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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/14 in all areas

  1. It's time to show some my progress on pinto project. This is my own version pinto line and no other blood line involved. I just got lucky. Also getting a rilli version mischling on taiwanbee project but maybe not good to post it here.
    2 points
  2. Yippee!!! Just spotted our first CRS shrimplet!! Can't wait to tell Miss 4 in the morning and show her the photo. She's going to be so excited and will probably spend most of the day looking for it and anymore that may be hiding in there. She still gives their tank kisses and cuddles, and proudly shows them off to everyone. Not sure if it's from one of my CRS or one of hers, but I'll let her think it's her first she shrimplet. She's going to be so proud and will probably be all she talks about at kinder tomorrow. Here's a pic of our first bubba!
    1 point
  3. woohoo! Spotted some babies when taking photos. They are sooooooo tiny.
    1 point
  4. This is from my first generation mischling and it was thought as a male before. Just found it turned to female this weekend. Also some others are rilli pattern but not good like this one. Hope get taiwanbee rilli very soon. I already had one F1 mischling female released eggs one week ago. It gave me more than 50% taiwanbee babies. It maybe because their father and husband are pure line or just lucky again? I will see what happen on the other females one or two weeks later. This is one husband on Yoga...
    1 point
  5. Saw this on facebook shrimp group, half red ruby half snow white
    1 point
  6. They are my favour pattern CRS and the only kind CRS want to keep. Back to 2004, I had got these from Japan but quit this hobby after one year. So happy to keep them again and the price is so cheaper than before... This female is the most potential Female. Some of her legs are 100% white/red and others more than 50%. If get better offspring, they will be better than any real pure red line.
    1 point
  7. The rack is in its final testing phase. The temperature controller works well and the automatic water change system is running. I changed the design of it completely. The lighting is hard wired in to the controller. I have been cycling it for the last few weeks and have been putting a dash of ammonia in every few days. Now that I am gearing up for my test shrimp I have been doing several frequent water changes. The water parameters are: Ammonia: .25 Nitrite: .5 Nitrate: 10 My test shrimp will be some of my WA.4 Chameleons. Once I have saved up for enough shrimp soil I will change them out with something from the SKF Marketplace. Here is the video. Hope you like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f-d-5eY_LM
    1 point
  8. Hey! Firstly GB usually stands for Golden Bee, I am assuming you are referring to crossing TB to create Mischlings. My understanding for creating Mischlings is to have a backup of the important TB genetics in case of tank disaster. As the CRS/CBS Mischlings are generally hardier than TB, you can have many generations of TB genes stored in the Mischlings and then breed TB back out if you lose your original TBs. Also, for those wanting to get into TB but can't afford it, the Mischlings are a cheaper way to get into the game. Hope some of that makes sense!?!
    1 point
  9. Thanks Ineke. If this article encourages just one person to keep them, then it was worth the effort. The guys really deserve a place in our tanks.
    1 point
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