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New Library Article - Smart Soil

Anthony Rae

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I have been keeping fish and aquatic plants for nearly 300 years now and have been blessed with a wonderful career in Horticulture. When planted tanks were popularised by the work of Amano, I started looking at various aquarium related forums to see what sort of information was available to hobbyists. It didn't take long to see that most of this was based on the opinions of aquarists who had achieved some success growing plants. Much of it was contradictory and I saw lots of talk about deficiencies, dosing of individual elements, misdiagnosis of problems and expensive mistakes. There didn't seem to be much of an organised approach to growing aquatic plants and there was a real need for reliable answers to the problems facing beginners in the hobby. For me it came to a head when my good friends, Billy and Victor opened Aquaristic Aquarium Gallery. Their mission was to provide top quality products, great customer service, inspiration and of course, to make lots of money.


They stocked the best and most popular substrates, amendments, fertilizers, lighting and CO2 injection technology.They also set up display tanks to show their clients what they could expect from the various products in stock. Despite the wonderful results obtained in their shop, it became apparent that there was no simple way to prepare their clients for the problems they would face in the attempt to produce a lovely nature aquarium. One such problem was to find a substrate that could be used by a novice without the pitfalls of ammonia spikes, melting plants, algal blooms and cloudiness when disturbing the substrate.


Billy asked me if it was possible to develop a media he could happily recommend to his clients, confident that they would have a positive experience. I felt sure that with sufficient yelling, name calling and arguing, this could be done. So here we are, 2 years later, well tested by his experienced friends, ready to flood the market with SMARTSOIL.


SMARTSOIL is a balanced blend of high quality Clay, Peat, Sand and some secret amendments of my own which do not cause cancer, infertility or death in fish, inverts or humans.

SMARTSOIL addresses the problems that can cause headaches, mentioned above.

SMARTSOIL is sold in bags of approx 2 litres, sufficient for a standard 60cm tank.


First,you spread the SMARTSOIL evenly over the tank floor, covering only the areas to be planted.

If you are very particular, you can spray this layer with a fine mist of water, press it gently and leave it overnight to harden. This step is useful to professionals who cannot afford to risk murky water when they fill a clients tank.

Then you spread at least 5cm of the sand or gravel of your choice and carefully fill the tank with water. Unlike other media, you are not obliged to thickly plant your tank from day one. I find it best to simply leave things alone.


The SMARTSOIL will absorb any excess ammonia during the settling period. It contains enough ferts to support growth for at least a month without burning plants or causing algal blooms. If you wish to move plants around, some clay will be stirred up but the cloudiness will quickly settle.

SMARTSOIL is a long term choice and will last longer as an effective media than any of the soils I have trialed.

Shrimp friendly too.

Thanks for reading


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I had a lot of success using Smart Soil when I set up my show tank. It' lived up to ALL the claims. No algae was seen in my tank for at least three months due to the rapid growth of all my plants. Although I started with basic Val and Crypts their reaction to the soil was rather amazing. My Val was around 150mm long when planted and upon return from a three week holiday it was over a meter long. Some quickly grew to 1.8m long strands at the six week mark!!!!

The crypts loved it too and grew into a lush forest.

I ended up with way too many plants and way too much growth.

Decided to rescape and cap it with 9 liters of Cal Aqua and since rescaped and pulled out two 20 liter buckets of plant growth.

It's good stuff!!!!

Coming up to the one year mark and looking at re setting the tank and thinking about putting a new batch of soil in.

Won't be using Cal Aqua this time , was thinking about ADA Amazonia....

But then again if Smart Soil happened to end up in my grubby mitts it would always be a good fit for my Cade 900!!!!

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    • sdlTBfanUK
      I have just done the planned weekly maintenance and 10% water change and everything 'seems' to be going very well, I saw 12 blue and 9 panda shrimps so am very happy about that as there are always some hiding (and they are small) so there must be more than that at this point. Early days yet (especially with the off parameters) with the blues only been in the tank for a week and the pandas for 2 weeks. Not seen any dead ones yet and the shrimp seem happy enough and beautiful colour and pattern, all small so must be young! Parameters were TDS 159, GH 7-8, KH 1-2, PH 7 yesterday so still a bit off the usual ideal! Hopefully these figures come down slowly in time, I used pure RO water for the water change so Tds should drop 10. I will get a different PH test kit with a narrower range/increments as the one I have measures in .5 increments over a wide range which is probably a bit much. I bought these shrimp because the sellers parameters (PH 6.8) were the closest to mine so hopefully it will work out long term. I changed my zerowater filter as well, as the old one was measuring TDS 6 so passed its best. I will definitely overnight drip acclimate shrimp in the future, not that I plan any more in the forseeable future. I will add/edit photo when available, hopefully later today.
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    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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