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Snow White?


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I recently emptied my tank and found 2 juvi completely white shrimp, I gather they have come from the CRS I have in there, now should I put these two little white juvis into the new tank or not worry about them?

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If you put a pic up I am pretty sure there would be someone that could Id it for you.

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They aren't CRS . They're throw backs like having a kid with red hair or something ;)


So, what you're saying I need to 'terminate it', haha.


I'll just leave them in the large tank then, won't put them in the new one, haha, cheers mate.

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There is a market for them however could always add them to their own tank :)

I quiet like snow whites

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  • HOF Member

Snow whites were very popular at one time to enhance the White in the CRS . Now it is preferred to not use them and enhance the White by selective breeding, nutrition and good water parameters. We now cull out the snow whites and goldens and keep them seperate. Then you cull any CRS/CBS from your white tank and keep them seperate until they no longer breed whites. I believe we get Snow Whites from CBS and Goldens from CRS - I think I got it the right way round. You should also preferably not keep your CRS and CBS together to get them to breed true. I have some lovely Rili snow whites b that I keep seperate but they are from my Mischlings

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Are we talking about Snow Whites? Or Golden Bees?


Aren't Snow Whites pure CRS and are completely white?

And Golden Bees, have a yellowish tinge to them.


It's very likely that the CRS stock in Oz has Golden Bee genes. And your white shrimp might have that yellow/golden tinge in it. Which isn't as desireable if you are trying to reach a PRL grade shrimp where whites are white.


But if it's really an all white CRS, aka Snow White, aka White Bee, then it's highly sought after. Like as in, they are above an SSS grade crystal.


Pic or it does not exist. :lolu:

Stop teasing us and making us guess!

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Sorry but this is the best I could do, I managed to get a photo of one of them, the other was at the back of the tank, I've had to trim the photo and sharpen it also as the camera on my iPhone 5s is pretty ordinary, I need to pull my Canon 40D out.


Heres the background, I bought a handful of low quality CRS some time last year, not sure from, I was told they were all males, when I was pulling everything out of the tank I found two whites and 2 I think SS juvis, so obviously one of the males was a female.



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Yeah it look more like a golden bee then a snow white.


If you like how they look just keep them if not you could sell it or give it away.

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I have no dramas with it, was just interested to know what it was, poor photo I know, just best I could do at the moment, can't work out why my camera phone is so crap!

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