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anyone breeding stuff other then shrimp


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frontosa, mpimbwe and kigoma,& xeno,ochra,makola,& tropheus, maswa, kiaser, bemba, moliro,& neo. caud.(punk's),&firefin comp's, gold comp's &black calvis,& A. Dewinti,& foi kabogo, blue dolphin's, &nigripinus (blue neon) leluepi (yellow)& L397,002,127,129,066 & pep's. endlers, red chilli, golden,tiger and common. I think that's it. :phew:

Holy crap how many tanks do you have? thats an impressive collection are they all breeding?

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Holy crap how many tanks do you have? thats an impressive collection are they all breeding?

I have a 8mtr x 8mtr fish room with about 70 tank's from 2' upto 6', those are the fish that i'm breeding atm but also have a few as pet's eg: 85cm R.T.C. , 2 G.G. and a tank with barb's, flagtail procalodous, lge clown loaches, also have L333, 278 & 007, that i forgot before.

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Wow that's a lot of tanks to keep track of! Think you'll have to post some pics soon!!

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I used to breed guppies and discus prior to the shrimp addiction kicking in!

Have just brought home some endlers from the shrimp club on Sunday!!

And also had to buy some juveniles Oscars(5) during the week, as one of the local aquariums have bred some in store. Have always had a soft spot for them and thought, why not! They are in a 24x18x18 for now with a four footer earmarked for them as they grow.

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I guess you could say I breed endlers as my trio just had babies in the community tank...... there is still 6 or so left.

Really should have moved them to another tank but I'm interested to see if they can make it on their own.

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I have a 8mtr x 8mtr fish room with about 70 tank's from 2' upto 6', those are the fish that i'm breeding atm but also have a few as pet's eg: 85cm R.T.C. , 2 G.G. and a tank with barb's, flagtail procalodous, lge clown loaches, also have L333, 278 & 007, that i forgot before.

+1 on the pics sounds like a sweet setup sooo you have lots of room for more shrimp tanks lol i wish i had that size room or a room at all

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frontosa, mpimbwe and kigoma,& xeno,ochra,makola,& tropheus, maswa, kiaser, bemba, moliro,& neo. caud.(punk's),&firefin comp's, gold comp's &black calvis,& A. Dewinti,& foi kabogo, blue dolphin's, &nigripinus (blue neon) leluepi (yellow)& L397,002,127,129,066 & pep's. endlers, red chilli, golden,tiger and common. I think that's it. :phew:

forgot about the troph. illangi and lufubu purple rainbow, and the furcifer resha and sumba comps.

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Hard to get good pics due to the lighting in the fish room, but here are some.post-846-0-98619700-1403158586_thumb.jpgpost-846-0-05726600-1403158611_thumb.jpgpost-846-0-66437000-1403158630_thumb.jpgpost-846-0-82892400-1403158653_thumb.jpgpost-846-0-86651400-1403158679_thumb.jpgpost-846-0-49286700-1403158700_thumb.jpgpost-846-0-20248000-1403158718_thumb.jpgpost-846-0-25614900-1403158736_thumb.jpg

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Awesome!! What an amazing assortment you have going!

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Good to see there are a number of keepers and breeders of African Cichlids on this site ;)


I recently imported a colony of German Bred Sulphur Crested Peacock cichlids (Aulonocara Maylandi).


Absolutely amazing fish. 


Bonus is that they have now bred and the mum spat 35 healthy fry on the weekend.


The family is growing :)

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Good to see there are a number of keepers and breeders of African Cichlids on this site ;)


I recently imported a colony of German Bred Sulphur Crested Peacock cichlids (Aulonocara Maylandi).


Absolutely amazing fish. 


Bonus is that they have now bred and the mum spat 35 healthy fry on the weekend.


The family is growing :)

Congrats! Hope there's many more to come!

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Great collection petfish :) and pappy congrats youll have to wack a photo up when you can

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Well I'm not breeding them as yet as I need to do some prep work first like hatch brine shrimp for the first time as the fry need no more then 1hr old shrimp for food 2 x a day for 5 as any older will be to big for them to eat.

From what I have read so far it's going to be a challenge but you can only learn from failing first.

But if I succeed it will be a great personal achievement in breeding for me.

And the winner is Cardinal Tetra's

May aim is a school of 100 to 200 if I was to get them from a shop it would cost me $300 to $800 for a school that big but there's no challenge in that.


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Cool when you succeed post the results .... I also want to breed cardinals.... they are one of my favorite fish.

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Cool when you succeed post the results .... I also want to breed cardinals.... they are one of my favorite fish.

Will do inverted.

I'm not giving it a go till I get back from holidays in September that will give me time to set it all up and start conditioning some new Cardinals for breeding going from what I've read the stock I have now will possibly be unsuccessful at breeding because of their age.

So I need to find some that are around 6 to 8 months old to at lest give me half a chance of succeeding.

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  • 1 month later...

Feel i should stay away from here.

Things i am breeding beside shrimp

Betta Mahachai
Betta Smaragdina
Betta Stiktos
Betta Ocellata
Betta Compuncta
Betta Rutilans Green
Blue silver Angelfish
Gold Leopard Endlers
Pink Platinum Endlers
Neon Tuxedo Endlers
Corydoras Habrosus
Danio Margaritatus (CPD's)
Fancy Bettas

Fish aiming to breed soon (Conditioning/hoping will breed):
Betta Macrostoma
Betta Enisae
Betta Patoti
Betta Pallifina

you can probably tell its a little bit betta mad our place.

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    • sdlTBfanUK
      I have just done the planned weekly maintenance and 10% water change and everything 'seems' to be going very well, I saw 12 blue and 9 panda shrimps so am very happy about that as there are always some hiding (and they are small) so there must be more than that at this point. Early days yet (especially with the off parameters) with the blues only been in the tank for a week and the pandas for 2 weeks. Not seen any dead ones yet and the shrimp seem happy enough and beautiful colour and pattern, all small so must be young! Parameters were TDS 159, GH 7-8, KH 1-2, PH 7 yesterday so still a bit off the usual ideal! Hopefully these figures come down slowly in time, I used pure RO water for the water change so Tds should drop 10. I will get a different PH test kit with a narrower range/increments as the one I have measures in .5 increments over a wide range which is probably a bit much. I bought these shrimp because the sellers parameters (PH 6.8) were the closest to mine so hopefully it will work out long term. I changed my zerowater filter as well, as the old one was measuring TDS 6 so passed its best. I will definitely overnight drip acclimate shrimp in the future, not that I plan any more in the forseeable future. I will add/edit photo when available, hopefully later today.
    • sdlTBfanUK
      All done now, I drip acclimated 11 blue bolts and 6 blue steel overnight and they are now in the tank so now is just wait and see if this works. 28 shrimps have now been put in and I have yet to SEE a dead one so fingers crossed! A couple of pictures of some below; I don't plan on buying any more shrimp so plan this to be a blue shrimp tank, though if it doesn't work out I have seen some female bettas I would like, but hopefully the shrimps will work out. The water parameters are still the same as before, so a bit off! I need to sort out what foods and shrimp stuff I have in the drawers and cupboard tomorrow as it's been a while, hopefully I find a shrimp lolly so I can give them one/part of those tomorrow, and it may bring as many of the shrimps out as possible.  Fingers crossed everyone...........  
    • NoGi
    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
    • NoGi
      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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