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I think this is the correct section.


My question is; What exactly are PRL?


Are they just excellent quality Crystal Reds?


I have looked online but there are a few conflicting statements.


Trying to get my head around all the different shrimp types and further my shrimp knowledge. :geek:


Cheers in advance.



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PRL is Pure Red Line. Unsure how many generations it relates to but others with more knowledge will elaborate.

They are stunning as they are line bred for stronger colours and select patterns.

Most are the result of years of intensive culling and selective breeding.

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I was thinking something like that Newbreed.


The ones you see pics of look amazing compared to the standard CRS.


With some of the prices you see around I figured must justify something pretty special.

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Besides selective breeding CRS/CBS, I personally believe they posses some TB/Mishling genetics, but crossed back to CRS/CBS, and in many generations of back crossing, PRL's are created......IMO of course..

I occasionally get a absolute black/white insane Mishling that has so much potential, and appear to have the depth of colour and intensity of a PRL.... on other occasions, some mishlings have colours legs etc....


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BB I was thinking they may have had something else mixed in with them as their colour is so intense.

That is one sweet mishling too mate,

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  • 3 weeks later...

there's also the discussion of prl not being neccessarily without the golden gene. it's just that the golden gene washes away good red/black legs. but people overseas have used the golden/snowwhite gene to create white legged pure lines?

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BTE blue bolts, i do believe your opinions.....this came out in my minchling programme...





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Sweet Mischling/Minchling G! I have mischlings which I am going to attempt to line breed, their markings are too good to ignore! Its too hard to ignore the potential, but will just have to be clear with their histories if selling them later on!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Ben,


here in europe we have several lines of PRL and PBL. But originally they all come from Asia.

In these lines (Benibachi, Ueno, Akaebinosato, etc) will not be selected according to degrees but primarily by color cover.

For one shrimp with good color coverage, even in the legs, is often called here sometimes about €700 (about $1000).

I have some PRL from the Akaebinosato line, but no highgrades. I hope the higher  grades in colour coverage come through selection.


One example out of my tank:





Greeting from Germany


Edited by LarsP
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Simply stunning!

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As I saw them first by a german breeder I was totally surprised. Never seen somthing like this before. He has one of the best breedinglines in Germany.

Now I am lucky that 12 of these shrimp are moved about two months ago in my tank. I'm waiting for offspring. But this will take time. They are still too young.





Finally, a few impressions:









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You have some stunning shrimp and fantastic photos.


I particularly like the third photo above. Beautiful shrimp and great contrast against the green.

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WOW!!!!! mindblowingly beautiful.

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Beautiful shrimp. Love all the pearling in one of the photos.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

It's been long time ago that I showed you my first PRL.

Meanwhile, they are divided into four Tanks.

The offspring grows .










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Hello Ben,


here in europe we have several lines of PRL and PBL. But originally they all come from Asia.

In these lines (Benibachi, Ueno, Akaebinosato, etc) will not be selected according to degrees but primarily by color cover.

For one shrimp with good color coverage, even in the legs, is often called here sometimes about €700 (about $1000).

I have some PRL from the Akaebinosato line, but no highgrades. I hope the higher  grades in colour coverage come through selection.


One example out of my tank:





Greeting from Germany



Good day.


Your shrimps are breed from Mario's shrimp line?

Edited by Shrimpy Daddy
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yes, i got some shrimps from Mario.

I started with Lowgrade JustBees.

Mario's High Grades are awsome.

At the moment I look for good PBL / JBB, but they are hardly to get here.




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