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  1. Science fish has the water results 25/11/23 PH 7.4 Ammonia 0.0 Nitrite 0.0 Nitrate 10 ppm Hardness 70 Carb Hardness 3 Thanks all and have a great day
    1 point
  2. Does anyone keep tiger Caridina shrimp on inert substrate successfully? I’m 1 week in to cycling a new 3.5 gallon aquarium for 5-10 super tiger shrimp. I’m using plantable (small pebble) inert substrate which I sprinkled with Bacter AE when I set it up. I’ve also mixed some Bacter AE with tank water and added it to the aquarium. Three tiny ramshorn snails are now in the aquarium. I’m so anxious to add some tigers that right now are being kept with my neocaridina in a tank that is a couple of years old. Despite the tank being so small, I’ve added a separate tiny nano sponge filter and tiny air pump, in addition to the existing HOB filter with a course sponge over the intake, ceramic rings and the filter cartridge (right now with the carbon it came with - I usually slice the filter and shake all of the carbon out in all of my tanks), plus some old dirty filter floss from one of my established aquariums. I couldn’t fit all of the filter material I took into the little HOB filter, so I do have a piece of dirty filter floss just sitting in the aquarium also. There is already many botanicals, some covered in thick fungus/biofilm, which have been soaking in the water for the full week. That includes catappa bark and leaf, an oak leaf, casuarina cone, alder cone. There is a lot of plants, although not the stem/rooted kind. There is a small bolbitis herteroclita, a could tiny windelov ferns, a rosette sword that stays small, a coconut moss covered arch, a rock covered in moss, and a piece of cholla wood covered in black pearl Bruce which had been sitting in an established tank for several months. One Thrive fertilizer table is sitting under the sword plant and a small dose of Flourish Excel was added which probably bumped up my TDS some. I’ve added a few drops of household ammonia last week but checked the next day and never had any ammonia reading when I tested. Now I don’t want to add any more ammonia because the ingredients on the bottle indicate added “fragrance” which I don’t think is good for my aquarium. I have been added Stability from the start in addition to the Quick Start. There is no algae growing in the tank yet, but I have left the 6500K lights on 24/7 over this past week. I realize this may have slowed some bacterial growth initially. TDS this morning was around 165 and I did a small water change to bring it back down to 150. I am so anxious to begin to add some tiger shrimp to the new little aquarium. I did a similar process with my neocaridina back when I first acquired them and my tank was about a week old when I added the bloody Mary’s and I suffered no losses. Might I be as lucky with Caridina Cantonensis? Thanks for reading my post. I attached some pics of the subject shrimp currently living in my neo tank and my new little empty aquarium.
    1 point
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