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DIY Sump filtration media


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I was having a great day at the beach last weekend with the family when I noticed something on the sand. Pumice stone, everywhere. I thought to myself WTF? thats seachem matrix. I collected a bunch and boiled it up for 30 mins and have been letting it sit in RO water since, planning on measuring the TDS to see what happens. I am hoping that I can get it to not change.


Have any of you considered using pumice stone from the beach as filtration media in your sumps?


Also it got me thinking about perlite. That stuff would have a great surface area to it as well and it is cheaper than chips. Just throw it into the garden when it comes time to get rid of it.


What else can be used as DIY filtration media?





Edited by FishBeast
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Rolled up coils of gutter guard have been mentioned as an option, good surface area!

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Only read about this the other day, volcanic rock and scoria but i think both of these clog up fairly quickly and do not last long.

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My first DIY filter was made out of a bucket and a combination of perlite and expanded clay, worked great and was overkill for the 2ft tank I had it on. I even went as far as planting a chilli plant in it because the tank in a corner next to two windows, actually kept the nitrates constantly low and the plant had some really fast growth. Just be aware the dust from perlite can be hazardous if inhaled.


Out the back I expanded on the idea and have a 50L tub of expanded clay acting as a filter medium and grow bed, good ol' Aquaponics :D

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I have used scoria in a few sumps, works great.

The biggest system was 16 4ft tanks full of breeding Africans and americans with over 1000 fry.

I had a 4x2x2 sump with Dacron jap mat and 60kg of scoria.

I Have seen gutter guard, scourers and pillows in really large sumps.

Cheers mick

Edited by smicko
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Update. I have changed out the water I am storing the pumice in twice. It has raised from 60 TDS to 600 TDS both times and I will keep you posted on how long it takes for the salts to come down to safe levels.


My intention is to test it out on some caridina sp. 4's before making way for some cherrie's after I deem it safe.

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  • 9 months later...

How did you go with that pumice Fishbeast? You're lucky to find it, I've never seen it lying around on a beach or anywhere else. 


Fine sand is an excellent bio filter media in a fluidised bed. Great to hear of perlite being used successfully. Lots of hydroponic media will work, inert and cheap. Recently a mate found sintered glass chunks as a hydro media. 

The green scouring pads work as a fine mechanical as Mick mentioned. 

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      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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