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Sorry to have just come in on this thread. Sorry you have encountered this Daydream but I do fear we will see more of it in the near future.

The amount of different shrimp and breeders pumping shrimp out on FB is staggering and as Ineke said, I think majority don't have a real idea of the genetic lines of their shrimp.

I only trust the word Pure in TB from a very select few, all of whom are breeders I met on here.

I hope you reconsider your stance on keeping TB as we will need as many reputable and experienced breeders continuing pure lines into the future.

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In some ways I'm glad most our regulars are here for knowledge rather than sales. Managing the sales forum escalations at times can be quite difficult.

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i have to raise my hand - I have to be honest im here for knowledge but I would never consider euthanising a healthy cherry shrimp whatever its colour intensity. Im certainly not dishonest about what I have for sale though and Im just trying to cover costs as I go and keep investing in more and more aquariums etc :-)

actually - I hope to encourage more people to try cherry shrimp by selling them affordably.

aside from the fact that they look so awesome and are fun to watch - shrimps are really really cool because they clearly demonstrate the relationship between plants and animals and not enough people on this planet give a toss imo..

people can keep and breed fish in a "clean" tank. but try doing that in a shrimp tank good luck to you ;-)

love n peace


-edit- if people want fancy shrimp and are prepared to pay large amounts for them they should do their research and ensure the seller has a good reputation -

daydream u say u dont want to name and shame this person but if they made an honest mistake and they ARE an honest person then they wont mind discussing said "incident" on the forum will they?

Edited by revolutionhope
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I agree with newbreed, it will get worse before it gets better and unfortunately doing research doesn't guarantee that you won't be ripped off.

I am aware of what happened to daydream, they were bought from someone who has a good reputation. The problem with reputation in shrimp is that it is easily gained by posting up a couple of good pics,i have noticed especially on facebook that alot of people that give others a good reputation aren't buying shrimp they are only looking at pictures. if you are selling crap it will catch up with you eventually but it takes time.

I don't agree that it could be an honest mistake to bag up culls and sell them as quality, especially the number of culls that were in the bags.

Cheers mick

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This problem is not 1 breeder but a few as I bought from 6 to mix bloodlines at a later time.All shrimp were kept in separate tanks so I could record who supplied what for later reference when wanting more.Juust needed to vent and let others know to be aware of the problems I faced.Hopfully this thread will make breeders think a bit more of what they sell and help bring back the quality to the shrimp on offer to others.

Edited by Daydream
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I have seen some images of 'pure' tb for sale that, from my limited experience, I am certain have pinto genes.

One thing I notice in my tb type offspring from pinto line is they all 99% have the white eyestalks, this is what gives them the 'angel eye' look when young. It was the first thing I noticed and have not seen in my pure tb lines. If others have this in pure TB lines please tell me, I may be on the wrong track.

Unfortunately on the sale page in question you can't post any negative comments, and as I wasn't interested in buying so I haven't questioned the seller. I try not to get involved but don't want anyone getting stung. It's especially painful if you have clear breeding programs in mind, aside from the $$$ involved.

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I noticed recently sellers are requireed to provide wp such as TDS ph gh kh and temp.

Some also provide parent and grand parent history with pictures.

Maybe it would help quality if this was encouraged. Saying this people can still lie so it may not matter.

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I believe the page admins are trying to make it more user friendly for the buyers and to encourage more information being shared prior to purchase. But it comes down to what the seller offers up.

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Yeah it seems to come down to the seller.

Personally i wouldnt really want SKF to enforce a rule that all sellers must post parentage and all water parameter to make a sale post in the marketplace. Mainly cause its already pretty dead lol. I am pretty sure a active market place would help grow membership to the forum (cause it's one of the main reasons I joined).

Anyways off topic it may be a option that we use to help keep standards up atleast within this forum. Another option is for ppl to tweak the breeder awards to something like a seller award. So when you sell for example crs you get a crs seller award. Then the buyer can click a like button if he is happy with what he got, eventually good sellers will have lots of likes.

Dont know if its possible or not but if we can brainstorm together maybe we can come up with a way to get the marketplace active here and safeguard our members?

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Something like that (seller feedback) will probably occur after after the next forum upgrade. After the new stuff is implemented and it is known how everything works alright it will be discussed

Edited by OzShrimp
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Seller feedback could be a double edge sword would need to be real carful with that one.

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I agree Daydream- if someone even accidentally gives negative feed back you can never get it back- and there are people out there unfortunately that will give a person a bad reputation for no apparent reason at all. 

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If we did it here we could have feedback queue moderated. So it doesn't display until verified by a moderator.

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I was thinking something like the "like" button for posts.


I agree giving the option of leaving feedback leaves room for some manipulation of the system. If you keep it to positive reinforcement is probably the way to go.


if you purchase the shrimp and the service was good you press the "like" button but for example in 6 month if you bought high grade CRS shrimp and they breed and you get tibees you can remove the like.


If you had bad service you don't click the like button. or you can call it "Buyer Rep"


So good seller will have a lot of likes.

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Unfortunately you aren't the first and wont be the last. I have been bitten but thats what makes this site so important. The knowledge on this site compared to a lot of others is fantastic and is of benefit to all. I have kept shrimp for a few years now and learnt a lot the hardway as probably a lot of others here have as well. Grading has and I think will continue to always be an issue. I have seen this exact thing going on since I first started keeping shrimp. And again I think that this is the value of this site and the shrimp sale rules that have been put in place.

I like your idea Disciple. I use ebay and believe that the feedback/reputation I have earned as a seller and buyer have benefited me.

Edited by Callan
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  • 1 month later...

Some good news have found someone to buy from who's  quality was so much better than the rest it looks like they will be getting all my further purchases.Dont know if they are on this forum or not.So I wont post their name unless they want me to. 

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