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HELP! worst day winter ever getting mold!


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anyone have experience with this problem before or right now? i live in small renting flat and i have 10 fish tank at a rack. At the moment i already cleaning the mold with high consentration bleach and also keep open door and window to reduced humidity. and think to get dehumidifier. anyone suggestion what brand or minimum size?

this mold start growing every where and the last thing can be done reduced ammount of tank :(




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Hey Man.... That's not caused by your tank you must have rising damp as your dry course is not working as it should....is it an old house?

Before I owned I rented in a unit that had a systematic Mould problem caused by the outside brick wall and the inside brick wall being joined from the brickys dropped mortar between the 2 walls ....ruined all our furniture and clothes. Unless your spilling water ever day onto the floor or you tanks leaking look for issues with the building itself

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I think this apartment complex was built in the 1960s and our flat is on the outer edges.

The mould appears on the outer walls (the ones seperating indoors from outdoors).

There is a large sliding door to a balcony that always has large amounts of condensation on the glass and it does not seal properly when closed.

nevertheless im worried the real estate agent might ask why theres no mold before i got my fish tank. they might identify that as the cause.

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Agreed. The other thing to check is if the other side of the wall is a bathroom or wet area. Looks like moisture coming in through the wall to me.

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the bathroom is away from the wall and closed of with the door most of the time. although sometimes the door is abit stiff and hard to close.

Oddly enough the bathroom has no mold even though doesnt have an extraction fan (just a vent in the window an a couple of vents in the wall just above the floor)

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That's interesting ..... Looks kinda wet outside. You should start by removing all the pot plants etc..... Does water settle near the door?

My guess is that moisture is making its way from the outside in as there is no damp proof course on the first floor....very common wit holder structures

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yes it does on the glass get condensation. and we doesnt have pots or plants outside just 1 empty styrofoam thats all.

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Mould like that is almost always cause by building faults. You might need to get some vents installed.

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The new tanks are just a coincidence to the mould issue. With the winter/wet season, it does look like a building issue.... I would perhaps inform your agent, and get it inspected ASAP. If you know your neighbours, ask them whether they're having the same issue

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The new tanks are just a coincidence to the mould issue. With the winter/wet season, it does look like a building issue.... I would perhaps inform your agent, and get it inspected ASAP. If you know your neighbours, ask them whether they're having the same issue

I agree definitely notify the landlord ASAP and be really careful as you can get really really sick from mould and in most extreme cases die. so please be careful!

Mould away is good stuff but as others have said if its behind the wall it will keep coming back plus you gotta remember there may be spores you cant see

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I agree definitely notify the landlord ASAP and be really careful as you can get really really sick from mould and in most extreme cases die. so please be careful!

Mould away is good stuff but as others have said if its behind the wall it will keep coming back plus you gotta remember there may be spores you cant see

thats true... ive been a while getting headace most of the time before keep getting sick to often. i think that what caused it. we do our best cleaned the mold and isolate the area and keep away furniture from there to let the air go through to prevent the fungus grow back again. and also throw some stuff grow fungus on it. hope that can help. probably dehumidifier will help much in this case. just worrying landlord and agent will blame on the fish tank and send the bill $$$$$ thats all hehe...

thanks everyone for the help <3

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If you speak to your neighbours and they have the same problem then they cant really blame your tank. 

Tenancy tribunal will be an option if not happy with the response. Ultimately put your health first

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thats true but here at wa theres no tenancy tribunal haha... this what im sayin the big sliding door keep condensation... even the floor (wood) underneath vinyl was popping out (this already report to agent)


Edited by poeticwinter
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Dehumidifier might reduce the issue somewhat! Hopefully!

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      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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