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Did anyone see that new "superfood" now in supermarkets?

Apparently it's a cross between brussel sprouts and kale.

I'd bet shrimp would go nuts over it.

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Haven't had a chance to go Coles yet. I'll see if I can make it down there tomorrow.

Pro's and con's to living at home lol.

Edited by neo-2FX
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if human experience is anything to go by, im sure the shrimplets won't even touch it if it has brussel sprouts in it!

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The distinctive flavour of cruciferous vegetables is from mustard oil. The plants produce it as an anti-herbivore toxin. BTW some of you may be surprised to hear that many of our favorite shrimp feeds and additives are considered toxic at some level - mulberry leaf, dandelion leaf, oak leaf. The list goes on. It's likely the toxins that we're after, much the same as caterpillars. I wonder if our small colourful shrimp bioaccumulate these toxins as their own anti-predation strategy in the same way as caterpillars. 

Anyway, Brussels Sprouts are so unpopular because they contain very high mustard oil levels. Last year I noted that the higher stem leaves on flowering Bok Choi were much more bitter than the lower leaves; as it turned out the shrimp didn't particularly appreciate them. The showed a strong preference for less bitter lower leaves. Based on that I don't think they're very keen on high mustard oil content - Brussels sprout and similarly bitter brassicas are probably undesirable.  

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If you're prepared to eat it yourself then it can't hurt to try, but I think normal Kale will be nutritionally superior anyway. 

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i got some organic powdered kale from chemist warehouse the other day. Would that be a good baby food to syringe/spray into the moss same as people do with spirulina powder?

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