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divider advice


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I'm slowly planning my first larger shrimp tank for when I get to a new house in July. It's a 90L tank and quite tall, and I'd like to divide it in the middle. Substrate will be inert sand or gravel because I'm aiming for Ph ~7 for neos and tigers and don't want to replace a buffering substrate once it stops buffering.

So I'm thinking with a tall divided tank I want to be careful how I manage the water flow to ensure good circulation.  I have two of these canister and planned to use one for the tank, but can hook up the second as well for redundancy:


What I'm thinking for the divider is something solid up from the top most of the way down, but with mesh at the bottom for  a couple inches before the substrate. Perhaps with seachem matrix piled up around the mesh to hide it and provide a nice grazing spot for the shrimp. The idea being that I place the inlet of the canister filter on at the far end of one side of the tank, and the outlet on the far end of the other side of the tank. Because the mesh is at the bottom, the water is forced to flow down over the substrate to cross the divider and helping to avoid stagnant areas. Does this seem sane?

Also considering if it's worth going an UGFs in addition to this (obs with deeper substrate)... possibly positioning it so the outlet is on one side of the divider but the rest of it is on the other side of the divider so it's sucking the water through from one side and expelling it on the other.


Edited by waffle
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I'm hoping that since no-one has pointed out terrible flaws it'll work haha! 

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Only thing I would suggest is to have the mesh at some height above the substrate. Dead plant matter, detritus, food, etc. usually settled on the substrate and might impede water flow. Also getting access and reaching in to clean or unclog after some time would be easier.

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yeah I dont think it will work well.

I think you are better off to get 4 holes drilled and cover it in mesh


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I have a 4' with glass divider and 3 holes with mesh covering the hole. I use a eheim 2217 but ended up needing to get 2 ottos for each side as the flow was non existent on the intake half.

I'm now trying to work out how easily I can take the divider out now.

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Thanks guys, you've probably saved me heaps of frustration! Hmm makes me think the whole divider should be mesh to avoid these flow issues.

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agree totally mesh! go all the way to the top and bottom. my pet hate is fishing different species back to the right side of the divider in my split tanks. alternatively you could go all glass and have sponge filters in each section and hobs.

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Have a look at spotlight, type in "plastic mesh spotlight" it will come up with plastic mesh 7 count others are available. For the edging type in plastic edging for posters use these cut at 45 degrees to frame the mesh. Edging available from any hobby shop, poster shop, or mitre 10 possibly Bunnings also available in clear rather than black. 

Easy to make install with silicone or just sit in tightly all depends on the fit you make however silicone will hold it permanently or can be removed at a later date with a blade.

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Thanks guys! Was thinking same about poster edging. 

With the mesh, 7 count = 7 holes per inch right, and the higher the count the finer the mesh? Do find 7-count keeps shrimplets from getting through? I notice they have 10-count too.

Found that 7 count does indeed mean 7-per inch. Would still love to hear your experience re its shrimplet-proofness!


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Haven't yet used this for shrimps, used for catfish and cichlids worked a treat, loaned them to someone in SA over 4 years ago apparently still on loan now living in Vic, LOL. Need to make new ones will be looking at 10 possibly 7 count and threading through moss creating a moss wall.

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  • HOF Member

I've used poster edging from Kmart with fine SS mesh on a smaller tank before.

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Thanks all!! I'm going the check out the plastic mesh at spotlight this weekend. If it's too wide to keep shrimplets getting through, will go steel mesh. Anyone know a good place to source it?


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