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Hunt for the BLACK Zebra shrimp


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Hi All

Today Wednesday I had the day off work because it is quite after Xmas, so I went to look for Black Zebra shrimp.

One creek I go to in Tully gorge out side the national park on private property has them at about 1 in 1,000 or so. This is how my day went.

Leaving Gordonvale where I live (just South of Cairns) it is a 2.5 hour drive south to Tully gorge. The day was raining so I was not to sure I would be able to get onto the creek, it is a hard enough slog with out being flooded.

Some of the country side driving south.

Mt Bellenden Ker in cloud


One of the big crops up here Bananas


Arriving at Tully gorge


Luck was on my side the water had gone down enough for me to set of up the Mountain. The Zebras don't occur lower down near the main river because of the predators, once you pass the first barrier usually a water fall, they are thick, the altitude measured by an altimeter is 60mts above sea level where they first occur.

The creek where I first arrive on it and further up the Mountain.


When I got up to where they usually start appearing, I was surprised to see big numbers, up to 50 pr square 30cm, I thought they would be low considering the dry spell we have had. What did surprise me was the total lack of young, I did see lots of females carrying eggs, a good sign. usually there is tiny young all over the place and I had a good look around and did not see one young.

My search started, in about 2 hours of moving steadily up the creek I found one at last and did a dumb thing, I tried to get a photo of it in the wild before I caught it. Bad move as I was getting the camera in the right setting it decided to disappear, I am sure it went into thick leaf litter not to be seen again. I did how ever get some fair photos of the other Zebra shrimp around, with some showing Male and Female differences. Here is a couple of photos in the wild at distance first, these are below the water fall where fish are so they are under a big rock in the shallows.


Here is some photos close up under water.

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Still having computer problems.

The second photo down is a male, the other three photos are Female and one with eggs.

The conditions on the creek today were.

Air temp 32 in the open, in the forest 25. humidity was 89%

Water temp was 26 in the back waters and 23 in the flow.

Ph was 6.8 today from all the leaf litter in the creek, normal is 7 and above

Kh 1

Gh 1

clarity was 3mts but stained brown, normally very clear

Flow rate today was 1 mt pr second in the main flow, not real fast

MS 32

My luck was not with me today so I am planing another trip to look for the Black Zebra shrimp and I will put up better photos photos of it when I am successful. they are jet black with two white bands.

OH and here is a Flycatcher nest i found on the way out, did not see the birds any where so I did not stay around to Long.


I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed the trip, Bob

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Awesome photos bob! They look so cool in there natural habitat! Will be awesome to see these black ones..

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Awsome pics like always bob great write up and so awesome too see these shrimp in there natural habitat :)

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Incredible, and thanks again for sharing....always look forward to your adventures .....do we know for sure whether these can x with CRS's ?

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Great photos, it's always fantastic to see them in their native habitat. Do you find any spiders or scorpions in those areas? Looks like prime habitat?

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Thanks guys it is worth while doing when you guys like the trips and we are in peak time now, I think the next one will be the Johnston river where you can get 4 Caridina types in one net full.

BB I can say 100% but it is most unlikely, why don't you try to cross them?

Matt, you would be a NUTTER there, one that always gets in my way is the giant water spider they are nice but jump like you would not believe. I did find a Tiger Huntsman not there but in another spot and gave it to a ( I can not think of a kind word for him) in Sydney, from there I don't know where it went.


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that is a great write up Bob, your living the dream mate :encouragement:

every time i read one of these posts, my want of going up there for a trip is greater and greater...

also very interested to see these blacks ..

great work bob, glad to have you as part of this forum...

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Thanks Dean now I am embarrassed.

thanks Ben, I will be on to ASAP

I should add that there is also clear ones to at about 5 to the thousand, I will get some photos of them to.


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Thanks for sharing Bob :encouragement: Looks like suck a pristine place

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I always love looking at your photos Bob, thanks for sharing! Such a shame your black shrimp got away but fingers crossed you get one next time :D

That's a beautiful birds nest too, must be nice for the babies with that lovely soft-looking moss :)

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Once again Bob Awesome... Thanks for sharing..

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Thank you Bob for letting us participate on your trip with all the nice photos and information! I have never been to Australia before, but I am sure this post convinces everybody to protect the last spots of wilderness we have in our local surroundings. The Australian Zebra shrimp has very interesting patterns, and is as beautiful as all BB and Red Bee shrimp everybody wants to have. Also, I hope hobbyist shrimp breeders will start a native breeding program :)

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Amazing bob that looks like quite an adventure! thank you for sharing it with us. I am very keen to keep and breed these shrimp when I complete my shrimp rack!

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Thanks for sharing Bob...Beautiful country out there....Interesting looking shrimp (black zebra):applause:

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Very cool Bob, it must be great to set out on an adventure and see these special shrimp in their natural habitat.

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As I have said before, any one that makes it to Paradise look me up and we will go collecting.


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They look awesome Bob. Nice little write up there too. One day I'll get my butt up there for a field trip. At the moment I'm wanting to go to the NT and visit Dave :)

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