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Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. 

I've had my aquarium for the last 5 years, originally it was for aquascaping and fish, then I decided I liked microfish, then I got some CRS and thus my shrimp addiction was born!  I've been keeping Taiwan Bee shrimp for the last 1.5 years, originally the intention was to just try and keep them alive, after I got that sorted the next idea was to get them to breed.  The plan went pretty smoothly up to that point but I had real trouble keeping the juvies alive.  Anyway, I managed to crack the code and 12 months later I have a 400L tank full of TBs: KK, panda, shadow panda and blue bolts, even a couple of taitaibees after I had a taibee residing in there for a short while. 

So, long story short, I am a shrimp addict.  It's nice to be somewhere I can admit that!

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  • HOF Member

Hi Jo and welcome to SKF. Sound like you've got some nice shrimp there, got any pics to share?

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Hi Jo

Welcome to the forums you have come to the right place. 

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Thanks everyone, nice to be here.

I have many pictures of my shrimp, oh so many pictures!  I thought it'd be rude to just start filling a thread with them on my first arrival.  I wanted to take some more recent ones, but my camera skills let me down last night (also it was a Friday and there was a bottle of red wine open).  I have this 'group shot' which shows a few of my shrimp last week, apologies in advance for the quality but it was taken after the lights went off so I had to use the flash on my phone.  

One of the reasons I wanted to join the forum was to learn more about the different grades and colourings of my shrimp.  I have a lot of variation in my colony, so I'm pretty sure which ever ends of the spectrum ended up being high vs low quality I'd be happy.  Although to be honest, I just like the ones that I think look pretty, regardless of grading.  (I have to admit that I do have a particular fondness for 'Rigby', who I believe is an extreme KK - she can be seen just to the right of the middle of the shot, like a little black shrimp ninja). 

I have blue bolts that are all completely blue & a navy colour, then all different shades of lighter blues up to being nearly completely white with just a sprinkling of blue on their heads.  I also had some which appeared to be the result of having the tibee as a father with a light brown/sand coloured stripe in the middle, I'm not sure if any of those survived to adulthood yet (it's a big tank filled with honeycomb rock, so finding a particular shrimp can be tricky).  Then I also have my shadow pandas, again with colours that go from dark navy stripes to white with a few blue dots, a few 'plain' pandas and then some king kongs (although I'm not entirely clear on how much white a shrimp can have for them to still be classified as a king kong).

My breeding program has, until now, been fairly haphazard - I'll save the full history of that for another post. I do have a second tank set up now and am about to start transferring some of the lesser-favourite shrimp out into that one.  I've been delaying doing it for a while though as it means two tanks to maintain carefully (a year ago I had a baby myself and as you'd expect my tank maintenance time has reduced dramatically, the fact I managed to keep the colony alive and now increase it is a miracle).


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  • HOF Member

LOL don't worry we won't think you are being rude if all your photo's are as cool as this and that cake lol

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Great shrimp

As you may have noticed we are all shrimp lovers / addicts. So feel free to post as many pictures as you want.

Now I am a believer you should go for what you like. 

But if you want to follow the standard guidelines of quality. You look for the thickness of shell, solid colour coverage, colour on the legs and size. I am sure a few others members can give you a more technical answer.


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  • 6 months later...

Hey @Jo, have you started a thread for all your pics? Id love to see more! 


I noticed an aqua scape in your fs thread is that your scape? It looks beautiful! 

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Hi @buck, thanks yes that is my main tank in the FS thread.  It was a proper aquascape, built for me by Adrian at Exotic Aquatic a couple of years ago. 

Unfortunately since then I had a baby and have less time for scaping, plus it was never really designed for shrimp and they've absolutely gone to town digging things up and getting substrate all over my sand!  Nowadays it's mostly overgrown, but I'll try and get some good pics of it after the trim next weekend when it's looking a bit more presentable! That's why I've not started a thread with any pics in, it's a bit like showing people how untidy your house is! ;)

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2 hours ago, OzShrimp said:

Wow talk about reviving an oldie lol :P



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3 hours ago, Jo said:

I reckon @buck just had nothing to do on a Friday night.  Maybe he needs another time-consuming hobby apart from shrimp? ;)

Haha im on maternity leave, all the girls were asleep, its the only thing i can do that doesnt make noise :| 

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    • jayc
      Is he new? Or did you always have greens?
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Very nice shrimp and great photography!
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Thanks, day 2 in the tank and the shrimp seem fine (not done roll call yet today), I saw 9 (got 11) yesterday and no dead bodies  so I 'assume' the other 2 were hiding somewhere. I drip acclimated them over night so they had a longer acclimate and hopefully that helped, but it is early days yet, however so far so good. I am looking forward to getting blue bolts at the end of the week but I doubt they will be as pretty as yours, but at this point I will be happy enough as long as they survive. That will be the lot this time so I am calling this tank 'bruiser tank' as it will only be mixed 'black and blue' shrimps!  I don't have any rocks this time just some small pieces of lava rock. The tests I did yesterday show KH is 0-1 (you can't test for 0 obviously) and PH was 7 on the drop test but the disc meter thing in the tank shows yellow so should be below 7 (the nearest match I think is 6.6) but all the test kits show in stages, and it can be difficult to tell when they are just different shades of the same colour. The seller of the shrimps said his tanks were PH 6.8 so we are at least closely matched. GH should go down slowly with the regular water changes/maintenance etc so hopefully the shrimp can handle it being a little high temporarily, seller had GH 5-6 (I assume 6 drops) and mine is just on 7. I am pleased with the sparser/simpler tank and the fact I can just glance over and see it when I am in my usual seat is great. I have a stick on thermometer so shouldn't have a similar disaster to before and have the heater set cooler at 21 this time, though in summer the tank will go above that most of the time. Hope everything is fine with yours!
    • beanbag
      Good luck.  I hope the Ph / KH issue is under control.  If not... Maybe use peat? Edit:  looking at a previous picture - maybe you should just remove those rocks for now
    • NoGi
      My lil emerald green. It's a lot harder taking macro shots with 15mm glass tanks.
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