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My mixed reef and fishroom :)


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Very nice, its the flash rack you can have inside and not cop it in the ribs from the wife.

Keep up updated as it is inhabited. nice.


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That's an awesome set up. Made my jaw drop and mind go woooooooooow.

The stands and tanks look so sleek, clean and modern. I absolutely love it!

This is by far one of the best setups I've seen, Some of the setups on this site just make me wanna cry.

Thanks heaps for the inspiration, That setup is well.... Just incredible!

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wow just wow.... lucky you both have a love for the hobby! would love that setup at my place for sure, hands down beats any plasma or sound system!

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very nice reef tank and rack setup, what will be in those tanks?

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Agree with all posts above, WOW. wish i could have something like that in my living room :)

so clean and symmetrical. even all the thermometers are in line :)

cant wait to see them all setup and running..

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Nice set up, looks so neat and tidy. Marine is on my to do list, when i get around to it I can only hope it looks as good as yours.

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Great colours in those corals mate. Noticed you have a blue linckia starfish. How long have you had it?

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Thanks guys... Right now those tanks have breeding pairs of Rams and Elliotis and fry from them. I'll take an update shoot over the weekend for ya :). We have had that star for about a year now so I guess she's happy.

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Having seen this room, in person, lets just say it is better than any pic here, emanual you forgot the cool tank in this picture we need the sps man, ps i will be bringing my bone cutters around for a piece of that dallas very soon would be today but i have a 8x2.5x2 to install in renmark :( nothing quite like the joy of lifting 250kg of glass after a 5 hour drive

will bring the cammy around also o give you a few cool close ups.

ps my shrimpys are happy

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Wow pretty set up! Something like that could get me out of the shed and into the house I reckon:) although the exile is peaceful ;)

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nice setup man i love the fact that it looks like part of the household furniture. :) i wonder if my girlfriend will allow me to do this....

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Great to see more fellow Adelaidians getting into shrimping with such an awesome setup! Please keep us posted on future updates and pics!

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I beleive there is a new tank missing from this picture!! i think it is time you showed off the new big gun tank

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  • 5 months later...

Awesome setup dude, I looooove marine, the anthius, mandarin fish & clowns are cool & the purple tang is just stunning, very cool indeed :encouragement:


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wow gorgeous tank!, i have always wanted a marine tank but it all just seems so hard :(

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I know everybody has said it before me.. but wow, wow, WOW!

I'd kill for a marine tank but until I don't work away, it's not going to happen!

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Nice rack... Looks neat as they get!!! Plus, that coral tank is beautiful! No wonder you're allowed tanks inside!

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    • sdlTBfanUK
      I have just done the planned weekly maintenance and 10% water change and everything 'seems' to be going very well, I saw 12 blue and 9 panda shrimps so am very happy about that as there are always some hiding (and they are small) so there must be more than that at this point. Early days yet (especially with the off parameters) with the blues only been in the tank for a week and the pandas for 2 weeks. Not seen any dead ones yet and the shrimp seem happy enough and beautiful colour and pattern, all small so must be young! Parameters were TDS 159, GH 7-8, KH 1-2, PH 7 yesterday so still a bit off the usual ideal! Hopefully these figures come down slowly in time, I used pure RO water for the water change so Tds should drop 10. I will get a different PH test kit with a narrower range/increments as the one I have measures in .5 increments over a wide range which is probably a bit much. I bought these shrimp because the sellers parameters (PH 6.8) were the closest to mine so hopefully it will work out long term. I changed my zerowater filter as well, as the old one was measuring TDS 6 so passed its best. I will definitely overnight drip acclimate shrimp in the future, not that I plan any more in the forseeable future. I will add/edit photo when available, hopefully later today.
    • sdlTBfanUK
      All done now, I drip acclimated 11 blue bolts and 6 blue steel overnight and they are now in the tank so now is just wait and see if this works. 28 shrimps have now been put in and I have yet to SEE a dead one so fingers crossed! A couple of pictures of some below; I don't plan on buying any more shrimp so plan this to be a blue shrimp tank, though if it doesn't work out I have seen some female bettas I would like, but hopefully the shrimps will work out. The water parameters are still the same as before, so a bit off! I need to sort out what foods and shrimp stuff I have in the drawers and cupboard tomorrow as it's been a while, hopefully I find a shrimp lolly so I can give them one/part of those tomorrow, and it may bring as many of the shrimps out as possible.  Fingers crossed everyone...........  
    • NoGi
    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
    • NoGi
      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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