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Hi from Melbourne


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Hi there,

Nice to meet you all!

My name is Michelle and I'm reasonably new to shrimp keeping although not to keeping and working with a variety of other creatures.

I have a BSc in Zoology but I'm doing a Masters in Communications while working as a freelance fiction author (mostly short fiction) and an editorial assistant (who mainly writes for water industry publications). So keeping and breeding fish and shrimps is kind of my way of 'keeping my hand in' the zoology side of things. :)

At the moment I'm keeping red cherries, yellow cherries, DRNS, DAS, chameleon shrimp, and more recently I got some SS no entry CBS and Caridina Typhus. I don't feel like I'm satisfied yet though. I need more space for tanks. Or rehab. But you can't make me. :P

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Welcome to the forum, don't fight the addiction, give in to MTS(multi tank syndrome) :victorious: Sounds like you've got a pretty good collection there already but you can always get more, lol :congratulatory: We love pics here so whack some up when you get a chance. Hope you have as much fun here as we do! :smiley_simmons:


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Welcome Michelle!! Another Victorian!!!

Please post pics of your setups and share your experience as we all learn from each other! Also, great writing practice too!!

Welcome and Enjoy!!

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Welcome to SKF, and thanks for introducing yourself..... Shrimps are extremely addictive (as you would know, judging many your collection), and you can never be satisfied :-) post some pics of your shrimps and tanks if you can...

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Here are a few pics (from my dodgy phone camera though). My 'mothership snail' (now almost twice the size as in that pic) and friends, my new CBS, my caridina typhus (wish I could tell if they were male or female) and some native shrimps swarming.







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Can anyone else see that giant blurry upside down pic of my fat cherry shrimp? I'm not sure how that got there or how to remove it so I will leave it there. :P

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That's a New Era tropical grazer tablet. It was intended to be for for my pygmy corys because they are not the most assertive creatures and the bottom feeders hog the food but every time I put it in it now gets swarmed by shrimp and the occasional cory wriggles its way in to get a bit. That was the first time I used it but now it gets about 3 times as many on it each time. They love it. I stick it on and then immediately a helicopter swarm rises from the plants and makes its way to the pellet. Was worried it was a bit too rich for them but lots of berries all of a sudden so I might keep using it. I just take it out after an hour or so and dry it again so one tablet can last a fair while. :P

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Welcome to the forum Michelle, very cool, googling the tablet now!

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