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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/14 in all areas

  1. Plant Profile: Echinodorus ‘Vesuvius’ I am inexperienced at shrimp keeping so I thought I would contribute to Shrimpkeepers Forum by offering my experiences maintaining and propagating some aquarium plants starting with Echinodorus ‘Vesuvius’. Echinodorus ‘Vesuvius’ is a variety of Echinodorus angustifolia produced in cultivation by selective breeding. As far as I know, its appearance (thin, tightly curled leaves) is unique amongst sword plants. It is an easy species to grow and has a maximum height of around 30cm, making it ideal for midground or background planting. A search of the internet will tell you that it requires medium to high light and will tolerate water ranging from soft to hard with a pH from 6 to 8 and temperatures from 20 to 30. I have grown the plant in both low and medium light. Photo 1 shows E. ‘Vesuvius’ placed at one end of my main aquarium where the light levels are lower (the lights do not span the full length of the aquarium). The aquarium receives C02 injection, macro and micro nutrients, and has a fertile substrate. The growth of this plant is slower than elsewhere. A couple of the leaves are under algae attack and are starting to disintegrate. I simply cut the effected leaves out. Photo 2 shows E. ‘Vesuvius’ in my propagating tank with medium light and fertile substrate. There is no CO2 injection and no liquid nutrients. Growth here is fast with many leaves produced. E. ‘Vesuvius’ reproduces readily by runners which grow upwards. I place the plantlets produced on these runners into 3cm clay pots with filter media to hold sand and a couple of beads of osmocote. I insure that the roots will grow into the aquarium substrate. Echinodorus ‘Vesuvius’ tolerance of a wide range of conditions, its unique appearance and ease of propagation make it an obvious plant to recommend to those in the hobby that enjoy planted aquariums. Unfortunately it is not always available.
    1 point
  2. I was having a look at my chocs tonight, they are in a pretty dark tank & I can't see them very well, so I got my torche & discovered this very interesting thing that is happening to almost all of them.
    1 point
  3. Well, the happy dance has come out again! Spotted this girl today & this means she is carrying F2 babies, sooooooo exciting!!
    1 point
  4. Endlers? What the @#$/ are endlers? LOL. Come on Nils get back into the shrimp mate.
    1 point
  5. Inspired to put some solid colour into my display I chose only dark red/blue cherrys to go into the Cade. Although not solid red, I really like them. Hope you like them too.
    1 point
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