragement:

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