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wahoooo today my angelfish spawn!


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This first time they are spawn. hope they are good parents not eaten their eggs and raise their babies


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Must be something in the water! Congratulations on more eggs! :)

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hahaha eggs collector. love something new to the hobby make me so exciting. im afraid this 1 bedroom flat gonna be aquatic jungle haha. 8 tank already still not enough!

Must be something in the water! Congratulations on more eggs! :)
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Very nice. Congrats :) Love angels. Always wanted a large tank full of angelfish, large pieces of driftwood with ferns attach to them. Only thing that is stoping me are my shrimps lol.

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That's fantastic news dude! I hope you have great success with these ones, well done! :victorious:

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its amazing?! or just me with my imagination? the eggs shaped like guardian angel


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The egg pattern does look very guardian angelish. Congrats on the spawning, and I hope they are good parents. I think angels are usually fine with their eggs and fry provided other fish don't harass them around the "nesting"(?) site.

The angels you have are they a pure strain or is it recessive genes? Just wondering if all the fry are likely to be like their parents or if you will get other colours/ markings or scale pattern.

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so far they are good parents keep fanning the eggs in about 3 days. I separate them from other fish using divider. they still can look others fish sometimes but not much just from the divider gap and aeration nets.not sure if pure strain or not bought from lfs since little. but both parents are koi angels. time will tell :)

The egg pattern does look very guardian angelish. Congrats on the spawning, and I hope they are good parents. I think angels are usually fine with their eggs and fry provided other fish don't harass them around the "nesting"(?) site.The angels you have are they a pure strain or is it recessive genes? Just wondering if all the fry are likely to be like their parents or if you will get other colours/ markings or scale pattern.
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update eggs start wigglers about 98% of the eggs are fertile. 3% get fungus. move out the parents already and move the eggs to breeding box


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Congrats Elaine!! Great photos and awesome news!

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update all fry free swim now and start feeding :) funny day 6 they crawling together on the glass like a swing image.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

updated the baby angel just over 1 month's. Looking cute start showing fin :)



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Nice job raising the fry mate, koi angels are nice and fairly easy to sell so more money for shrimp lol.

It will be good to see the colours when they start showing.

Cheers mick

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Unfortunetally i dont have much enough to make funds for shrimp hahaha. Not really easy keeping all the angelfish baby alive, but its quiet challenging :)

Nice job raising the fry mate, koi angels are nice and fairly easy to sell so more money for shrimp lol.
It will be good to see the colours when they start showing.
Cheers mick

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That little fry is cute, its amazing how something that you cant actually cuddle and snuggle like say a kitten or puppy can still be so damn cute.

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  • 6 months later...

Wow only 6 survived ? is that normal ? Looks cool, i have only ever bred albino bristlenose & peppermints and guppies and endlers

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I had angel fish a long time ago and found it really hard to keep them. But I guess back then as well I didnt know a lot about fish in general.

But well done :)

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    • jayc
      LoL. Just look back at old posts on the forum.  
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      New, when i left i shut down everything. This is my first tank back. I've forgotten so much lol
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