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my nano wood iwagumi tank for shrimps:D


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hey everyone today i decided to show you all my shrimp tank:D

i went to a fish shop about a month ago and picked up a tank, a mr.aqua 45cm tank which cost me $90 i didnt know if i was a good price but i bought it anyways lol,i also picked up a bag of benibachi soil.

here is a picture with the soil in the tank:


then i went on to trying to scape the tank at first it looked like this:


then i was like no this scape isnt nice so i pulled out all the plants and the wood and tried again and then i changed the scape to a wood iwagumi type tank and it looked like this:


the pieces of wood i had were too small so i went out and bought some larger pieces :D then i rescaped:

and it looked like this


then i put in the water slowly and in a couple of hours the tank was clear and the final product looked like this it is pretty good for my first attempt at aquascaping and i thought it was pretty good :D btw i dont even know why there is a diffuser in the tank i dont even run co2 lol :D

the equipment i used is:

eheim filter 2213 cost- $100

lighting is a 2ft 2 tube light-$60

the tank- $90

the soil- $50

the stainless steel mesh intake- $12

the bowl for the shrimp to eat in- $5

the plants-$30

in total the tank cost me $347

and atm the tank is looking like this:


and a side view:


and there you go i will keep you all updated on the tank as it goes on :D

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Very nice setup will look sweet once the plants have grown abit.

May i ask were you bought your tank form?


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