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Carbon -or not?


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  • HOF Member

I am going to clean out my new canister for the first time and originally set it up with carbon as provided ( I know I have to use the tank water to clean it). I have replacement carbon but wonder if I should actually be using it? I have never really been a user of carbon, I know it needs replacing regularly but not sure if it is needed in the shrimp tank? any thoughts- I'm just about to clean it out now. Also can you recharge cabon once it has been used- I thought I read somewhere that you can but again never given it a thought.

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I would use Purigen instead of carbon, much better & doesn't let out the chemicals it has absorbed when it is exhausted! :thumbsu:

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Also can you recharge cabon once it has been used- I thought I read somewhere that you can but again never given it a thought.


Carbon cannot be recharged, unlike Purigen, or Macropore.

Now that Tech Den is a sponsor I can refer people to them for Macropore. It's as good as Purigen, but cheaper.


Carbon is also indiscriminate with what it absorbs (until it's expired it's absorption capabilities).

It'll absorb the nasties, as well as desirables like fertiliser, calcium, magnesium.

So if you dose ferts, calcium & magnesium, you'll need to dose more. But then the carbon just absorbs it, exhausting itself faster.

Carbon is great if you need to get chemicals out of the water, like post medication treatments. Otherwise it shouldn't be used regularly in the filter. 

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  • HOF Member

Thanks guys. I use purigen but might order some more - or macropore - ready for next clean out. I use the purigen as a standby in an internal  power filter if I have any issues.

I discarded the carbon and have left the new pack for emergancy use.

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those products should be used only if having issues, otherwise not required.

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I've converted from purigen to macropore, and have em in my cannister as a insurance policy....

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  • HOF Member

I'm thinking I should put some macro pore in while I'm away. It will be about 8 weeks of water top ups only - I'm getting worried now leaving them so long especially with so many babies coming along..

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I have some experience with Purigent before, they increase my gh and ec/tds as well. I used 500ml for 3ft tank, were that too much?

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AOA also has Macropore, both are a good insurance policy but I'm a Seachem snob, lol. :lol:

@hoang1912 the 100g bag is enough to do about 400L, so 500ml would do about 2000L, bit of overkill. I use one 100g for 1200L & have had good success. :thumbsu:

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    • NoGi
    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
    • NoGi
      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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