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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/14 in all areas

  1. Just thought I would write up my journey with my CRS. I bought these guys July last year (from Fishmosy) and had them in with my TB for seven months without any berries, super frustrating. After a reset on one of my three foot tanks, I moved the CRS in there by their lonesome and the magic started to happen. The quality of these isn't the best but also not the worst. I recently was very lucky to be a recipient of some 'culls' from Gbang. With these boys in the mix I am expecting to see the quality of offspring increase dramatically over the next few generations. The tank they are in has benibachi soil, eheim 2213, chiller, two sponge filters and two Mini Oxydators. I have been adding mineral powder, Bee Max, Genchem beta-G as required. And have just started small additions of Blackwater extract with water changes. I noticed a drop off in breeding a few months ago and realised I had stopped adding IAL. Once these went back in, the juvie survival rate improved, I am of the belief this is a great source of micro bacteria for the tank and an awesome food source for the littlest ones. It has been running with an Aquamedic Twin T5 light for the last five months. Lots of plant growth and biofilm on the back panel, usually see a gang of little shrimp grazing there in the mornings. Unfortunately, some of the plants are being infested with BBA, but I will trim in a couple of weeks to remove this. I have allowed the plants to grow like mad and the CRS seem to really enjoy their forest. I feed a mixture of Benibachi Kale, Beni Ambitious, Boss Snow, Boss Crack and occasionally some frozen Kale (prepared as in Bluebolts thread). For baby feeds I have followed Squiggs example and used powdered Spirulina, Barley Powder, powdered bee pollen, mixed with water and syringed to different corners of the tank. Now have also used Borneo Wild Bebi and the little ones loved that too!
    1 point
  2. I have decided for now that I will use my rack to breed Chameleon shrimp and separate then by their red, dark and "tiger" or "zebra" colouring. Please excuse the colouring of the water as the wood is still leaching tannins. I have not been able to get a clear shot of the red shrimp yet so so far this is the best. These are some of the shrimp I am breeding for their dark colouring A "Tiger".. not sure what to call it... What do you think...? And another Tiger...
    1 point
  3. So awhile has past, and I thought I would post a couple of pics of these bubs now close to adult hood. It's amazing how different siblings can be!!
    1 point
  4. So after a couple of months of no breeding activity, which I believe is due to the fact these guys live in a cold garage, just before I went on holidays I saw one of the girls berried again. After two weeks away I have come home to find eight berried now!! Happy dance time soon! The colony is starting to expand! This is them playing in Bossaquaria Shrimp Snow, they love it!!
    1 point
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