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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/14 in Posts

  1. If you have safety switches in your meter box, could you click the switch off for the one that's connected to the power outlet and area the heaters connected to , to simulate a power out?
    1 point
  2. Have to agree but the is another product called "Fraction" it's exactly the same as Prime because it's made by the guy who invented Prime & AoA has it at a fraction of the cost(see what I did there, lol)
    1 point
  3. I go with female as well. Nice OEBT.
    1 point
  4. Tricky, but my guess is female. beautiful shrimp btw
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. In general Prime is safe to use. But I find it expensive. My preference is GK Lloyd's Supachlor, which you can buy from our sponsor Techden. Cheaper, and treats lime in town water, heavy metals, etc. One thing to note with Prime, but is unproven however there are many cases, is that Prime deprives the water of oxygen if you use more then the recommended dose. You might be using more to try neutralising ammonia, for example. So if you had to use Prime in this manner and use extra dosage, watch for signs of oxygen deprivation, and aerate heaps.
    1 point
  7. There's no pic dude!
    1 point
  8. There's been a lot of great suggestions....my advise is to stop using PH down etc, ... these additives fluctuates the WP, Affects TDS .... Although your tap water may appear good, there are inconsistencies of other elements like copper, fluoride etc, that are silent killers..... Investing in a RO unit will pay itself off in no time, and stop all the guesses and issues you maybe facing....... I learnt a lot about shrimp breeding/keeping once I switched o RO, as it eliminates so many possibilities, and when there's a shrimp death, determining why is so much easier and becomes a science. We need another RO water unit comp :-) Great that you're asking all these questions...well done :-)
    1 point
  9. Don't forget that we are on Facebook as well guys and gals. I use social media to give site updates if the site is down. A quick and easy way to get in touch if you can't get to here.
    1 point
  10. Definitely Salifert Nitrate kit, it's the only testkit on the market that can measure down to 0.2ppm, I got mine fro m AoA.
    1 point
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