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Not much but they make me happy


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These are my 2 main tanks, trust me there are a few shrimp in there but they decided to hide on me

Will post some decent pics up once I work out how to take them and I get the tanks looking more presentable







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Beautiful setups.

Your plants are so green and lush and glowing, The Anubias leaves are picture perfect (I LOVEEEE Anubias)

Cheers for sharing!

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Thanks everyone

Love Anubias too, the big tank is 6x2x2 and that has about 10 Anubias, and 2 in the 45x45 cm tank

The big tank is suffering from some BBA and clado which I've just started to get under control but I'm happy with the growth for a low tech tank but don't think I can resist not going back to co2 for much longer

Plants that I remember only because I had them written down are

Narrow leaf java fern

Java fern

Anubias nana

Anubias nana Petite

Anubias Afzelii

Anubias Barteri

Anubias coffeefolia (favourite)

Hairgrass (looking sad)

Blyxa japonica

Tonina Belem

Hemianthus micranthemum

Pogostemon Stellata

US Fissidens

Java moss (Over it)

Crypt Balansae

Staurogyne tropica

Rotala Green

Giant Baby tears

and a few others I cant remember the names off. best of all is that all my plants were either given to me, swaps with other forum members, bought off forum sponsors and the occasional one or two of the lfs

Clado ,Duck weed (finaly got rid of it I hope) and snails came for free too, but don't get me started on them :-)

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You know what's fun to do with Snails?

Squish the little %$$%# and watch the Shrimp feed on them. It's my little bit of happy revenge on the bastards! lol

Nice collection of Anubias. I love the nana petite myself, How long you had your 6 footer running for?

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Hard to get to them in the 6ft and I'm not as paranoid about them as I once was :-) Like all the Anubias but the Coffeefolia has more character in the leaves and you actually notice it grow. My Barteri looks like they are about to flower which I'm looking forward to

Its been running for about 2 years in this form but sometimes I get into a destructive phase while pruning and pull to much out or remove plants I didn't want to remove and you would be surprised the damage BN and shrimp will do to plants, mine will eat zucchini skin and all in no time flat,

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Nice collection of anubias mate. Are they flowering underwater or do you remove them occasionally and grow them emerse?

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If you look in the centre of the 6ft pic you can just make out the stalks on either side of the drift wood, will post a pic when the flower opens

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very cool tank spizz, love the growth... i'm always torn with clean easy to see the shrimp tanks and planted ones with plenty of habitat for the shrimp to enjoy.

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Thanks Foxpuppet

I still have issues trying to get the fert balance right, what works well for the plants doesn't for the shrimp, well at least for me! and the BN's like munching on the Anubias flowers, which p!$ed me off.

The smaller tank is in my study and its nice and relaxing to look at it while I'm on the PC but as you say, its hard to see the shrimp amongst the plants.


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