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Hello fellow shrimp addicts :)


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Hi All,

I have been collecting and breeding shrimp with my partner for ~6 years now. I'm currently based in the UK and run a shop (will say no more). Love being addicted to shrimp and the larks involved, I'm sure there's plenty to learn and share. :)

See you soon,


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Welcome to the forum, great to get some international interest & knowledge on here. What shrimp are you keeping & how soon can you post up some pics?(we love pic here :encouragement:) Don't even think of telling us how cheap shrimp are over there cause you'll make us all incredibly jealous, lol :congratulatory: Hope you have as much fun here as we do! :smiley_simmons:


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Welcome Loz!

Thought I recognised the name... I am moving back to the UK in 10 days time.... no doubt I will be in touch!!

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welcome .... we must see some pics of things we cannot get .... just to tease!

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Hi and welcome to SKF!!

Would love to see some of the shrimps you have and the kind of quality available overseas :)


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Welcome to the forum, im sure theres a lot we can learn from you! (and lots of jealousy to be had)

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Hah well here are some pics of a few of the shrimp. I will have to ask them nicely to behave so I can get more photo's later. You'll have to forgive me for not grabbing a photo of the yellows n chocolates. Started off keeping and breeding Sulawesi Cardinals and White Orchids. At the time shrimp were not a cheap at all and they were a risky buy to start with. At the moment I am working with CRS/PRLs, Taiwan Bees, BTOEs, Sakura yellow cherries, Yellow Rilis, Orange Rilis, Chocolate Sakuras to name a few. What shrimp do you all have? I assumed that most memebers would be really into breeding due to imports being more difficult than in the UK? Thanks for the warm welcome all hope you enjoy the photos :)

PS: Sorry about the random photo sizes. post-1567-139909864341_thumb.jpgpost-1567-139909864346_thumb.jpgpost-1567-139909855439_thumb.jpgpost-3772-13990985544_thumb.jpgpost-1567-13990986435_thumb.jpgpost-3681-139909864353_thumb.jpg







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Thanks for the pics....that carbon rilli looks awesome. As a forum/hobbyist, we're feverishly working towards breeding quality. We have most varieties, BUT quantity and quality is an issue, due to our import restrictions. Due to the supply/demand, shrimp keeping in Australia is expensive, BUT compared to 1-2 years ago, where a TB was $1,000...today, they are $150-$250 each.

We have some awesome native shrimp and mosses though, and the interest of these are growing.

Please post some of your yellow & orange rills....really keen to see them, as they are as rare as hens teeth here :-)

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That's an awesome selection you've got there dude, thanks for sharing! :encouragement: As BB said, we have a decent selection of shrimp here but they are pretty expensive compared to the prices over your way, but we are working our way to improving their quality & patterns with our limited gene pool. :victorious:

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MUST....MOVE......to Europe! :dejection:

Your shrimp look great! Very jalous!

Welcome to SKF! :encouragement:

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Awesome images and always great to see and hear about what strains are available, even if we can't access them!!

Welcome to the forum!!

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  • HOF Member

Welcome to SKF. What a lovely lot of shrimp you have. our community is growing quickly and the interest in shrimp keeping is too. Thanks for sharing your photos- this is where we usually say heaps to see and learn here but looks like you can teach us about the latest trends in shrimp and make us really jealous. Great to have you here:D

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If your looking for rili's and their hard to come by its always worth importing/buying a mixed Sakura cherry. Large scale importers don't always have time to sift through every cherry they ship out. We happened to stumble thankfully on a male and female in this way when they weren't around in the UK. Lucky dips can be fun :P

Managed to get a 1/2 decent photo of chocolates M&F,a berried yellow and one of our own bred Yellow rilis who was subsequently booted out from under neath the catappa leaf. I'm not a huge fan of the male chocolates as the females solid colouring is far more appealing.

I guess the first question I have is do you need heaters or is ambient temp & fans more the kit needed in Aus?


I cant wait to see what shrimp you have all been keeping, I bet you all have some little gems?






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The idea of a yellow rilli is amazing. Yours is stunning, nice solid coloring.

In Victoria, especially where I am, heating is a must. Many nights down to minus 2 degrees C. And the reverse for summer with top above 40 C, so now looking to invest in chiller units.

Wish we could import but don't believe the option is available here.

Thanks for the great images and info.


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Stunning pics & shrimp dude, you are totally making us drool as our import laws are pretty strict so getting most of the really nice shrimp is up to us selectively breeding what's already here & hopefully getting some worth while patterns. :victorious:

I really love the yellow rili, that is definitely a pattern worth persuing. :encouragement:

Yeah we have a very wide range of temps here &, as already mentioned, most of us have heaters for the winter & chillers for the summer. :)

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I love those yellows, they look to have more of a 'lemon' colour compared to our yellows which seem to be more 'sunshine' (warm)

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Sounds like a shrimpers night mare with fluctuating temperature:cower:. I think your all secretly masters in disguise:encouragement: Do you find you end up using biological additives in winter and then nitrate reducing agents in summer? What are your favourite products to use and do you use any? Yay. I'm getting more stock this weekend and will have my its on SSS CRS. I'll pop some photos up once they arrive.

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Yeah we try not to use any additives at all but there are some bacterial boosters that some people use like "Stability". Personally I feel that the less you add to a tank the better the shrimp will be & the best way to keep nitrates down is changing water on a regular basis so there is never a need to do a massive change & therefore keeping the WP as stable as possible. I have an auto WC system on my rack so I never even get a reading on my nitrates, on the other tanks I do about 5% WC every two weeks. Can't wait to see the pics of your new stock! :victorious:

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