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  1. Shrimpy

    Shrimpy's jungle

    Thought i'd start a journal on my new scape. The tank is an aquaone AR-980 3ft tank with matching stand and hood. With this particular scape, I will strive to recreate a scene of a serene jungle. The main plants i am using are bucephalandra which will be in the background and tied onto driftwood pieces, and lots of us fissidens which will cover about 2ft of the tank and will act as a lush green foreground. Here is a plan which i have implemented in regards to the flora, fauna, lighting, filtration of the scape. Flora - Bucephalandra - Us fissidens - Hygrophila pinnatifida - Proserpinica. palustris - staurogyne tropica Fauna - Blue cherry shrimp - Otto fish Filtration - Eheim 2213 hooked up and ready to go Lighting 2x Up aqua 2ft LED Z series Gravel/Soil 10kg black diamond aquarium gravel AND also DIY Co2 I have managed to strip down the tank a week ago, have filled with water and started the filter. Just waiting for it to cycle right now and also for ordered plants/mosses to arrive. Plan to add the flora and driftwood in about 1-2 weeks. I have only purchased a very small amount of bucephalandra for now to see how it goes. Here is a pic of the empty tank right now. Will update as i add the hardscape and plants.
  2. fishmosy

    'Serious' CBS tank

    In the process of setting up a new tank. This time I've decided to go the whole hog. Soil, water conditioner, high grade shrimp. The tank is an Xanta 40 by Aquamanta. I chose this tank as I got it on store credit from my LFS, it looks similar to the Fluval Edge but has a full sized lid. I'm writing a review for this tank too which can be found here: http://www.shrimpkeepersforum.com/forum/showthread.php/5997-Aquarium-Xanti-40-by-Aquamanta?p=77354#post77354 Unpacked and ready to be moved into position. Got some goodies from Dean. Benibachi Soil and Bee Shrimp water conditioner. I'm using RO water that I get from my LFS as I get it on store credit. Dean also threw in a planaria trap, and I have a mini oxydator which Dean threw in with a previous order. I finally have a tank to use it in. So moved the tank to the bench and starting filling it up. Filled and added the benibachi salts. Spot on pH, can't argue with that! Unfortunately the break midway in the filling process left a nasty ring of scum. Luckily I remembered I had a nifty algae magnet hanging around from a failed aquascaping set-up. (By failed, mean tank split and dumped >100L onto floor) Cleaned in a jiffy, love this magnet.
  3. So after shutting down my old tank and getting a new one made I've sort of started setting it up. New tank is using 10mm glass with a 10mm glass divider. First up was the black vinyl to the back to hide the cables etc... from the front: This time around I want to hang my custom LED kit so I made some brackets to mount the light hanging kit: Water test. That's about all I've had time to do. I do have a problem with my 2217 classic though, it's leaking :mad: On the upside, my custom DIY intake works a treat.
  4. Okay. I finally have to admit that my tank just look like some kinda greenish whatsoever. Breakout of algae just driven me mad. It was firstly hair algae that boomed, followed by all sorts of algae and now da*n brush algae is growing from substrates :cower: [ATTACH]6025[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6026[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6027[/ATTACH] I'm resetting my tank to make it a little bit more prettier or not even pretty, just not this greenish mess. Thicker acrylic sheets are ordered to use as dividers as current dividers are bending. Tank reset plan Tank: 900mm x 350mm x 300mm Susbtrate: Black earth premium normal 9L + Benibachi powder 5kg Water: R/O water Filter: Sera sponge filter Air pump: YoungNam blower Water conditioner/buffer: Fulvic acid, Benibachi bee max, shrimp balls, ADA bacter100, Tetra vital, Tetra black water, PSB, Seachem stability, etc As soon as all items arrive, I'll start resetting the tank. Main worry ATM is that how long it'll take to get 80L of R/O water... lol
  5. So we started on the first bench for my new shrimp room today. The frame work was 90 x 35 pine, the bench is 19 ml flooring chipboard. It has all been made to accommodate my height and injuries to make it easy for me to reach over tanks and behind tanks. The uprights will allow drawers to be positioned in the middle 2 sections and a shelf will be put into the other bottom sections. Everything has been painted black to keep it all matching- even the tanks have Black silicone:D The bench will go all the way around three sides of the room with the bench under the window giving me work space for packing and water testing etc. I will have 10 x 24 " tanks = 5 each side (8 are Blue Planet and 2 just basic 24" with black silicone. At this stage the lighting will be individual lights but a bench will be made over the top of the tanks which will have LED lights but not sure what type just yet. Each tank will be separate with 2 sponge filters and an airstone except the TB tank which will also have an Eheim 2213 as well. I am using Beni Bachi soil for the Crystals and TB's and also trying out some Elos (think that's the name) which I was given to try -it works similar to Beni Bachi in the buffering and looks very similar. For the Cherries I am using Fluval Stratum which they seem to do well in. My plants are basically moss, java fern and some Sword plants- the swords only because my large plant has sent off so many plant-let runners it seems a shame not to use them. Water is RO and salty shrimp for all tanks (Sulawesi for the cherries until that runs out). Hopefully tomorrow the other side will be completed and then the window work bench. I need to find something to sit the tanks on and will see if one of the rubber stores has something useful, any suggestions would be great. The flooring in the room has been reinforced with steel beams sitting on concrete footings as this part of the house has wooden floors sitting on dwarf walls which have started to collapse so Alan replaced them with the steel framework. I am a tad excited and hope I can put some pictures up of the room finished and empty tanks insitu by the end of the week.If there are any glaring faults with this plan please let me know before we make any big mistakes. The reason I haven't gone for a normal rack is due to back and neck injuries that don't allow me to work with my arms above shoulder height or continous bending and because I'm short the height of the bench makes working easier for me. The room has ducted air conditioning and ducted heating plus there will be a ceiling fan installed so hopefully I won't need a chiller. It works in my other room but I didn't have TB's or Crystals last summer [url=http://s1293.photobucket.com/user/ineke24/media/2013-12-16140719_zps26d1ee3c.jpg.html][url=http://s1293.photobucket.com/user/ineke24/media/2013-12-16152022_zpsf9d43ca7.jpg.html][url=http://s1293.photobucket.com/user/ineke24/media/2013-12-16155720_zps34f0ef7e.jpg.html]
  6. Hi all So I've decided to start my first journal about my new shrimp pad! Ive spent months doing research and drawing inspiration from the many beautiful scapes that drape the internet and i finally decided on creating a mountain scape for my shrimp to call home. Im fortunate enough to own a CADE600 braceless opti clear tank and matching cabinet which just oozes sex appeal! The light im using is a Zetlight LED and filtration is taken care of with an Eheim 2215 with upgraded impeller with a Ista co2 reactor and Hydor heater all run inline. [ATTACH]6004[/ATTACH] Before I did anything with the tank the base was sprinkled with ADA Bacter100, Benibachi Super Bacteria Bee Max and mineral powder to provide a good base of bacteria and mineral content [ATTACH]6005[/ATTACH] For the substrate I decided to use Cal Aqua Black Earth after reading many great reviews and seeing the success other people have had with it. The hardscape material is all bluestone which I have been told (fingers crossed) that itll effect the WP the least. Sand path was created with just plain white aquarium sand. This layout involved many hours to get to something i was happy with aswell as alot of advice and direction from friends too. The area underneath the rocks have been filled with polystyrene foam and extra rocks to lighten the load on substrate cost and I ended up using about 15 litres. I have had many warnings about the sand path and the potential of aquasoil mixing into it but im hoping the carpet will avoid that happening. Here is the final hardscape layout [ATTACH]6006[/ATTACH] Now I was inspired to attempt my very first dry start method after afew mates had, and after seeing the results they had i was blown away. Plant list when completed will include HC, Eleocharis Belem, Glossostigma Diandrum, Utricularia Graminifolia and mini fissiden. First introduction into the scape was the HC and belem. [ATTACH]6007[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6008[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6009[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6010[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6011[/ATTACH] My mate taught me alot about the DSM process and requirements so I followed his steps which are Mist the tank well to create a moist environment but not too much in order to avoid mould and algae Completely cover the tank with glad wrap Run a co2 line into the tank whilst still ensuring a seal around the tank and dose at 1 bps Run co2 and light for a period of 12 hours once lights are out uncover 1/3 of the tank to allow for gas exchange and any excess water to evaporate. Maintenance and inspection is about 10 minutes every morning before leaving for work and about 10 minutes at night. I find myself sitting in front of the tank just staring at it despite having no water and inhabitants for hours!! After some help from Jeff and Helen from Liverool Creek Aquarium I found some Utricularia Graminifolia and Glossotigma Diandrum. I was extremely impressed with how well the plants were packaged and the quality of the plants aswell as some freebies too!! UG is apart of the bladderwort family and there was alot of debate of whether this carnivorous plant would wipe out any shrimplets in the tank but i decided this was a display tank and not a breeding tank. I had read many articles online that many people had kept the plant with shrimp without any problems but I suppose ill find out Hopefully the glosso will also enjoy the DSM process but it has not been added in yet. [ATTACH]6012[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6013[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6014[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]6015[/ATTACH] So far I'm really enjoying the DSM and am always excited to find any new growth at all. The little trick I learnt thanks to my mate about dosing co2 into the tank definately makes a difference and helps in providing a good environment. Heres a full tank shot with HC, UG and E Belem planted [ATTACH]6016[/ATTACH] Hope you like the scape and any advice or criticism is certainly welcome!! Thanks
  7. Hi all, its not exactly a shrimp tank, but I will have shrimp in there - Tank size: 2ft Juwel Rekord 70 Filter: Eheim 2322 Thermofilter Lighting: 2x 10w LED Floods (Morning/Evening) 1x 20w LED (Mid-Day) Substrate: Riversand - w/ Leaf Litter (Indian Almond, Maple, Beech, Oak) & Alder Cones. Heater: Jager 50w Fauna: Currently thinking a pair of Apisto Agassizii & a colony of wild type Cherry Shrimp/ Or some bright red Cherries to complement the dark sand & wood. Flora: Amazon Frogbit on the surface.. Staurogyne Porto Velho - Around some river stones that I'll add at base of wood. Needle Leaf JF - Back left to fill rear. Undecided: Moss of some kind or Hydrocotyle - On branches that stick out of water, hopefully the Moss or Hydro will grow out and above the water line. Please let me know what you think of the current hardscape, and if you have any suggestions feel free to voice them *BTW* They're not scratches on the glass I was scraping off Calcium Build-up.
  8. keego

    My first rack

    I'm currently setting up 10 tanks I purchased second hand a couple of months ago. They are 900(L) x 450 (D) X 460(H), pre-drilled with 1 hole in the back. They were from a LFS that closed down and still in the original wrapping. I planning on dividing them into 3 segments. The hole is near the bottom of the tank, so I have decided to patch over the hole, never done before, but been researching how to do it. So on the weekend, I started on building a timber rack with designs from another forum & also to keep cost down, I can build with timber, but can’t weld, so timber was the obvious choice & cheap. The timber is 90 X45mm The tanks cost me $450 & the timber & fitting $165. Having recently read Squiggles journal, tanks look very similar ????. I planning on keeping a number of different cherries & see where it leads, very interest in some of the work of member of SFK of “line breedingâ€, don’t understand it, but looks interesting. I love a good challenge In a nutshell, I thinking of running sponge filters / air pump???, borrowing LED lights ideas similar to the ones Squiggle showed in his posting. Like all trying to keep cost down, but like other have stated, the right choices now will reduce ongoing maintenances & more time watching shrimp LOL. Next job is to patch hole. [ATTACH]5970[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5971[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5972[/ATTACH] Sorry couldn't rotate photos, will try again
  9. BristledOne

    The begining

    So like most people I'm sure, I started with red cherry shrimp. I was given a small number but unfortunately they found there way into a filter and it put me off the hobby for a little bit. After a change around of my tanks I came to have a 2ft free and so began to look into shrimp again. I was given some shrimp from someone else, more but not as nice quality and since then I've found myself more and more looking at the different range around and the tanks that people were housing them in. Eventually I purchased some blue gene red rili interstate but decided to house them in a relatives tank with their CRS while I convert my 2ft to benibachi. The cherry red's were moved into an all in one tank I was previously looking to sell. Blue Gene Rili:: After too many hours of research and more comparing then I'd care to admit I ended up settling on the standard Benibachi Fulvic Black (normal grain size) and a few extra accessories, placed the order with Boss Aqua (cheers for the goodies) So from there I cleaned out my tank, scraped out ever last grain of my old river gravel and spent some time thinking about what I wanted it to end up like. After a while I decided I needed something to finish the tank off as I just didnt have enough to fill it out the way I had hoped. Ended up stumbling across a piece of rock at a local LFS for cheap that they claim wont effect the water (inert black granite?) but I suppose time will tell. So I dug up my sleeves and got to work! So considering I filled the tank and started the filter on Thursday night I'm going to consider next Friday to be the one week point, as I dont have anything more than the ability to test PH right now I'll take a sample of the water down to the LFS and get them to test it out for me and see if it's finished cycling. I'm pretty stoked with how it's turned out looking, the plants are a bit battered but that's largely from them sitting in a bucket in the dark for a week. Oh and I've put 9 of the Benibachi balls into the canister filter that's running on the tank. The 10th ball is with the red cherries so they've got some minerals to pick at if needed (they don't have benibachi soil) There are still plants behind the bits of broken slate, they run most of the way along the back so I'll have a natural green backing and the black slate will hopefully highlight the 3 colored plants in-front of it. The right side of the tank will get overgrown with ambulia and javamoss behind and to the right of the wood. Anyway, just thought I'd share my scape with you all. Curious to hear what you think of it?
  10. Hi All It has taken a while to get started, but I started yesterday by painting the area, now I have to lay out door tiles, put in tanks and stands, a system and on the Left hand side will be a plant growing area in a sort of Hydroponics system. The start, it is 6mts long by 2 wide and will be covered in green house plastic and shade cloth, it will hold 15 x 60cm tanks and 12 x low 80cm tanks
  11. Hi All I thought I would start a journal of the first fish tank I have had in a house in 15 years, Working in the industry and having fish room I have stayed away from indoor tanks until now. I am also about to start to build 3 different fish rooms ( over the next 2 years or shorter) It is a 90cm x 45cm x 40cm tank, I am putting my Cherry.s in for the time being and no cycle of the tank, I never Cycle but please don't do the same because if you can not stop feeding you will have dramas The substrate is old school and free laterite This is how I add water so as not to stir things up It had shrimp in it half an hour after that shot, but I used the water from the tank they were in and the other half for the tap, the tank is half full and still has no filter. All good this morning so I will add more photos shortly.
  12. pitz


    MTS starting to kick in... with moonlight...
  13. Hi everyone, Thought I might start a journal for my newest tank. In the past I've just done pretty heavily planted setups but I thought I might try something a bit more ambitious this time. My crystal shrimp are currently boarding with my cherries (there was a sale and they were the last ones and I couldn't resist) and although they seem happy enough I intend to get some more and start a breeding colony so they will need their own pad. The tank is a 27L Aqua One Xpression but I upgraded the light to a Up Aqua Pro Z Led. This is the first stage of the scape. A bit messy at the moment and some things not quite where I want them (large goldvine needs a bit of shuffling). Also, the driftwood is currently held down by my trademark spare rocks (I soaked them but then left them out of water for a few days because I needed the bucket). And there is glue everywhere! Need to peel it off as it turned white in the water and looks gross. Any suggestions or comments welcome! Anyone have any ideas for plants? I was thinking of growing something on those wood pieces. Also, as I now have a decently strong light I was considering trying a carpeting plant. Stems might be restricted to the back as most would probably overgrow this tank.
  14. smicko


    Hi all. Haven't been around much lately, busy at work and busier on holidays so I thought it was time to put some pics of the new rack up. Firstly, i would like to thank Wayne and bluebolts for all the shrimp I have. They were both generous after I had a mishap and lost most of my stock Unfortunately I don't have any pics of the build but im only half done so I will take more pics as I go. At the moment I have two 4x15x18 tanks on a timber stand with a twin 10 000k t8 light mounted on the top tank. I am getting a slimline light for the bottom tank. Filtration is two large bio corner filters in each tank, driven by an aqua one 9500 air pump ( I would like a quieter pump if anyone has a suggestion). I decided against a sump so I can keep both tanks at different parameters and the top tank will get a chiller. The bottom tank has no scape yet as its being used to raise a few hundred convict fry at the moment which is a quality improvement program I have going at the moment. Now to the important stuff, the top tank has a mix of cherries that I am sorting out as I go. It has reds, rillis, blue velvet,black, choc and some wild type. Also three female mischlings that were fry that survived my mini hiroshima(need a boy of some type soon) Substrate is a layer of fluval shrimp capped with 1-3mm natural black gravel. Planted with milfoil, minature milfoil, duckweed, watersprite, crypt wendtii green and a red plant I dont know the name of. The rack is going to be covered like a shop display so I will add pics as I go.
  15. Hi guys as most of you will no a while ago i mentioned i had ordered my 5 foot tank, well it has now arrived i have now sikaflexed the piping to the tank waiting for it to dry so in the next couple days i will be able to finish the rest of the plumbing and get it all happening :) (photos are yet to come)
  16. Androo

    Run of the mill

    This is my nano tank that iv set up. The current inhabitants are 4x chameleons, 2x blue rilis, 2x blue velvets, 1x L066. I will keep adding photos as it changes. original tank fortnight ago night I planted a week later [ATTACH]5124[/ATTACH] very open to any advice on how I could improve it. Even though I can't see the shrimp easily I'm happy in the idea that they can hide and hopefully act as casual as the kool potatoes they are.
  17. Jimmynich

    New tanks

    hi all, decided to make a journal post to keep everything in the one place and update as needed, finally went out today and got a nice stand for our new breeding tanks, ducked into the local Clark rubber and got some foam for the underside of the tanks and came home to start setting things up. Still undecided as to what stock these will have but most likely either CRS/CBS for starters then hopefully some mishlings and high end TB's after we've learnt enough! Our new RO machine is getting put to the limit today and tested so it'll be awhile before we show full tank pics; We're using Mr Aquarium shrimp substrate, read a fair bit about it and seems to be a good product, will be keeping these tanks quite simple with sponge filters and just generic heaters (Not that we'll need them at this time of year) More pics to come as we finish filling and get everything else soughted out Cheers P.S: Think it's safe to say my brother inlaw and i have got a serious case of MTS, will be getting another pair of 2 foot tanks to replace my single 4 footer (scratched and old) thats currently in the dining room with my breeding cherries in it. Will hopefully use the old 4 footer as a bit of a mixed cherry breeding set up later on. All in time though
  18. So after a bit of thinking, I thought I might make a bit of a journal, instead of just updating pics and stuff. The initial plan was to try my hand at a few cherry var. but then thought, Y U NO GO BEE? So, here goes: Picked up these for $150 Goodies List: 2x cm Cubes 2x HOB filters 2x Fluval 50W 2x Salty Shrimp Cave 2x Air Driven Sponge Filter 2x Purigen Pouches 1x ADA Bio Rio 1x ADA Malaya Powder 9L 1x ADA Power Sand 1x Benibachi Balls 1x 2ft Twin T5HO Food: Fluval Shrimp Food Bee Polleen Kale Tabs SERA - Shrimp Natural Dried Spinach leaves, turned to dust. The Malaya really helped the cycling process, 6 days, and it was done. I thought Amazonia was fast :onthego: The Malaya also provided the best buffering, and cost versus other substrates I was looking at... not to mention THE COLOUR! So far I have tied some moss and ferns to some things an just put in there. I love getting a pile of plants, and you find about 4 different types of moss, I didnt have before... GROW OUT TIME! The algae in it doesn't help, but I can work with it :P Moving forward, Im unsure how I am going to separate everyone. I have 6x CBS Misch, 6x Red Rilli (Blue gene, 1 looks "Superman") and 1 X SW (unsure of origins, found it, was too cheap to refuse) Current parameter: (12 hours after full water change to RO, previous parameters were the same except for TDS which was about 170 and nitrates @ about 15ppm) Temp: 23.5 pH: 5.5 TDS: 220 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5ppm So, now I just want to let things settle for a bit longer, make sure there isn't any spikes and its all stable. I will be updating this a lil more than my Willows Tank, as well, these are probably going to be shrimp breeding tanks, where Willows might just end up as culls... still deciding... probably change my mind, as we all do...
  19. warren63

    So it begins......

    Ok been awhile to get myself organised and get a tank etc. Finally got a aqua one 51L which came with a heater, filter and light. Have filled the tank and added the water primer and will gradually add plants etc during the next couple of weeks whilst i wait for the water to cycle. Looking forward to documenting my progress and hopefully as i proceed you can pass on your great advice. First pic is just after i filled it so the water should be clear once i return home tonight.
  20. So around 8 months ago on my bedside table I had a 25L nano tank with a betta in it. The betta died after a long loving life :( so I decided I was going to make it into a shrimp tank, my first ever shrimp! After some tinkering I bought some goldvine and some awesome galaxy rasboras from fishchick aquatics and added some javamoss and later on some flame moss. And added my RCS. After now having the shrimp in for 6/7 months or so they are thriving, always new babies around!
  21. So I shall show the transformation of my 2 ft tank. After having a nano tank on my bedside table with RCS in a decided to convert my 2 ft downstairs to a shrimp tank. This was how my tropical tank looked. Before I added shrimp I decided I'd re-scape the tank. Which was quite time consuming and tedious adding Shrimp sand and reorganising it! This is how it turned out. i started with 10 RCS and have recently added 6 A-grade CRS from a lady on a Facebook group.
  22. Just making a thread for my new divided tank, i started 2-3 days back and my starphire 45cm yi ding tank. PICTURES WILL BE COMING SOON! Details: DIVIDED TANK Aquaone AR 620 tank Divider in between, with mesh hole. Filter system: The tank has been set up so it has technically 5 filters in total! Sponge filter in tank -> Prefilter -> Eheim 2217 filled with bioglass + 2 thin sponge on top -> top filter ->> AND also underground filter run by air pump Substrate: Benibachi shrimp soil Plants: Golden vine (moss tree including us fissidens, peacock moss, flame moss, mini pellia, anubias nana petite) erio shiga Flame moss slate few us fissiden slates Aridarum sp. Mini on lava rock Livestock: none yet 45 cm x 27 cm x 30 cm Starphire Tank YI DING TANK Filter system: 2 sponge filter driven by air pump Substrate: up aqua shrimp sand Plants: Driftwood covered with peacock moss. few slates of us fissidens Livestock: around 15 A/S - SS Grade red Crystal shrimps
  23. here is the update of my tank are know if you can notice but my soil have some red and white rock in it could that by the reason why my tank has to much ammonia and it did not cycle ?
  24. hey guy's, well I joined SKF only a few days ago and I went went to go pick up a 3ft tank and stand for $30 bucks it was in a far worst condition when I picked it up :0 put painted the stand black and changed a few thing, but then when I was about to move it into the house I came across a 4ft tank with heaps of drift wood, plants, cherry shrimp, and 4x massive cat fish, the tank was all up and running when I went to look at it and I sussed out a few things and it was sold to me :) so today I went to go strip it down and bring home so here is a few pic's, how it was a night and how I saw it, [ATTACH]4495[/ATTACH] when I started to drain it and get some the shrimp out! FAIL!!! haha when we packed them in my dad's falcon, ill show pic's of when I put most of the shrimp in to my 2fter and how the 4ft is sitting now and waiting for the 2fter to clear up so I can put some more plants in! but I am using a internal filter so hopefully not to many shrimp get sucked up :) :) and thanks to a few members for helping me out!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!:encouragement:
  25. Hi All, Just wanted to share my dad's new planted tank journey with you guys (early father's day gift :)). The tank will either house shrimps or discus. To begin, I've compiled a list of what's going to be used: Tank: Aqua One AR980 215L Substrate: Black Earth Premium Soil 4 x 9L Normal. Thanks to Bossaquaria Dean. - ADA Power Sand -S will be added, only because it was so cheap. Thanks to Ace. Lighting: Up-Aqua Pro Z30 LED Light. Thanks to Bossaquaria Dean. Filter: Eheim 2215 & UV Sterilizer 9w. Co2 Equipment: - Keg King 2.6kg bottle - Azoo Co2 Pressure Regulator With Magnetic Valve - Glass diffuser & bubble counter (will look into getting an ista reactor) - Co2 drop checker Gold vine driftwood and a variety of plants. We got the ball rolling by emptying the tank, removed the gravel and gave it a good clean. Once that was done and dusted, it was time to start pouring in the soil. ADA power sand went in first, then the Black Earth Premium Soil. I have to admit, the BEPS has a really nice texture to it, color looks great and the grain size (Normal) is similar to ADA aqua soil AZ. Whether it will stand up to the predominant ADA soil, we will just have to wait and see :) By the way, I'm not the best planner/aquascaper out there. If anything, it will be a noobie planted tank setup. :o Here's a couple of Pics i manage to take. .
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