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Old Age Question


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I lost my last CRS today found her laying on her side getting eaten by 1 of 2 snow whites i got. I havent had a chance to check my water yet and wont be able to do so until Friday night but i was wondering other then size what else can you look for to distinguish old age?


Just trying to work out if this was the cause of the death. I had noticed a fresh moult yesterday so quiet possibly could of been from this shrimp aswell but cant check my calcium cause test kit held up.



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Sorry to hear this mate!

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I thought a lot of my problems were over going with RO water but obviously not.

Is why i am investing in all these products to help keep them healthy, come Friday night or saturday morning depending how buggered i am after work i will hopefully know why it died. 


When i swapped over to r.o water my shrimps colour improved it was active and everything so i am kinda stumped for the mean time :(

Hopes pinned on age but i know deep down he wasnt that old. 


It was old mate i submitted in the comp


Edited by OzShrimp
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Bummer dude, make sure you post up your WP when you get the chance to test it.

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sorry to hear your lost... i have this problem on the other day, shrimp was suffer when due molting and others shrimp try to eat. funny enough my cherry tank not as crowded so i move the crs to cherry tank. and it was back to live and normal. i do this 3 times already :D

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If your tanks been on RO Water, then you've eliminated so many possible issues. Do post your WP, and the maintenance routine, and any additives you may use. Sorry to hear of the lost too

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If your tanks been on RO Water, then you've eliminated so many possible issues. Do post your WP, and the maintenance routine, and any additives you may use. Sorry to hear of the lost too

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Tomorrow night will get wp's at work today and tomorrow and too tired after 12 1/2 hr shifts lol. What makes it worst I think my 2 remaining sw are male lol.

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Will be posting all WP in morning sometime :) Got my other test kits in the mail today so can do calcium and gh kh aswell :)

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Aright heres my tank results -

ph 7.4 

Ammoia - 0

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 5

GH 6

KH 3

Calcium 50ppm



I am no too good with gh,kh and calcium ranges but i know my ph is high would be due to my up aqua shrimp sand being old. What would be the best and safest way to lower this for shrimp  ?

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To lower ph, I would either reset the soil or use Fulvic grain maybe, that way you can decrease it gradually and not shock your current inhabitants.

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  • HOF Member

I agree with Jamie -new soil is best but fulvic grains would work.

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Forgot to add my tds is 182, hmmmm something else to save for now lol.

I have one bag of Up Aqua it will be no where near enough lmao. 

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Any feedback on why i might have had the death would be greatly appreciated :)

Newbreed has kindly offered me some juveniles but dont want them to die.

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  • HOF Member

I think you have to accept that our shrimp don't live very long and you are going to have some deaths. I am slowly losing some of my old shrimp but I have had them about 14 months and they weren't juvies when I got them. I believe 18-24 months was mentioned as a life span - can anyone tell us if that is right?

Are you losing young stock as well?

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I understand ours dont live long, i have lost practically everything with the except of 2 snow whites and about 5 rilis and got about 10 rili culls so was hoping this last one was age and not tank issue. both youngens and adults have died, my Rili's are always berried and i never see the shrimplets grow up pretty much (before R/O) havent had a drop since so yeah lost both.


 It was the close extinction which forced my hand into R/O when it wasnt that financially viable. 

I was hoping that last death was age but given i had see signs of a moult wasnt sure if it was a possible other issue. Hence why i am wanting to know if anything stands out to people more experience in me by looking at my tank results because i cant confirm it was him that was the moulter.


My male snow whites are active and eating along with my 5 rilis.

Edited by OzShrimp
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Bummer Oz. it can take a little while for the shrimp to adjust to their changed water conditions. When I changed to RO mine didn't breed for a while- even the ones that were really prolific before- in fact it took a while for it all to settle down again . Then I put them all into new tanks with new substrate and they stopped breeding again but happily all going well now.

Once you are happy with your lot let me know and if I have any that you might want I will send you some to get back into it. I think you know what I have and I'm happy to let you have some. I've been helped so much I'm happy to share.

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No worries i am considering getting rid of my remaining rilis just to focus on crs in the long run. Pretty much just need a female to go with my two fellas lol.


Anyway is there anything i am missing from my readings which could be wrong?

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Further thoughts, and I'm going to start sounding like a broken record, is adding mineral powder and ensuring good bacteria levels. Will send some powder and bee max with the juvies. Will also chuck in a few IAL as these are great for bacteria growth too I believe.

If your substrate is old the mineral content will be negligible.

Kh may be on the high side. Tds can be dropped gradually through your water changes if you just add pure ro without any salty shrimp.

Calcium looks high but this is tied to your gh reading of 6, that will drop with above wc.

It will settle and some shrimp are just more sensitive than others. Don't give up yet, you're just learning it the hard way for now.

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I am all good for IAL thank you :) I got some from the tech den the other day :) 

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      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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