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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/22 in Posts

  1. Another shrimp has turned funny colors. I promise i reviewed jayc's list and googled but it doesnt seem to be muscular necrosis bc its not opaque. The four ghost shrimp in my planted 10g have all turned green in spots I'm assuming either from eating a bunch of algae or their true colors coming, but one has gone white at the edges. I thought maybe when he disappeared a few days ago he was molting, but he's back, unchanged. It doesn't seem to me like muscular necrosis because it didn't start at the tail move up and opaque out his body, and he's active as ever. I thought maybe a bacterial infection but it doesn't seem to be exactly matching, he gained green and isnt appearing opaque, like hes still clearish, and isnt acting sick. Like I said, he was hiding for a while, I'm going to go to the store in the morning and see what they offer for medicine and quarantine him (or all??) Any thoughts? The colored shrimp (red neo, yellow neo, black something or other) seem to be fine. Included one of the healthy ones for comparison. Im assuming hes sick.
    1 point
  2. Hooray! I was hoping it was molt but he hasnt progressed at all in about a week. Thank you guys so much for your help again. Ill keep an eye out.
    1 point
  3. It looks like the shrimp is about to moult. I don't keep Ghost shrimp, so I'm not too familiar with how they look when going into a moult. But the white band along each joint is common in other shrimp when they start to moult.
    1 point
  4. It could be he is starting to molt, the colour isn't in the shell but in the flesh and the molted shell will be clear. I also can't see anything else obviously wrong! The green may just be their colour or something they have eaten, as you stated. There are also some shrimp that can change colour, though I don't think these are those? Going green makes sense in a planted tank. Unless you are convinced there is something wrong I would just keep an eye oon them. Quarantining and treating with meds will stress them anyyway, which may kill them and so you think they were sick (but they were healthy ones you killed) and everything then gets into a mess, and then you may need meds for stress! Try not to over react as that can be worse for all the parties involved. Just be very vigilant for now and you can post here as much/often as you want. Have you checked the water parameters, if they aren't right it could be he is having problems molting?
    1 point
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