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Let the breeding begin


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  • HOF Member

My drought is over today I found a berried Tibee in my shrimp room and at least 6 CRS in my large tank. Every winter my shrimp stop breeding- well the cherries don't but do they ever!!! So it's always nice to see the first of the season get berried. Of course the down side is I only noticed the berried girls in my big tank because I was going to empty it , put new substrate in and restock it-too late I should have done it last month! Never mind obviously the water conditions are fine the way it is. I've got berried shrimp , plants growing wildly and sword plants throwing off pups- me thinks it's telling me to leave well alone! Now if I can just stop those darn cherries breeding!!!! Gosh some people are never happy!!

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 Gosh some people are never happy!!

I was going to was going to say some smart comment here ... but I can't think of anything.

You took all the fun out of the chance to bag you out. 

Quit poking fun at yourself!!! :brzzzzz:

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We will have to organise another auction for you to make some space for your new arrivals.

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  • HOF Member

I'm actually going to have a big cull soon. I want to improve the grades of my CBS and CRS so quite a few need to go. The question is can I bear to part with them or do I resserect some old tanks???

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I'm actually going to have a big cull soon. I want to improve the grades of my CBS and CRS so quite a few need to go. The question is can I bear to part with them or do I resserect some old tanks???

Is that shrimp keeper or shrimp hoarder? 

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  • HOF Member

Oh Ben I'm a self confessed shrimp hoarder! I've been keeping shrimp for nearly 3 years didn't you think it strange I rarely sell anything??? I still have 8 old tanks if I get desperate LOL there's no hope for me!

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Oh don't worry. I know the feeling. Can't part with my L333 plecos but I'm glad I've been able to sort my CRS and other shrimp. Very satisfying to see a tank full of high grade shrimp, even if they are only 'high grade' compared to what you started with. 

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  • HOF Member

My CBS have high grade patterns SS/SSS but colour is not good so I need to pick out the best and hopefully improve the depth of colour. My CRS have muddy or golden white instead of bright white. The colony is too large to deal with - there are hundreds of them- so I'm picking out some of them and breeding in a smaller tank - hopefully I will improve the white and add the better quality ones to the colony. The youngsters are definitely better than the older ones in the colony but I'm still not happy with them. I was breeding for quantity but now I want quality! It keeps it all interesting when you are striving for something. 






You can see the white in both types just doesn't pop

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I can see some gems in that colony. I am sure if you want to increase the quality it wont be hard for you.

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  • HOF Member

Thanks Disciple, yes there are some good patterns but in real life the colour is not there. I am determined to get there though. If I really have to I will get some better quality ones to add to my own. It's just I know mine have been kept separate for 2 years so they haven't got mixed genes. It's so hard to get shrimp that have been in single colour colonies now. 

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yeah that is always a issue.

I did bring in a new male into my good colony and used him to breed with the females I had. Until all the shrimplets are born I will continue to be nervous about it but if everything goes to plan it should help improve the next generation.

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  • HOF Member

There are still some reputable breeders out there so we can get pure stock just need to buy from the right people. 

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Yeah that is true.

After my next lot of drops mature and I can confirm they are no gb or snow whites. I will contact you as i am sure I will be getting rid of a few. I plan to keep my male to female ratio at a certain level. If you want.

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