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Tibee vs TB


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Several hobbyist have asked, and I thought I'd clarify the difference of Tibee & TB.

Tibee - Tiger x Bee Shrimp (i.e. CRS, CBS...)


There's many variations of tibee, depending on the cross....refer to pic, Left - Blue Tiger, Middle - Tibee (Normal Tiger x CBS)' Right - Normal Tiger, and Yellow Cherry.


If you googled Tibee, there's some amazing x's being achieved.


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thanks, good clear info BB!

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Thanks for the info Marcus, a lil off topic but what are tigres like to keep?? not alot of info on them here, could you possibly do a little wright up?:)

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I'm no tiger expert, but have found them easy to keep, once they've settled. Experimenting with low & high PH, GH, KH. The tigers seem to have smaller number of shrimplets, and are tiny, in comparison to CRS...

pic of a tibee...only 2 shrimplets in that batch......Normal x CBS....more in proceeding batches but not sure on no's yet.


Different regions keep tigers in diff condition, i.e. Europe Breeders - High PH, and Asian Breeder Low PH..... So as mention, I'm experimenting on both range of PH, to see the effect of breeding cycle, shrimplet %, Etc. Will post these in a few months, once I can compare more results....


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update, managed to get my Tibee x WR. Curious on the outcome/pattern/colour. Sorry for the out of focus shot !


Got a female Tibee with my KK and BB, but nothing yet !


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Tibee - Tiger x Bee Shrimp (i.e. CRS' date=' CBS...)



Well explained, Marcus! Though I am thinking that Taiwan Bee and Tiger Bee have a DNA intersecting sec, and that Taiwan Bee perhaps will be defined as a special kind of Tigerbee. Looking at the Pinto color moprhs, these shrimp are only possible with Tigerbee spotted heads, while Red Bee spotted head will not give you Pinto when crossing with KK or Red Ruby.

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Thanks Imke, do you have pics of the Tigerbee spotted heads & Red Bee spotted head ? I haven't heard anyone in OZ that far advance in terms of selective breeding for the Pinto's ...sigh

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Okay, here we go :)

Pinto Bee - by Astrid Weber (with shadow gen)


Red Bee Spotted Head - by Juergen Moers


don't inherit shadow gen, are dominant when crossed with Taiwan Bee (as far as I know now)

Tigerbee with spotted head pattern - by Carsten Logemann


the photo was already posted in 2009!

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some awesome looking shrimps there, hopefully they come down in price in the near future so i can afford some :)

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Thanks shrimpsider...those pinto's are out of this world.......unfortunately we're far behind in that evolution of shrimps, in comparison to the rest of the world ! Awesome !....do they breed true ?

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  • 3 months later...

Is it these in which mischling come from because I was wondering if it is how do u I'd the mischling if it appears like a crs or CBS to increase chance of getting tb or kk gene stronger? Sorry if wrong species lol

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wow' date=' those patterns in the last link are nuts, pity we don't have them here in Aus[/quote']

Patience is the key...there are a few hobbyist working on these variants now !

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    • sdlTBfanUK
      Very nice shrimp and great photography!
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Thanks, day 2 in the tank and the shrimp seem fine (not done roll call yet today), I saw 9 (got 11) yesterday and no dead bodies  so I 'assume' the other 2 were hiding somewhere. I drip acclimated them over night so they had a longer acclimate and hopefully that helped, but it is early days yet, however so far so good. I am looking forward to getting blue bolts at the end of the week but I doubt they will be as pretty as yours, but at this point I will be happy enough as long as they survive. That will be the lot this time so I am calling this tank 'bruiser tank' as it will only be mixed 'black and blue' shrimps!  I don't have any rocks this time just some small pieces of lava rock. The tests I did yesterday show KH is 0-1 (you can't test for 0 obviously) and PH was 7 on the drop test but the disc meter thing in the tank shows yellow so should be below 7 (the nearest match I think is 6.6) but all the test kits show in stages, and it can be difficult to tell when they are just different shades of the same colour. The seller of the shrimps said his tanks were PH 6.8 so we are at least closely matched. GH should go down slowly with the regular water changes/maintenance etc so hopefully the shrimp can handle it being a little high temporarily, seller had GH 5-6 (I assume 6 drops) and mine is just on 7. I am pleased with the sparser/simpler tank and the fact I can just glance over and see it when I am in my usual seat is great. I have a stick on thermometer so shouldn't have a similar disaster to before and have the heater set cooler at 21 this time, though in summer the tank will go above that most of the time. Hope everything is fine with yours!
    • beanbag
      Good luck.  I hope the Ph / KH issue is under control.  If not... Maybe use peat? Edit:  looking at a previous picture - maybe you should just remove those rocks for now
    • NoGi
      My lil emerald green. It's a lot harder taking macro shots with 15mm glass tanks.
    • sdlTBfanUK
      Here is a photo of the floating plant (Azolla). Looks great! I am probably tempting fate by even mentioning this but the first shrimp arrived yesterday and went into the tank today, fingers crossed.............. Pandas and shadow Pandas, I ordered blue bolts and shadow pandas so I may be getting the blue bolts next week free as it was the sellers (ebay) error, but at this stage it is one day at a time - will these survive even. Keep your fingers crossed for me please! I have to say I am enjoying seeing them in the tank even though black isn't the easiest to see in my tank as the background is black? The parameters are a bit off, GH 7 the main one thats off, but hopefully the 24 hours slow drip will have paid off and the parameters of the sellers tanks were generally close to mine, hence I got them from them for that reason. I guess it will be a 'black and blue' tank as there is no-one selling red ones at the moment, but blue bolts are my favourite and as long as they survive, well thats a bonus on the last attempt anyway so I'll take that as a win! Maybe sometime further down the line I may get back to what I had before??? Not rushing anything this time.
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