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April SKF Competition - Sponsored by ( Filter Systems Australia )


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Hi SKF Members,

Well its that time again :triumphant:

This month we have been lucky enough (thanks to BlueBolts for organizing this) to have this competition sponsored by FSA (Filter Systems Australia)

Website- WWW.filtersystemsaustralia.com


Filter systems Australia have been Proudly servicing & supplying domestic and commercial Water Filtration to pumps & irrigation industries, plumbers, window cleaners, mines, tank cleaners, health & naturopathic professionals, aquaponic & aquarium industries, farming industries & more.

So all you shrimp keepers that are making to move to RO water for your tanks and systems, You now have one of the best suppliers in Australia to purchase

everything you need from.

Be sure to contact FSA, and Ian (FSA username) or one of the other staff members will be able to help you out with everything you require:encouragement:

Ian and the staff at Filter systems Australia have been kind and generous enough to donate the following prize for this competition.

1x Aquarium & Drinking Water Portable R/O Combo System. Valued at $270

Perfect for any shrimp keepers tank :applause:




Now for the competition details.

This SKF Comp is going to be a shrimp/shrimp tank Video Competition..

To enter this competition all you need to do is;

Make the best short Video you can of your shrimp/shrimp tank!!

Its that simple..

Then simply post it up in this thread and we will decide the winner Via a poll.

Some ideas you might want to consider to make your video stand out

*Add a cool sound track.

*Add some subtitles or captions.

*Be creative.

*Add some commentary.

Competition commences from 14/4/13 and closes on the 14/5/13

Rules for entering this competition.

*Members entering this comp must have minimum 70 posts on SKF by close of comp.

*Members can only enter 1 video for this comp.

*Video must be of your own shrimp/shrimptank.

*Video length between 2 - 10 minutes max.

*must be new video not shown before on any forum.

(more will be added if needed as we go)

You have 4 weeks to create your video, so take your time and make it good!

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Absolutely fantastic. I've dealt with Ian for over 2-3 years, and his service, advise and products have been A1......have recommended many members to FSA. Sounds like a great and fun comp, well done Dean.

Good luck to me, uh, I mean All of us.

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Excellent competition and prize! Thanks SKF and competition sponsors for some great competitions!

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Excellent competition and prize! Thanks SKF and competition sponsors for some great competitions! Where it says short video should there not be some time limit?

Good luck to me, uh, I mean All of us.
BB not allowed to use the tanks that have all your Tb's and Tigers to make it an even playing field! LOL!
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Excellent competition and prize! Thanks SKF and competition sponsors for some great competitions! Where it says short video should there not be some time limit?

BB not allowed to use the tanks that have all your Tb's and Tigers to make it an even playing field! LOL!

all within the rules......don't worry, if I can't get Stephen Spielberg, I've lost, my production ability is non existent.

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Pity I am only new to SKF, I have video to enter, :/ will be fun to watch all the entries though! :)

Maybe I can make the 70 posts by deadline :D

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Just a suggestion, so please take it as that a suggestion only...I believe the beginner shrimp keeper will have little to no chance against the experienced shrimp keeper and Aquascapers, how can a nano tank of red cherries and some moss tied to rocks/wood compete against a massive tank of Taiwans, tigers, all the latest gadgets, and plants? Let's be honest who would you vote for? I've seen many comps like this before and the newbies don't even bother entering as they feel it is out of their league.

In saying that, if possible there should be 2 levels, beginners and advanced, can only enter one or the other...Just a thought? ...

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But it's a video completion and about the quality of the video rather than the shrimps in it surely? I know I'd vote for a well made red cherry video over a boring rare shrimp video...

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But it's a video completion and about the quality of the video rather than the shrimps in it surely? I know I'd vote for a well made red cherry video over a boring rare shrimp video...

Take that BB!!!!

Just kidding! I got a new camera and i only got cherries, so lets see how it goes :p

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That is a really cool competition! Watching all the video entries will be a lot of fun. It's like having our own shrimpy youtube.

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A tank full of red cherries with subtitles and commentary that makes people laugh would have a high chance of winning and also capturing unique behavour of shrimps. Just my opinion :)

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To clear up a few things!!!

It has absolutely nothing to do with the type of shrimp you have in your tank!!!

It is about the best presented video of shrimp/shrimptank!!!

Everyone from noob to experienced shrimp keepers can enter as long as they have the minimum posts required.

If you dont have the amount of post required then you have 4 weeks to do so.

@Cngo, use your imagination and do something creative or different, dont be negative or of the opinion that any one person has a lesser chance than the next person. the comp is decided by a poll which means all those "Newbies" that your saying wont enter have as much say in the winner as anyone else!

Lets not make this hard or difficult. its a comp and meant to be fun for everyone. We have a fantastic prize which is of more

benefit to the Newbie than an advanced shrimp keeper :) so stop wasting time and get cracking on a winning Video :)

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  • HOF Member

As Dean says competitions are fun and it will be great seeing the tanks and shrimp of our members. We have had lots of laughs and fun on all sorts of threads so why should this be different? I for one am looking forward to seeing the videos. I have an RO unit so won't be joining the comp( real reason I have enough trouble posting pictures ) lets get behind this and show us the stuff you are made of!

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This comp is sick!!!!! Now if only my camera worked...... Can't wait to see the entries :)

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I already have an RO unit, but im going to enter this because I can lol (that and I love making videos... not done it in a few years though!!). Just getting started. It's a shame this came up just as I went back to work... still i managed to get a fair few clips to play with before i left :)

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  • HOF Member

I wish I could do videos but I make a mess of photos so not much hope but I will certainly enjoy looking at everyones clips so come on where are they???? Not that I'm impatient or anything

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LOL mines going to take a good few weeks. I only have a few hours in the evening to work on it now im out in the sticks again :(

You should have a crack anyway Ineke!

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Great comp guys and good luck to the winner!!!

I not entering for 2 reasons, I don't need an RO up here and My under water Video gear is an unfair advantage.

One hint I can give is, if your camera is able to be put under water, Do it on a weight or something and feed them in front of the lenses at the right focal length, you will be amazed at the difference in the vid, OH and DON'T chase you subject, that way you don't have one of these Videos that is shaky and all over the place, keep it still and in focus and edit out what you don't want.


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  • HOF Member

Great tips Bob I wish I had known that a few weeks ago I had the loan of an underwater camera but didn't want to put it in the tank because I didn't know what it had been used for. Hey Bob how was that not a crab in sight

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And i'll add that Adobe Premiere Pro is the best editing software IMO... you can download a free trial from the Adobe website.

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That Adobe sounds good torface.

I best not say where I was today looking at moss, fresh water sea weed/ subwassertang and shrimp in a beautiful clear spring feed creek, there was 2 other members there that might start a thread?? Girls!!!

Tease tease


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