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Mini Pellia


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Just a pic of my mini pellia, posting for Jane.


Jane, your rock should look like this in a few months.

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Just dont do what I did any nuke it with Excel and peroxide lol

Jeez, what were you trying to kill? Did you think it was a funny looking algae?

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Mini pellia rocks. Its gota be one of my favorates.

Heres my best one. I dry started it on a lava rock about 4 months ago:


Edited by Aquathumb
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What a great lookig plant Aaron, spectacular!!

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Impressive. Whats the process for dry starting peliia? Is it youghurt, like fissidens?

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Jeez, what were you trying to kill? Did you think it was a funny looking algae?


Lol, I bought mine at an auction so I knew what I was getting :D I just wasnt aware it was carrying BBA which exploded with growth as soon as it got into my new tank :/

It is starting to bounce back though...





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Lol, I bought mine at an auction so I knew what I was getting :D I just wasnt aware it was carrying BBA which exploded with growth as soon as it got into my new tank :/

It is starting to bounce back though...





Damn BBA, kinda surprising that it showed up amongst pellia. Still plenty of green so it will bounce back soon enough.

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Impressive. Whats the process for dry starting peliia? Is it youghurt, like fissidens?


I have tried yoghurt a few times and had the same success without it so I save myself the stink. I just chop up the Mini Pellia. Fissiden or other aquatic moss into 4-5mm pieces with scissors and place it on the rock with a pair of tweezers. Its a bit time consuming as I'm a bit(lot) obsessive compulsive when it comes to my moss rock/wood/wall making (must cover it all. perfectly). After its fully covered I make sure most of it is pushed down and in full contact with the rock so it can attach, then I place it in a clear plastic container with 10mm or so of tank water in the bottom, put the lid on and place it outside in a shady spot for about a month, I mist it daily with tank water that I add a few drops of fertilizer to (Dino Pee or Flourish) after the month its attached its self to the rock and ready to go in the tank. You can skip the dry start by wrapping the mossed rock with netting but the end result isn't as good, especially if you have a cave or hollow in the rock as the netting will be visible even when the moss is grown in.

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Awesome stuff dude, Pellia, Fissidens & Pearl moss are my favs, nice & slow growing! :thumbsu:

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If you have any offcuts you can spare fishmosy, please let me know.

I need some for my new 3 footer.

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  • 1 month later...

I have stupidly been trying to get riccia which i mistook for mini pelia lol, hence why a couple of people probably thoguht i was a bit weird when i aid i wanted the coral looking riccia.



Is Riccia low light and able to grow with no ferts and low light as i am going to try and get the right stuff now ?

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I think riccia needs higher lighting! If using LEDs you can have it floating on top. What depth tank is it going in?

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My tank is standard 4ftr but i planned to buy some steel mesh and alter it to attach it to the side of my tank if it needed high light.

But i am buying another led light when i am back in sydney

Edited by OzShrimp
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    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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