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Miss 4 & I will be happy dancing tomorrow


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Yippee!!! Just spotted our first CRS shrimplet!!

Can't wait to tell Miss 4 in the morning and show her the photo. She's going to be so excited and will probably spend most of the day looking for it and anymore that may be hiding in there. She still gives their tank kisses and cuddles, and proudly shows them off to everyone.

Not sure if it's from one of my CRS or one of hers, but I'll let her think it's her first she shrimplet. She's going to be so proud and will probably be all she talks about at kinder tomorrow.

Here's a pic of our first bubba!


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It's all happening at your place!!! Congrats Jen!!

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Great news !!


Nothing better than seeing children happy.

Hopefully it give little miss 4 a confidence boost.

Edited by jayc
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  • HOF Member

woohoo congratulations to Miss 4 : LOVE : . It's great when children can join in a hobby with their parents.

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Congrats Guys, just love them bubs, still waiting at this end but it will happen.

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Thanks everyone! Miss 4 is very happy and showering her shrimp with lots of extra kisses (when she sees a shrimp next to the glass she kisses the glass lol).

Hopefully it'll happen soon for you Shrimp Aqua.

So far we are only spotting 1-2 bubs a couple of times a day. But with the Peacock Moss around 5cm thick on about 70-80cm of the tank bottom, a cave and some rocks to hide in I'm not surprised.

What sort of powdered food should I be feeding? I have Fluval Shrimp Granual, Hikari Shrimp Cuisine, Spirilina Wafers, Barley Straw Pellets, some wafers I brought off eBay that the shrimp love, cheap Algae wafers and Benibachi Super bacteria bee max. I add Benibachi Super bacteria bee max at least once a week and only recently started crushing up a different food each night and stringing it into where I think the shrimplets may be. Most of the time I see lots of little shrimplets on the back of the tank where I let the algae grow untouched and at feeding time, they join the others for a feed.

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2 of her shrimplets ventured out of the moss tonight. Sorry about the crappy iPhone pic, hopefully I can get some better shots when the macro lens arrives later this week.


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Jen get something like Genchem biozyme, it will be very beneficial for your shrimplets. I know the tech den sell it as i just ordered some pre empting 5 of my females droping a tank full of shrimplets :D 


  • Micro organism for Crystal Red Shrimp
  • Decrease nitrite and ammonia
  • Improve and aid the metabolism of the digestive system
  • Replacement feed for baby shrimp

Ingredients: Protease, a-Amulase, Cellulose

Decrease NO2 and NH4
Improve the metabolism of the digestive system.
Replacement feed for the baby shrimp.

Usage per 100 liters:
For Adult - Third Teaspoon daily at night
For baby - Half Teaspoon twice a day




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  • 3 months later...

It's been a while since I updated this post. We lost all of those shrimplets. We've had a few more batches since then, but out of 1 batch of 27 only 5 have survived so far. 2 more females have dropped shrimplets in the last 2 weeks as well. I've been feeding Baby Powder &/or Benibachi baby food which I mix in a shot glass with tank water and then syringe into the tank. For the adults their food varies between Fluval shrimp food, shrimp cuisine, Benibaci Pellets, various algae wafers & pellets, as well as having some IAL & Dried Mulberry leaf in their tank. I also add mireal powder 1-2 a week, shrimp booster 1-2 a week and Super Bacteria Bee Max ebery week after I top up the tank or after the occasional small water change.

I have noticed 1 of the CRS males attacks any shrimp that comes near him and as a juvie would attack and start eating moulting shrimp while they are still alive. So theirs a good chance he might be causing the loses.

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thats unfortunate that you lost all your shrimplets :( i used to have that problem before i swapped to ro water

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Thanks Ozshrimp. I'm using RO water and Salty Shrimp minerals now, but our shrimplet survival rate has stayed very low. Hopefully the last 2 lots of shrimplets do better. The females are becoming berried more often now, which is a positive sign. Instead of waiting weeks for them to develop a saddle, they are now saddled and berried again 2-5 days after they have their previous batch of shrimplets.

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Did you buy all your shrimp from the same person ? If so have you considered that their genetics could be weak due to inbreeding?

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No most of them have come from 2 different breeders/sellers and in the last 6 weeks I've brought 2 more CRS from 2 different stores. 1 beautiful candy cane type that I thought was male but luckily I was wrong and a young female from another store as we are low on females. One of our CRS boys, that only reached sexual maturity in the last month, is pretty aggressive and when he was a juvie he'd attack the females after they molted and start eating them while they were still alive. I thought I must've been doing something really wrong to keep losing the females, until I caught him in the act the last 2 times he did it. I tried to save the females, but he'd taken to many bites out of them and they didn't last long

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  • 2 weeks later...

Warning, pic and ramble overload lol.

Just thought I'd share an update & some pics of Miss 4 & my little 45cm CRS tank & dare I say it, developing little 'colony'.

We've had our ups & downs with these guys, mostly downs, but at the moment we are a little chuffed with how they are going. Shrimplet survival is still pretty low but improving, and we haven't lost a juvie or adult for a little while now, (touchwood). Unfortunately we still can't afford to buy the products that have been recommended to help boost the survival rate, but I was lucky enough to win the Benibachi baby food and when I sold a few RCS & saw the new Boss Shrimp products, I brought some of their Baby Powder, Shrimp Booster & Mineral powder (I was nearly out of Mironecton powder) to try and it looks like they may be helping.

Our 4 females, (to around 10 or males), are carrying berrys more often than not now. It used to 4-6 weeks before they'd saddle up and ready for berries again, but now they have berrys within a few days of dropping their shrimplets. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with me adjusting their light closer to the surface of their tank? It seems to have started happening around the same time. Plus I've also noticed their white coloration is improving, their white is no longer transparent and very washed out, and the plant is growing for the first time since I adjusted the light as well.

I went to syphon out some of their substrate Friday night and got a lovely surprise. There were lots of the tiniest little CRS shrimplets I've ever seen out foraging amongst the substrate for nomnoms. So I quickly canned that idea and moved on to taking out a lot of the Peacock Moss that grows like crazy. But there were new shrimplets amongst it too! So I quickly set up and finished off their water change, cleaned the nearly clogged sponge in their canister filter and then sat back and spent the rest of the night happily playing spot the shrimplet.

Anyway, enough of my rambling and time for the pics :-)







More berrys!





Higher grade possibly no entry juvie? & shrimplet


Candy cane juvies & shrimplets


More juvies & shrimplet


Male, juvie & shrimplets




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Good stuff.


I hope to turn the corner so to speak and follow in your foot steps and start building up my colony instead of just keeping it alive.

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