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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/14 in all areas

  1. Thanks Ron, Appreciate your time and effort to come all the way and drop off your Shrimp too me. Thank you for helping me get started in shrimp keeping. Really great guy and very helpful. Actually there are quite a lot of great and helpful ppl on SKF. Thanks for all the help.
    1 point
  2. No worries at all Baz was nice to meet you
    1 point
  3. Man I wish I did my tank like yours. Its easy to see the shrimp. Very nice!
    1 point
  4. Looks great well done and yes convert the other tank
    1 point
  5. Thanks Jayc, l'll give them a call. It was $50 for everything and it came with 2 types of cartridge filter and 2 sediment filters that are still sealed in plastic. Just have to convince the other half to let me keep the tanks and build a rack as well lol
    1 point
  6. $50 for the lot or just the RO unit? Bargain if it was the latter. Still a bargain for just the RO unit. Dump the water that is already in the container. I can't quite see it in the picture, but looks like you will need the 1/4inch tube to faucet adaptor. Best to talk to FSA to determine what faucet adaptor you need. After getting that adaptor, hook it up and get some RO water from it to determine if you need to change filters by testing the TDS. The filter might still be ok. I usually change filters when TDS is above 10ppm. Could probably change earlier, but I'm trying to save on filter costs. So I make it run longer by changing only when TDS is above 10.
    1 point
  7. Have been away for two weeks and came back to many little ones in the rack now! Photos as I can get them!
    1 point
  8. You have such an awesome collection of shrimp BB... I suspect I will always be envious..
    1 point
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