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rate my reds


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Hi all, wondering what grade people would give these redsDSC_0075_zpsjvga2tyw.jpgDSC_0076_zpstljbvzcw.jpgDSC_0073_zpskuibfecn.jpg

Edited by smicko
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This is the chart I tend to follow when trying to figure out grades on RCS. I cant really see the legs of your female too well but I'd probably say it would fit in around the "Fire red low grade" kinda range
She has a nice deep red to her shell though and that male is pretty awesome! Are they the start of a line breeding project? Or are they part of a larger colony? :)

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Thanks for the picture reference.

Yeah not alot of colour in the legs.

They are part of a line breeding colony, that male is a cull.

Cheers mick

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Ive got a ''red'' cherry tank too. Being culling hard but still getting clears and low grade reds, however after seeing the high quality reds it keeps me going. Good luck with the project.

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To each their own. I actually like the look of the "lowest grade cherry" in the picture above.

It looks so much like a Sulawesi.  :hocky:  ok beat me up now.

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To each their own. I actually like the look of the "lowest grade cherry" in the picture above.

It looks so much like a Sulawesi.  :hocky:  ok beat me up now.

yeah, so do i.

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Note to self, line breed low grades for the crazy people lol.

I love how everyone has their own ideas as to what makes a good looking shrimp

At least we will have alot of variations in patterns and colours as everyone breeds what they consider a nice shrimp, gotta be good for the hobby.

Cheers mick

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Painted fire red all the way for me. I must me a shrimp snob *shrugs*

Some nice reds you have there!

Id say they are low grade fire reds.

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I'v been working on reds for about 2 years, a year ago I started adding reds from chocs and recently added some of bluebolts work into my colony.

Here are some of what I have come up with:




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How about these ones, I'm thinking fire red. Good to see pics of your project aquathumb, would love to see more people's project pics





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Here's some pics of my better quality reds. Definitely a long work in progress to constantly keep producing quality shrimp. Unfortunately I started with some average reds and didnt cull hard enough so big job ahead to get it back on line. Damn culls always know you want to net them and dive into the plants as soon as you remove the tank lid.






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Nice work everybody, definitely have a soft spot for reds! :thumbsu:

Here's a couple of pics of mine(female & male) :D



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I just got these pics sent to me by daydream 2014-06-02_17.37.00_zpsgnwzlzw8.jpg2014-05-31_12.44.13_2_zpse2oktsoa.jpg

Edited by smicko
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  • 4 weeks later...

At least your doing a great Job increasing the quality of the humble red cherry. My first shrimp were red cherry but all low grade and over priced. I see rcs as the basic entry shrimp for most so by having a high quality will only increase the interest in shrimp keeping so great job!!

Edited by OzShrimp
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Hoping someone might put some high quality RCS for sale so I can improve my stock :anyone:

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Glad to be part of the red followers, I remember the quality from a couple of years ago.

I have some great red ones that have come from brown ones, my browns have thrown royal blue too. Now time to play the selection game and breed my beauties, breed!

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Yeah & in Europe they have perfected a painted fire version they call Bloody Mary's, they are a bit different to normal red cherries as they have a shorter rostrum. :thumbsu:



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Yeah & in Europe they have perfected a painted fire version they call Bloody Mary's, they are a bit different to normal red cherries as they have a shorter rostrum. :thumbsu:

very nice,  
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Yeah & in Europe they have perfected a painted fire version they call Bloody Mary's, they are a bit different to normal red cherries as they have a shorter rostrum. :thumbsu:

Those are the nicest I've seen.

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Oh really? So browns can throw good reds ?

I am using blacks and chocolate to improve my reds. If you throw a bit of blue rilli gene in there I don't think it would be too long until you get a painted fire grade ;-)

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Yeah they blew me away, best I've ever seen, gives you guys something to aim for! :jig:

Edited by Squiggle
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    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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