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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/14 in all areas

  1. How can we better educate our members about this? Happy to use the library or some other means of ensuring we get the message across to ensure our waterways remain protected. We certainly don't want to be bundled in with the likes of those that flush their fish down the toilet.
    3 points
  2. My husband doesnt have spot for shrimp as they are to small and not interactive like a fish. but after look this one, he love's it and quickly named it "Emerald" :) I think it's female? Photo is undedited, and dont worry about sunkist shrimp i just take this shrimp on breeder box to take a photo, and now moved for special project. enjoy everyone :) i really wish can cross this with kingkong to make Incredible Hulk/Taiwan Bee lol
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. Stunning colour Emerald has! Congrats poeticwinter, always great to see more of this variant appearing. Hope you find more soon!
    1 point
  5. Awesome...just need to get more tanks now :-) What's the PH ATM ?
    1 point
  6. Its highly unlikely that the shrimp were transported from the east coast of Australia to the west coast by natural means (without showing up somewhere in between, and there is no evidence that has occurred). Its far more likely humans were involved. Any suggestions would be helpful. Unfortunately it only takes one individual to stuff everything up for everybody and it is often difficult to get the message out.
    1 point
  7. Thanks mate, I found that tab straight after I replied lol.
    1 point
  8. Creating your own DIY background. It's a combination of LED lights, and painted cardboard. Start with cardboard sheets, I purchased it from art supply shops or they can also be found in most $2 shops in the art supply section. You can choose white cardboard, but I chose sky blue, to simulate the sky. The cardboard, is trimmed to the sized of the tank. Join several pieces together if needed. It's then as simple as painting, or rather blotting white paint onto the blue cardboard. I used white watercolour blotted onto the cardboard for the cloud effect. I find watercolour gave the best cloud like effects. You'll notice it's not perfect, and it doesn't have to be perfect. That's the beauty of it. The next is the lighting. It's just a simple LED strip of light placed at the back of the tank. It's your preference in the type of LEDs you get, and how many strips you use. I used 5050 LEDs, and double strips for that extra brightness. Now, it's just a matter of placing your cardboard at the back of the tank like so... Notice, the LED lights are in between the board and tank. Here's what it looks like with different coloured effects. Please excuse my DIY surface skimmer in these next shots. Yes, it ruins the look, but be assured, it's only temporary while the tank is cycling. After a bush fire... Tropical waters ... A simple white sheet of cardboard is also very effective. Here is an example of a plain white background with the LED lights, on a small section of the tank. I need to show you a better pic of the full tank with a white background and lights. If you find the cardboard too thin and does not sit up straight, you can always glue it to a thick piece of board. Hope you enjoyed it. Told you it was simple. But then again the simple things are always the best.
    1 point
  9. This is the recommended benibachi tank set up.... Setting up a new aquarium ready for shrimp has never been so easy, thanks to Benibachi. For a basic set up you are going to need 5 items, Benibachi Mineral Powder, Benibachi BeeMax, Benibachi Fulvic Grain, Benibachi Active Water and Benibachi Black Soil. Step By Step Guide Sprinkle a generous layer of BeeMax on the base of the aquarium. Add a thin layer of substrate over the Beemax. Spread a generous layer of mineral powder over the substrate. Now add the remaining substrate to achieve your desired depth. (recommended substrate thickness of 2-4″ in total) Now sprinkle the entire packet of Fulvic Grain over the substrate. Connect your filter, lighting and air stone to the aquarium. Fill the aquarium with reverse osmosis water, making sure you do not disturb the substrate when doing so. Add your moss and any selected hardscape such as rocks and wood. Now add the Benibachi Active Water to help kick start the bacteria cycle in the aquarium. Now let the aquarium cycle until you get readings of 0 for ammonia and nitrite. Add the shrimp when you are happy with water conditions. It really is as easy as that! When filling the aquarium for the first time it is fine to use 100% pure RO water. The combination of Benibachi Mineral Powder, Fulvic Grains and Benibachi substrate in the aquarium will help buffer the water to the desired water parameters. Personally, I just sprinkle the entire tank base with the mineral powder, and then the soil....always use RO. Tap water will prematurely exhaust the buffering capacity of the soil.
    1 point
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