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my blue bolts ;)

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that looks great! do you think it's better than seachem matrix? cause i mainly use that and it's the bomb

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haha ok benny. anyone else got blue bolts? please share :) mr blue bolt! please share more pictures of your blue bolts :P

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very nice female turquise you have...... hope she will become mama soon....hehehhehe

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holy dooley guys this is my blue bolt female after using the oxydator for a week! she isn't the original blue bolt on this thread as i bought a pair but couldn't get pics of her during her camera shy stage. i think the oxydator is the real deal and really helping with the health of the shrimps cause she was half the colour of that before!

photos taken on my iphone 4s


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wow that's an impressive change in coloration... just from the oxidiser?

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wow that's an impressive change in coloration... just from the oxidiser?

I think that's one of many reasons ;)

Think about it though. You're stuck in a room and any additional oxygen will be a bonus! I'd gather even in planted tanks, the oxygen isn't all active.

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That is a great improvement in colour!

Cannot wait for those shrimplets

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thanks guys. i'll try and update with pics later. yeah the only difference i've had so far is the oxydator. now just crossing my fingers for berries :S

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  • 3 months later...

i'll see what i can do :) they are quite old now and i didn't have any success with the last berry which was before the ro salty shrimp bee mix. fingers crossed they breed soon!

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is it ok to be more then physically attracted to a shrimp?...... ahem.. very nice shrimp, hope i can one day own some :D

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These pictures have been burnt into my brain from overexposure

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as requested guys, an update. i don't know why but my blue bolt colours have drastically reduced since summer hit...even with an aircon!!! recently inserted seachem carbon, purigen to get rid of any nitrite nitrate, curprisorb to get rid of heavy metals or copper and phosguard to get rid of any phosphates JUST IN CASE! no deaths in ages so i am very happy. unfortunately the blue bolt females have not bred in ages, almost 3 months but the minchling females have with the blue bolt males as we all know. some of the panda babies that came out are still blue so we might have shadow pandas woohoo!!! also 4 red wines were produced so happy days all around but alas no blue bolt babies :( but here's hoping nevertheless.

enjoy (oh and any advice to induce breeding or conditioning is welcomed!!! have tried all foods under the sun including excel, barley, spirulina, IAL, spinach, mulberry, bioplus, brine shrimp, blood worms, viformo, kale. might have to try mussels, oysters or banana like blue bolt!)

big daddy bluey


mommy blue


bluey pandas :)


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