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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/14 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. So....I still dont know of its because of the water yet cause I wanna live in a dillusional world and enjoy these guys from my orange rilli project. Ill find out later after Seperating them. In the meantime... Teenage mutant ninja shrimpies teenage mitant ninja shrimpies teenage mutant ninja shrimpies Shrimpies in a hot shell Shrimpie power
    1 point
  3. Thanks :) I'm not 100% sure on the plan.. I'm thinking over grown with moss and probably yellow cherry, but then maybe blue, orange, black or green? I always liked yellow most so I'm leaning towards that. Still unsure if I want some wood or a rock or what in there, for now I'm just cycling the tank and getting the filter going.
    1 point
  4. Welcome back Mat. Whats your plans for the new tank.
    1 point
  5. Thanks, I only have females with this colour, thinking of putting here with a red mosura f1
    1 point
  6. The mat that's so cool we say he's name three times lol. Welcome back buddy. Great to see your first tank back will be shrimp, once it's cycled let me know what your stocking and I will sort you out. Cheers mick
    1 point
  7. Awesome...... You gotta have a tank somewhere! Welcome back
    1 point
  8. I'm gonna try something similar, this is my girl of chose :-)
    1 point
  9. Hi all, my eldest daughter loves guppies and has been breeding them on and off for years. She is on a mission to create her own type, no one knows what it will look like or be called yet, not even her but when she sees a different looking guppy that stands out the next step will be getting them to breed true. The tank so far has a few of slins project guppies, high dorsal blue endlers, gold tiger endlers, red chilli endlers and other assorted guppies. The nicest one I've seen is a high dorsal snakeskin chilli endler but that's not what she's after. I guess only time will tell what comes of this project. In the meantime here is some progress pics. Cheers mick
    1 point
  10. I've recently come across a book on guppy genetics. Blew my mind after dealing with betta genetics. Some traits only males cary, some only females. Guess that's what makes breeding true the hard part.
    1 point
  11. Well, a picture is worth a thousand words ... Top and bottom are drawers of course. Colour of your choice, but finished in 2pac paint. Antique USA white is nice, but I used red in the example cause white doesn't come up well in a drawing.
    1 point
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