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A new Gobie


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Hi All

Here is a couple of not so good photos on a Goby we found last night near Port Douglas, it is not a new species, but it is one we don't find in Pairs often so they are living in one of my Cherry shrimp tanks (food laid on), They should be breedable and this pair are 1.5 and 2cm long, so good for Nanos




They do have a face only a mother could love, but they are cute


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Wow, very cool. Not too familiar with gobies, and would love updates ! Thanks for the post :applause:

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Oh they are so cute. I love gobies. Never seen them before. If you do breed them up I'd def be interested in some :)

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Very very cute dude, definitely a very cool find, well done Bob! Make sure you keep us updated on their progress. :encouragement:

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That's a gorgeous fish! Feed them well so you get a big spawn for us ;)

Got a scientific name for them?

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Absolutely love Gobies, have kept a few species previously, lots of character and most are pretty easy to feed provided you have live foods. Most I've found will adapt relatively quickly if wild caught and often taken to being fed directly, brilliant fish, fun and easy to keep. Breeding we never tried, too many other tank mates and didn't provide the exact conditions for raising of any fry.

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Yea I like my Gobies to Big D and we have so many up here about 35 species of the top of my head with new ones being added regularly. Some are dam beautiful and some are terrors in a tank. Then there is the colour odd balls, like Gold Sleepy Cod

With the interest in these lovelies, I will offer them here first then, when they breed

As for a name, working on it.


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It's gotta be a freckled goby dude! :encouragement: Or you could have a competition to name them, I'll chuck in some stuff for prizes :victorious:

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Oh! They are SO cute! How big do they grow?

I hope they will breed for you soon, Bob! :encouragement:

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Squig if we go down that path I will put up half a dozen as one of the prizes?

Garney they max out at 3cm, but mostly 2.5cm, the female is always the bigger of the two. They have a small mouth and that makes them even better because they can not eat so many things.

I will work on some better photos as they are winners these guys.


OH, buy the way as always, they come from Lizard country, dam things.

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They are sweet looking gobies, they remind me a bit of bullrouts without the evil painful spines. I am guessing that these guys eat much smaller aquatic inverts with their little mouths. Have yours shown any interest in prepared foods? Or are they quite happy snacking on cherry shrimp? I was pleasantly surprised that my desert gobies go nuts for Wardley Sinking Shrimp pellets, as well as a native fish crumble. I also saw one of the females eat a small rams horn snail, not too sure if it was accidental or on purpose yet but if they are happy to snack on snails I can keep them well supplied.

I hope your gobies do breed for you and that the young are easy to raise.

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I would like to nominate 'speckled goby' or 'zebra goby', (they do look similar to Zeb shrimp IMO)

edit: speckled zebra goby?

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Squig if we go down that path I will put up half a dozen as one of the prizes?

Garney they max out at 3cm' date=' but mostly 2.5cm, the female is always the bigger of the two. They have a small mouth and that makes them even better because they can not eat so many things.

I will work on some better photos as they are winners these guys.


OH, buy the way as always, they come from Lizard country, dam things.[/quote']

Hahaha, Lizard means something else down here, i'm guessing you mean the living log rather than the flatty? Freshies not salties?

Dont mind the freshies, i'd hop in the water with them if i had a big stick, but salties, bugger that.

As for names, Marbled Clown Goby please ;)

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Saltys Mr C, as soon as I get some more I will send them to Ben for a comp, sounds like a good idea


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    • beanbag
      Good luck.  I hope the Ph / KH issue is under control.  If not... Maybe use peat? Edit:  looking at a previous picture - maybe you should just remove those rocks for now
    • NoGi
      My lil emerald green. It's a lot harder taking macro shots with 15mm glass tanks.
    • sdlTBfanUK
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    • sdlTBfanUK
      Time for another update! The PH this morning is 6 and KH 0-1 (you can't measure zero obviously). I plan to check everything tomorrow and then a water change on satuday. At the moment the TDS is 190 which should drop to 170 after a water change and then 150ish after the following/next weeks water change. Last time I checked GH it was 6, but again I will do ALL the tests tomorrow. I had to resort to using a PH/KH- product (AQUACID) to get to where these parameters are now but as the water I use has PH6, GH0 and KH0 I assume/hope I won't need to use that from here on, but will see if the parameters stay stable for the next week and have a PH alert disc in the tank which should indicate any significant change. I don't like using these sort of products as a general rule and wouldn't if there were any shrimps in situ and that product has raised the TDS at about .5TDS per drop. I may well order some blue bolts towards the end of next week (the road to the house will be closed for a month from 3rd June so it is next week or wait another 6 weeks) and see how that goes. I plan to drip acclimate them overnight this time so as to not rush that as it shouldn't get cold indoors overnight anyway this time of year. This all depends on the tank parameters staying stable for the next week (aside from the mentioned TDS adjustments with the water changes), though the GH  may drop a tiny bit with using just RO to reduce the TDS but that is fine, and even could be a bonus. I did manage to find some nice floating plant that I had before (good old ebay), and will try and get a photo of that at some point to attach, Azolla red I think it is called? Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed for now but all appears to be going well at this point! Snails seem to be doing well at least.   
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