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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/14 in all areas

  1. Here's the picture I was hoping to use as my entry, actually took the picture before the cutoff date just had no way of uploading it :p This picture is also taken from a phone camera I'm good at breaking things and finding loopholes lol, happy to help :p
    3 points
  2. Not fat, but I am still a mum ;)
    3 points
  3. Here are some of my other shrimps!
    1 point
  4. I found these in my super red cherry tank, I took them out as culls, put them in my sons Endler's Livebearer tank, figured I'll see what happens. Here are the offsprings of the few brown shrimp I "culled"..... Let me know what you think.... These are the original ones!!! And the offsprings....first generation... Second generation..... Third Generation....
    1 point
  5. Hi all, I've had a 40x40x30d marine tank for around 7 years and figured it was time for an update. The new tank is 80lx40wx60d Lighting is a green element 18w led Filtration will be an Otto internal and a wavemaker with the live rock doing all the work. I will have a skimmer and it's in an air con room. Stockist is a pair of clowns and whatever else I find and like. The only coral will be morphs as i want to keep it low tech. Cheers mick
    1 point
  6. Hello All! This is my first time trying to post pictures, so bare with me! Have to figure out the layout of the forum and how to attach a picture to the post! Anyhow, I acquired these tigers three weeks ago and I had one berried already! I'm not sure what happened, but today I did not see any of them with eggs.... I have golden bees and snow whites in the same tank, and I'm hoping for some cool looking high breads. Well, eventually that is! I still have a lot to learn about the "shrimping business".... However I think finding this forum was a huge step in the right direction! Well, here goes nothing! Enjoy!!!
    1 point
  7. Sometimes you think you need a really good camera - this is just using a phone camera - they are getting better. Good luck to the entrants... If I was going to enter this is probably the one I would whacked in too and yes it is from a phone....
    1 point
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