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Cull time ?


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Time to do a cull on my blue gene red rili colony. I have been meaning to do this for months but cant find takers in perth.

This first lot of 60 + shrimp are going to my brother. I think I'll have atleast another two lots like this.


So if any beginners want some good starter shrimp dont hesitant to pm me. I will be happy to give them away.

If you dont want freebies and want to pay I'll take $2 a shrimp (actually ill be happy with whatever)

Ill wait a week before i cull the rest. Unfortunately i cant post interstate until i get some foam boxes.



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If you dont want freebies and want to pay I'll take $2 ...





Hmm, freebie or $2 a shrimp.

I know which one I'd choose !!!


Way to go with spreading the SKF generosity Disciple.  :thumbsu:

Edited by jayc
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Nah everyone here is generous.

These are my culls i rather give them away a lot of ppl have asked but never really follow up and now i really need to get rid of them so i can improve my colony.

Anyways i got rid of 60 already. Another 20 on hold and in talks with some others.

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  • 1 month later...

20150707_204334.thumb.jpg.5d9fa1bbe95463too many...  :dark_mood:

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I would hate to cull that many lol might accidentally scoop up a good one.  Can see why u doing it though

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Wish I could help you...

You could always fly over and pick some up :crazy:

I would hate to cull that many lol might accidentally scoop up a good one.  Can see why u doing it though

There are a couple I will move over to my keeper tank. There are also a few I am keeping to work on a blue gene red rili. I feel I need to reduce the numbers as I am worried they will out compete my tigers.

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  • HOF Member

I used to wait until I had a heap before I culled. Luckily I have also got a cull tank for the good but not perfect culls because recently I caught a couple of really nice ones out to just have a few Rilis in a spare tank. After losing the majority of my Cherries last year I didn't have the heart to start over again but it's great to see a few cherry babies back in the tank again. They certainly do out compete other varieties I still have a few elusive Cherries in my large CRS tank and I just can't catch the little beggars so there are more and more in there!


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I used to wait until I had a heap before I culled. Luckily I have also got a cull tank for the good but not perfect culls because recently I caught a couple of really nice ones out to just have a few Rilis in a spare tank. After losing the majority of my Cherries last year I didn't have the heart to start over again but it's great to see a few cherry babies back in the tank again. They certainly do out compete other varieties I still have a few elusive Cherries in my large CRS tank and I just can't catch the little beggars so there are more and more in there!


The improvements I have made with my red rili's is from the advise you gave me some time last year. I pmed you about how to cull and improve my Rili's. I have followed that advise and I believe I have been getting better results. Thanks.

Now with the best kept in their own separate tank I am culling a differently. Once they become juvies I check the pattern and colour of the legs. I'll keep the ones they are good and move the ones with potential into another tank. Put the rest into this tank lol but this one quickly becoming over populated.

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Very generous of you Disciple and they would be great for beginners to learn and make the mistakes we have all made without loosing dollars. 

Swap your brother for some chameleons for me.......LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gday man,

I got a few on hold for a some people atm. 

How many you want and where are u based?

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I have about 10-15 I can give you.

I am a bit busy this weekend but will have time next weekend. I can drop it off somewhere if you like.

Sorry to ask but I just wanna check that you have a cycled tank and the wp are all good?


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That would be awesome, I really appreciate that. Let me know when and where works best for you.

Yes, tank has been cycled and is ready to go for shrimp.


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Would love some blue red rilli shrimp for my girls but I'm in bathurst nsw

Sorry Kirrily,

JacksonL has got the last of them. I will let you know when I have some more I need to cull.

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    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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