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orange bee shrimp or other?

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Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has bred any orange bee's?

I would love to see pics if anyone has.

The reason I ask is i have a couple of shrimplets just over 1cm that seem to be a these.

I will get some pics of mine tomorrow when I'm sorting the tanks, or is their another type of bee shrimp that looks similar.

Cheers mick

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Hi gabe, i don't have golden bees.

The orange bee I'm referring to is a see through orange with stripes on its back.

This is a pic of one of them, i have a few.

The parents are f7 mishlings.

Any input appreciated.

Cheers mick


Edited by smicko
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Im thinking your mischlings have some tiger blood in them or it crossed with a tiger/tibee, making that what looks like a lil TiBee

Edited by CNgo2006
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That's what I thought when i first seen them but it's not a possibility as i got them from here.

The father Was F7 cbs/panda.

The mother was F3 bluebolt/snow white.

I seen on planet inverts an early creation of the orange bee that gave me this idea apparently they came from the original crs when they were virtually still wild looking.

I know that if they had tiger blood I would have been told by the sellers.

I'm hoping to find the others tomorrow and try to get a better pic as they look translucent orange to the eye.

Thanks for the input, keep it coming and between all of us we will solve it.

Cheers mick

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That is a very tiger looking bee shrimp! I am not sure what is going on, but the description you gave does not support the black stripes on the shrimp! Might be that it is just throwing back a lot generations!

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but the description you gave does not support the black stripes on the shrimp!

I can't link to the planet inverts article as it has copyright but the description and picture of the orange bee on there has the black stripes.

I might be clutching at straws but it's the closest bee shrimp i can find that matches the ones I have.

How far can shrimp throw back?

I can't believe that their is tiger blood in them as they come from two of the most respected and knowledgeable breeders in Australia.

But I am confused as it does look close to tibee.

The tibees I have have never been in the same tank as they came from alot harder water than the mishlings came from.

Please don't think I'm trying to start an argument, i appreciate everyone's input, I've only bred mishlings a few times so I'm still learning as i go.

Cheers mick

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Looks like you have tiger blood in therr somewere down the line would keep themseperated if it wrre me

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I can't link to the planet inverts article as it has copyright but the description and picture of the orange bee on there has the black stripes.

I might be clutching at straws but it's the closest bee shrimp i can find that matches the ones I have.

How far can shrimp throw back?

I can't believe that their is tiger blood in them as they come from two of the most respected and knowledgeable breeders in Australia.

But I am confused as it does look close to tibee.

The tibees I have have never been in the same tank as they came from alot harder water than the mishlings came from.

Please don't think I'm trying to start an argument, i appreciate everyone's input, I've only bred mishlings a few times so I'm still learning as i go.

Cheers mick


No one thinks that you are starting an argument Mick we are just voicing our opinions based on our experiences. Hope you do have what you say though that would be cool. I am sure even the most experienced breeders can make mistakes like shrimp climbing over dividers and breeding without them knowing? Remember it only takes them a few secs to do the deed, the breeder not knowing that noticed they climbed into next division just catches them back into their original division not thinking anything of it.

Edited by CNgo2006
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The origins of Taiwan bees are questionable...

I believe that there was tiger blood used to create Taiwan bees.

Some say it was a spontaneous mutation.....

It is very likely that wild type patterns can appear after dozens of generations.

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Thanks for the replies and insightsim fairly new to the Tb and tiger part of the hobby.

I am separating them as i find them because whatever they are i would like to breed them together.

I can't find the others as yet,i don't want to pull the tank apart and they are really hard to see on benbachi substrate lol.

I will keep updating pics as they grow.

Cheers mick

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I would like to start this post with a great big apology to those who i questioned, sorry I just didn't think it was a possibility.

Live and learn.

I changed the light from a 6500 t8 to 10 000k t5 and it appears to look like a blue tiger, again apologies.

I will move this thread to the correct section.

Cheers mick


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It is a surprise, not sure on the awesome part.

I was hoping to get a taiwan bee from the mishlings to start down that path.

Instead I have 3 tanks of tigers and tibees.

I know it's a great shrimp, just a little disappointed.

Cheers mick

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  • 5 months later...

Update time, this shrimp is currently berried to either a tibee or orange eye blonde tiger.

Now to see what comes out.

Cheers mick


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My mish have only ever dropped TB or mish. I would say yours have had tiger or Tibee crossed over them recently. Very strange looking shrimp in the pic, lol.

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