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Benebachi Bee Max


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Hey all,


Just a quick question. How do you guys go about dosing Bee Max during your weekly dosing regime?


I find Bee Max to be small pieces clumped together as oppose to a fine powder. So when I dose I always get pieces stuck around my inlet, floating on the surface of the tank and floating around inside the tank.


I have also tried mixing the Bee Max first in a small container with tank water before dosing it into the thank. Unfortunately, the same thing happens.


How do you guys get around this? Is the Bee Max meant to be a fine powder or small clumps?


Thanks! :)

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Thank you for the post - it was a very informative thread


What exactly did you want to bring my attention to? The shrimp eat the clumps of Bee Max? Besides that, not too sure if the thread you posted actually answers my question.

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Any fine powder will clump when added to water. If you are really concerned, you can add the powder and some tank water to a blender, and blend on high for a minute or two. We use this method at work regularly for fine algae powders and pastes, but I'm not sure how practical it will be for you given you probably wont be using very much powder.

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Hello mugen,

I also put some tank water in a cup and put the bee max in and mix it up with a spoon. I then let it sit for 30 mins or so. I'll give it another stir then slowly add to. The tank.

I would say about 99% of it sinks down and doesn't clump. There are still some bits that float. I hope this helps

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Many thanks for your responses guys!


I guess my main problem (maybe) is that my Bee Max isn't a fine powder straight from the packet (i.e. the consistency of the content varies in size and texture). There seems to be larger pieces which aren't clumped up powder. It is these larger pieces that float around in the tank and on the surface - the powder falls straight to the bottom of the tank.


Disciple: I will try letting the Bee Max set for longer before I add it to the tank - hopefully that reduces the amount of large particles I get floating around in the tank and on the surface. Thanks.

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I always add it to some tank water first, let it soak & then suck it up with a turkey baster, then squirt it to the bottom of the tank, this way I get minimal floating bits.

A mortar & pestle sounds like a good idea too. :thumbsu:

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You might need to get a cheap mortar and pestle and grind it up


I always add it to some tank water first, let it soak & then suck it up with a turkey baster, then squirt it to the bottom of the tank, this way I get minimal floating bits.

A mortar & pestle sounds like a good idea too. :thumbsu:


Thanks for the suggestions guys... looks like I have some shopping to do LOL

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